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Canon I Sensys Lbp6230dw User Guide

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    							0K57 -011
    Connecting via Wired LAN
    Connect  the  printer to  a computer  via  a wired router. Use  a LAN cable to  connect the  printer and  the  router.
    Things to Check before  Starting  (Wireless LAN)
    Configuring  Wireless LAN Connection Settings
    Have  the  computer  and  the  router  been connected correctly via  a LAN cable?  For more
    information, see  the  instruction  manuals  for  the  devices you are  using, or contact the
    Have  the  network settings been completed on  the  computer ?  If  the  network has not  been set
    up  properly, you will  not  be able  to  use the  printer on  the wired LAN network, even if  you
    perform  the  rest  of the  procedure below.
    When  switching the connection  method from wireless LAN to wired LAN
    You  need to  uninstall  the  currently installed printer driver, configure the  wired LAN connection,  and  then  reinstall the  printer
    driver. When  configuring the  wired LAN connection,  select [Custom Setup] for  the  configuration method.
    The printer does not  come  with a router  or LAN cable. Have  them ready as necessary. Use  a Category 5  or higher twisted  pair
    cable for  the  LAN.
    Make  sure  that  there are  ports available on  the  router  to  connect the  printer and  the  computer.
    See the  e-Manual supplied  with your printer for  the  Ethernet types supported by the  printer.
    Wired LAN and  wireless LAN cannot  be used at the  same time.
    If  you are  using the  printer in your office, consult your network administrator.
    Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
    Start  the MF/LBP Network  Setup Tool.
    There  are  two ways to  start the  MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool:  Start it from the  CD -ROM/DVD -ROM, and  Start it from a
    downloaded  file.
    Starting  from the CD - ROM/DVD - ROMStarting  from a Downloaded File
    Things to  Check before Starting (Wired LAN)
    Configuring Wired LAN Connection Settings
    							Follow the on-screen  instructions to configure the wired LAN settings.
    If there is  something  you do  not  understand
    Click [Useful  Tips] at the  bottom left  of the  screen to  display troubleshooting tips.
    If you are not  sure  how to make a LAN cable connection
    See the  e-Manual supplied  with your printer for  the  connection method for  the  printer and  router  or cable connection
    							0K57 -00K
    Connecting via Wireless LAN
    Connect  the  printer to  a computer  via  a wireless router. The printer and  the  router  are  connected wirelessly (via radio waves),  so you do
    not  need a LAN cable. To make wireless LAN settings,  use the  MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool from your computer.
    Things to Check before  Starting  (Wireless LAN)
    Configuring  Wireless LAN Connection Settings
    Have  the  computer  and  the  router  been connected properly ?  For more information, see  the
    instruction  manuals  for  the  devices you are  using, or contact the  manufacturer. 
    Have the  network settings been completed on  the  computer ?  If  the  network has not  been set
    up  properly, you will  not  be able  to  use the  printer on  the  wireless LAN network, even if  you
    perform  the  rest  of the  procedure below.
    Risk of Information  Leak
    If  the  printer is  connected to  an  unsecured network, your personal information  might be leaked to  a third party  because  radio
    waves used in wireless communication can go anywhere nearby, even beyond walls.  Use  wireless LAN connection at your own
    discretion  and  at your own risk.
    Wireless LAN Security Standards
    See the  e-Manual supplied  with your printer for  information  about  the  security standards  supported by the  printer.
    The printer does not  come  with a wireless router. Have  the  router  ready as necessary.
    The wireless router  must conform to  the  IEEE  802.11b/g/n  standards  and  be able  to  communicate in the  2.4  GHz band. For
    more information, see  the  instruction  manual  for  your wireless router  or contact the  manufacturer.
    Wired LAN and  wireless LAN cannot  be used at the  same time. When  using a wireless LAN connection,  do not  connect a LAN
    cable to  the  printer. Doing so may  cause  a malfunction.
    If  you are  using the  printer in your office, consult your network administrator.
    Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
    Start  the MF/LBP Network  Setup Tool.
    There  are  two ways to  start the  MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool:  Start it from the  CD -ROM/DVD -ROM, and  Start it from a
    downloaded  file.
    Starting  from the CD - ROM/DVD - ROMStarting  from a Downloaded File
    Follow the on-screen  instructions to configure the wireless LAN settings.
    Things to  Check before Starting (Wireless LAN)
    Configuring Wireless  LAN Connection Settings
    							If there is  something  you do  not  understand
    Click [Useful  Tips] at the  bottom left  of the  screen to  display troubleshooting tips.
    After switching the connection  method from wired LAN to wireless LAN
    You  need to  uninstall  the  currently installed printer driver, and  then  reinstall it.
    							0K57 -00L
    Connecting via USB
    Connect  the  printer to  a computer  with a USB  cable. Connect  the  flat  connector  of the  USB  cable () to  the  computer, and  connect the
    square  connector  () to  the  printer.
    If  your printer does not  come  with a USB  cable, you will  need to  provide your own cable separately.
    Make  sure  that  the  USB  cable you use has the  following  mark. 
    If  a Plug and  Play automatic setup screen like the  one shown below is  displayed when you connect the  USB  cable, click [Close]
    or [Cancel]  to  close it.
    Deleting  the USB Class Driver
    							0K57 -00R
    MF/LBP Network Setup Tool
    The MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool is  a utility that  allows  you to  configure initial network settings by following  instructions on  the  screen.
    The Tool starts  automatically when you install a printer driver  from the  User Software  CD -ROM/DVD -ROM. If  you want to  start it alone
    manually,  you can start it from the  User Software  CD -ROM/DVD -ROM  or start it directly  from a file downloaded  from the  Canon  website.
    Starting  from the CD - ROM/DVD - ROM
    Starting  from a Downloaded File
    The system environment required to  use the  MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool is  the  same as the  system environment required for
    the  printer driver. System Requirements
    Configuring  Wired  LAN Connection Settings or Configuring  Wireless LAN Connection Settings  for  information
    about  how to  configure initial network settings by using the  MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool.
    Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
    Insert the User Software  CD-ROM/DVD-ROM  into the drive on the computer.
    Click [Start Software  Programs].
    If  the  above  screen does not  appear  Displaying the [CD - ROM/DVD - ROM Setup]  Screen
    If  [AutoPlay] is  displayed,  click [Run MInst.exe].
    Click [Start]  of [MF/LBP Network  Setup Tool].
    Starting from the CD-ROM/DVD -ROM
    							The MF/LBP  Network Setup  Tool is  included  among the  files  that  you download  to  install a printer driver. Start by downloading  the  printer
    driver  file,  which contains the  printer driver  and  associated files, from the  Canon  website (http://www.canon.com/).
    Unzip  the downloaded file.
    Double -click CNAN1STK.exe in the [Network_Setting_Tool] folder.
    Starting from a Downloaded File
    							0K57 -00S
    Using the Installation Guide
    The Installation  Guide is  a manual  that  can be viewed on  your computer. It provides information  about  the  installation  of printer drivers.
    You  can find pages quickly by searching for  what you want to  do or by entering  keywords.
    How  to Find the Topic You Are  Looking  For
    You  can find the  page you are  looking for  using the  following  three methods.Search the contents
    You  can find the  page you are  looking for  by selecting a topic from the  [Contents] tab  on  the  left  side  of the  screen, or by
    selecting a chapter  icon from the  icons  next to  the  topics.
    Top Page
    Topic Page
    Search by keyword
    You  can search by entering  keywords, such as USB  or environment.  Pages  containing the  keywords  are  displayed.  You  can also
    enter phrases such as update  driver. The search will  find topics  containing all of the  words in the  phrase  (AND search).
    Search Tab
    Search the site map
    Click [Site  Map] on  the  top  part of the  screen to  display a list  of all the  Installation  Guide topics. From there you can find the  topic
    you are  looking for.
    Site  Map
    System requirements
    To use the  Installation  Guide, one of the  following  Web browsers  is  required.  The content  of the  Installation  Guide may  not
    display correctly if  a browser  not  listed below is  used.
    Internet  Explorer 8.0/9.0/10.0/11.0, Firefox  24.x ESR/26.0
    							0K57 -00U
    Screen Configuration of the Installation Guide
    The Installation  Guide is  divided into different  screens,  and  the  content  of each screen varies.
    Top Page
    This page appears when the  Installation  Guide is  started.
     Canon logoClick to  return to  the  top  page from any other page.
     [Contents]  tab/[Search] tabClick to  toggle the  display between  the  [Contents] tab  and  [Search] tab.
     ContentsDisplays  the  titles of chapters  (
    ). Place the  mouse  pointer  over one of the  titles to  display the  topics  in that  chapter  on  the
    right.  Click a topic to  display its page.
    Click to  return to  the  top  page from any other page.
     [Site  Map]Click to  display the  titles of all Installation  Guide topics.
     [Help]Click to  display information  on  how to  view the  Installation  Guide, how to  perform  a search, and  other information.
     [Print]Click to  print the  currently displayed topic page.
     [ Notice]Click to  view important  information  you should know when using the  printer.
    Topic Page
    Topic  pages contain information  about  how to  install printer drivers.
    							 [Contents]Chapter icons  and  topic titles are  displayed in this tab.
    The [Contents] tab  can be widened  and  narrowed.
     [Expand All]/[Collapse All]Click [Expand  All] to  display all of the  subsections of all topics.  Click [Collapse All] to  close all of the  subsections of all the
     Chapter icons
    Click a chapter  icon to  navigate  to  the  top  of the  corresponding chapter.
     TopicsDisplays  the  topics  of the  selected chapter.  If  + is  displayed on  a topic,  clicking  it displays the  subsections of that  topic.  Click
    - to  close an  expanded topic.
     [Print all]All  pages of the  selected chapter  are  opened in a separate window. You  can print them as necessary.
     NavigationThis shows  which chapter  topic you are  currently viewing.
    Click to  return to  the  page top.
    Click to  display the  previous or next topic.
    Click to  jump to  the  corresponding page. To return to  the  previous page, click the  [Back] button on  your Web browser.
    Click to  display hidden detailed descriptions. Click again to  close the  detailed descriptions.
    Search Tab
    This tab  contains a text box to  perform  a search and  find the  page you are  looking for.
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