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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							3-20 Page  B I ntro ductio n
    Des crip ti on
    Up to ten volume levels are  available  for each CO Line in the  system. By 
    def aul t,  al l  CO  li ne s a re  pr ogr amme d for  l ev el  5  (0  dB) .
    Preset Call Forward Destination
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the PRESET  FWD DESTINATION  flexible button ( FLASH 40, 
    Page B, Bu tton #2). The following  message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  val id  for war d d est i nat ion  on t he  di al  pad.
    [1020- 1999] =  Sy ste m S pe ed  Bins
    [1 00 -1 31 ] = Triad-S Station  Exte nsions
    [4 40 -4 47 ]  = Vo i c e M a il  Gr o u ps  1 -8
    [4 50 -4 57 ] = H u nt Gro u p s 1 -8
    [499] =  Sy ste m Mod em
    [5 50 -5 57 ] = UC D Gro u ps  1 -8
    [5 50 -5 65 ]  = A CD  Gr o u ps  1- 6
    3. A  confirma tion tone  is  he ard  and  the  LC D disp lay  upda te s.
    Des crip ti on
    The Preset  Call  Forward Destination feature enables a CO line to initially 
    ring at multiple stations and forward to a pre-determined destination. 
    The  de stina tion ca n be  a station (EKT -SL T) or Hunt group. E ach CO line  
    has  a Pr es et  F orwa rd  Ti mer .  Each  CO  li ne  al so  has  a VMI D f ie ld  to  al low 
    se ndin g of  spe cifi c VM  digi t s wh en a  CO  l in e f orwa rds  t o a  VM gr oup. 
    Calls ringing into ACD/UCD Groups or Voice Mail Groups continue to ring 
    the group.  The CO line does not forward when ringing one of these types 
    of gr oups . By  de faul t,  no d est i nat ions  ar e  ass ign ed.
    Do N OT adj us t t his  opti on wit hout c ons ulti ng Tec hni cal S upp ort firs t. 
    Th e  de fa ult  setti ngs we re  set  to  app ly  to  most ap pli catio ns. H ave  th e  dB 
    rea din gs  o n all C O  l ine s  a vai labl e whe n ca llin g T ech nica l Su ppor t.
    ## ## 
    							Page B Introduction 3-21
    Preset Forward  Voice Mail ID
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P RES ET  FWD  VM I D f le xibl e  but ton  (FLASH  40, Page B, 
    Bu tton  #3).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 0000-9999 
    for Voice Mail ID digits.
    3. Press HOLD to complete  the entry.  A  co nfirmation tone  is heard and 
    t he  di spl ay  updat es .
    Deleting N um bers  Currently Entered
    1 . Pr es s [ #] b u tt o n f o u r  ti me s.
    2. Press the HOLD  button  to u pdate.  (All information  is erased.)
    Des crip ti on
    The Preset  Forward Voice Mail  ID feature allows a programmer to assign 
    which digits  are sent to voice mail when a  CO line is programmed to 
    Preset Forward. By default, no digits are sent.
    Universal Day Answer (UDA)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the UNIV. DAY ANSWER  flexible button ( FLASH 40, Pag e  B, 
    Bu tton  #4).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    PRESET   FORWARD   VMID 0000-9999
    ## ##
    							3-22 Page  B I ntro ductio n
    Des crip ti on
    UDA -a ssi gne d CO  li nes  can si gnal  ove r e xte r nal  p age  port (s ). Ext e rna l Da y 
    ri ngi ng i s  prog ram med  on a  sys te m-w ide  ba si s i n a dmin is tr at iv e 
    progra mming. S ta tions  tha t  do not h ave  acce ss  to  a line  du ring the  day 
    can answer  that  line  while the System is in the day  mode by  dialing  a 
    UDA  code  [# 5] . T o use  t hi s fe at ure ,  a LO O P  but ton  or  an a ppe ar ance  of 
    the  t r u nk mu s t  be  pr ese nt  o n  the  st at i o n. B y  def au l t,  th e U nive r sal  Da y 
    An swe r f eat ur e is di sabl e d.
    Mu si c -O n -H old  ( per  CO  L in e)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the MUSIC-ON-HOLD flexible button (FLASH 40, Pag e  B, 
    Bu tton  #5).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad to change this feature.
    [0] =  No Mus ic- On- Hold
    [1] =  Cha nnel 1
    : ::::
    [8] =  Cha nnel 8
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    MOH  C HA NNE L 0- 8
    Ta b l e  3 - 6 :  M O H  P r o g r a m m i n g  C o d e s
    CodeFl ex
    ButtonFea tureDe fault
    (after initialization)
    FLASH 0 9 1
    6Mu sic  Channel  #3 *
    Mu sic  Channel  #4 *
    Mu sic  Channel  #5 *
    Mu sic  Channel  #6 *
    Mu sic  Channel  #7 *
    Mu sic  Channel  #8 *##
    *  Music  Channels 3-8  can only be  used for Music-On-Hold functions 
    							Page B Introduction 3-23
    Des crip ti on
    The Music-On-HOLD feature allows a user  to  select  the Music-On-Hold 
    c hanne l  for  ea c h CO  l ine .  Thi s f eat ur e  le ts  t he s yst em  as si gn CO  l i ne 
    circuits  as  additiona l m usic in puts . This increas es  the ca pacity  of mus ic 
    channels beyond  the two available on  the MISU  to  be  used for MOH 
    sources. A total of eight channels are available for use on the system. The 
    CO  li ne ca n be  ass igne d t o NO T PLA Y musi c for  call e rs  on hold . By de faul t,  
    Channel 1 is used  for Music-On-Hold.
    Ring Tone  (per CO Line)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  RI NG TO NE  fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 40,  Page B, Bu tton  #6). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad to change this feature.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    RING  TONE 00-36
    Tab l e 3- 7:  R i ng i n g  To n es
    Tone # Freq Tone# Fre q Tone# Freq Tone  # Freq
    00 69 7/770 10 770/12 09 20 852/ 0 30 1336/ 1477
    01 69 7/852 11 770/13 36 21 941/ 1209 31 1336/ 1633
    02 69 7/941 12 770/14 77 22 941/ 1336 32 1336/ 0
    03 69 7/120 9 13 770/16 33 23 941/ 1477 33 1477/ 1633
    04 69 7/133 6 14 770/0 24 941/ 1633 34 1477/ 0
    05 69 7/147 7 15 852/94 1 25 941/ 0 35 1633/ 0
    06 69 7/163 3 16 852/12 09 26 1209/ 1336 36 N o R ing
    07 69 7/0 17 852/13 36 27 1209/ 1477
    08 77 0/852 18 852/14 77 28 1209/ 1633
    09 77 0/941 19 852/16 33 29 1209/ 0
    To n e  D u r a t i o n  =  5 0  m s / 5 0  m s 
    							3-24 Page C I ntro ductio n
    Des crip ti on
    The  ring   tone  signal us ed  to  notify  stations  of  an incoming call can b e 
    changed in administrative programming  to  provide  distinctive ringing 
    on a  pe r  CO  line  bas is . A d istinctive  ring  tone  ca n be  programme d f or 
    ea ch  CO line  that ring s e ach s ta tion.  The  sy stem  prov id es  36 diffe rent 
    ring p atte rns  that can  be  se le cte d f or  each  CO line  in the  sys te m. By  
    def ault,  Ring  Tone  is  set f or  00 (697/770).
    Page C  Introduction
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode  first.
    1. Press FLASH and  di al  [40 ].  The following message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only 
    on e l in e i s  bei ng  prog ram med,  ent er  t hat  num ber  t wi ce  (0 0 1  00 1) .
    3 . Pr es s But t on # 21  t o se le ct  Pa ge  C.  The  di spl ay up dat es.  The  fol l owing 
    message displays to indicate current  programming  of that line or 
    g roup of lin es:
    XXX-XXX = CO  Line Range 00 1- 01 2
    C O Ri ng T one  ove rri des  s tatio n dis tin ctiv e ri ngi ng.
    I f HOL D is pre sse d witho ut en ter ing a C O r ange , AL L C O li ne s 
    (001-012) ar e sel ected.
    XXX - XXX  PA GE   C
    EN TE R  B U TTON   N UM BE R 
    							Pa ge C  I ntr o ducti o n 3 - 25
    Des crip ti on
    When entering  the CO Line attributes portion of the  database, the 
    programmer may decide  to  enter information for a  range  of CO lines or 
    one  spe cifi c CO Li ne.  Range  programmi ng l ets the  pro gra mmer chan ge a  
    specific parameter  or a few parameters  for an  entire range of CO  lines, 
    leaving  intact the  remaining data  fields that do not require change. 
    Thos e  dat a fi e lds  c ont inue  t o op er at e wi t h t he  pr evi ousl y p rogr amm ed 
    data. (By default, Page A is shown.)
    When programming the Page C  features,  the flexible  buttons are 
    mapp ed as fol lows :
    Flash Timer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  FL AS H T IM E R  fl exi bl e b utt on (FLASH 40, Pag e  C, 
    Bu tton #1).
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad (01–20) which corres ponds  to 
    10ms  to 2 seconds.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
    FLA SH   T IMER 0 1-2 0
    							3-26 Page C I ntro ductio n
    Des crip ti on
    Fl ash  is  a  prog ra mmabl e  ope ning  on a  li ne  for si gna li ng.  When  usi ng a n 
    outs id e l i ne,  fl ash  le ts  a  use r ob ta in  a ne w d ial  t one  wi thout  l osi ng t he  
    line.  T his  is  pa rticularly use ful be hind a  PBX or Ce ntre x.  Each  CO  line  can 
    be  pr ogra mme d for  a  fl ash  ti me . By  def ault ,  the  F la sh T ime r  is  s et  for  1 0 
    (1 .0 se conds) and is var i abl e from  01 -2 0  (1 00 ms  t o 2  se conds).
    Ring Delay Timer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Pres s the RING D ELAY TIMER  flexible bu tton ( FLASH 40, Pag e C, 
    Bu tton  #2).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad (00–20) which corres ponds  to 
    00-20 seconds.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The Ring Delay timer was added to accommodate ICLID interface 
    requirements. The Ring Delay timer is started whenever a CO Line detects 
    incom ing  ri ngi ng. W hen  th e ti mer e xpi re s,  CO  li ne  ringi ng  is  dete cte d by  
    digital telephones and SLTs.
    The purpose  of this timer is to wait until after the first ring  cycle to be 
    detected by the  digital  system so the  ICLID information  is passed down 
    the  CO  li ne  pri or  to be in g answ er ed.  In s ome cas es , it  ma y be ne ces sar y t o 
    set  the Ring Delay Timer to four seconds so  all the ICLID information is 
    re cei ve d fr om t he  Ce ntr al  O ffi ce . By  de faul t,  th e Ri ng De l ay T ime r  is  se t  at  
    00  (d is abl ed)  and  is  va ri abl e  fr om 0 0- 20  s econds .
    RING  DELAY  TIM ER 00-20
    							Pa ge C  I ntr o ducti o n 3 - 27
    Reseize Timer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Pres s the RESEIZE  TIMER Button  (FLASH  40, Page C, Button  #3) in 
    the flexible button field. The  following message  displays:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 000–255 
    (0ms to 2.55 seconds).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The Reseize  Timer option lets the user adjust the Reseize Timer on a per 
    CO  Li ne  bas is . T he  Re se iz e  Ti me r  ca n be  us ed  on an y t runk  t ype.  T his  
    timer  sets  the time period that a  trunk is  held disconnected  after 
    receiving a disconnect before being reseized when a device is queued for 
    a member of the trunk group.  By default, the  Reseize Timer  is set  for two 
    se conds.
    Gu a rd  Ti m er
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he GUA R D TI M ER  bu tt on (FL ASH 40 , Pag e C , Bu tton #4) in  the  
    fl exi ble  b utt on fi e ld.  The  fol lowi ng  mes sage  di sp lays :
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 1–60 
    (100ms to 6 seconds).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    R ESE I ZE   T I MER 0 00- 25 5
    20 0
    GUARD TIMER 1-60
    							3-28 Page C I ntro ductio n
    Des crip ti on
    The outgoing Guard  Timer is  used to set the length  of time  a CO is  held 
    busy  t o out going  se iz ur e  aft er  a  val id  r el eas e  is  de te cte d.  If  a us er  
    at te mpt s  to   ac c es s a  CO  l ine  be fo r e  the  Gu a rd  Ti mer  e xpi re s,  th ei r  LED 
    illuminates to indicate  that  the line is seized, however the CO line is not 
    actually seized until the timer expires. The user gets a busy tone, and may 
    receive a  delayed CO  dial  tone if the timer  is set  to  a large  value. By 
    def au l t, th e Gu ard  Ti me r is se t fo r .5  se c o nds.
    Preset Forward  Timer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P RES ET  FWD  T IM ER  fle xi ble  bu tt on ( FLASH 40, Pag e C, 
    Bu tton  #5).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2 . Ent er  va li d num ber  on  di al  pad  whi ch  corr es ponds  t o 0 0–99 seconds.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The Preset Forward Timer determines the time an outside  line  rings 
    be fore  be in g for war de d t o a  pr ede te rm ine d d est i nat ion.  I f a  for war d 
    destination is programmed  in  the CO line field, the  CO calls forward to 
    tha t  des ti nat i on af te r  the  C O p re se t  forw ard  t ime r  exp ir es . T his  for war d 
    occurs regardless of how many  stations the line is  ringing.
    The digits entered for the CO line are sent in the  station field.This  feature 
    app li es  t o in it ia l  CO  ri ngi ng l in es  only  and  wor ks wi t h P r ese t  For war d C O 
    Li ne a ssi gnme nt s.  By de faul t , t he  CO  Li ne  Pr e set  F orwa rd  Ti me r  is  se t  at  
    10 seconds and is variable from 00-99  seconds.  A  [00]  entry disables the 
    ti me r  and t he  fe at ure  i s d is abl ed.
    PRESET  FWD  TIMER 00-99
    							Mi scel l ane ous  C O  Par am eter s 3 - 29
    Misce llaneous CO Parameters
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode  first.
    1. Press FLASH and  di al  [41 ].  The following message displays:
    2 . Se le c t  any  fea tur e  by p re ssi ng t he  ap prop ri at e f le xib le  but to n(s)  in 
    the flexible  field.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    When entering  the Miscellaneous CO Parameters programming area the 
    buttons  on  the digita l telephone are  def ined a s s hown b elow:
    Dial Pulse Parameters
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the DIAL PULSE flexible button (FLASH 41, button  #1). T he 
    following message displays:
    PUL SE
    60 / 40  10  PPS 
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