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D-Link Router DIR-810L User Manual

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    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    This wi\f\f a\f\fow you to open a sin\b\fe por\ut. If you wou\fd \fike to open a ran\be of ports, refer to the next pa\be.
    Enter a name for the ru\fe or se\fect an app\fication from 
    the drop-down menu. Se\fect an app\fication and c\fick 
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    This wi\f\f a\f\fow you to open a sin\b\fe por\ut or a ran\be of ports.
    Port Forwarding
    Enter  a  name  for  the  ru\fe  or  se\fect  an  app\fication 
    from  the  drop-down  menu.  Se\fect  an  app\fication 
    and c\fick 
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Enter  a  name  for  the  ru\fe.  You  may  se\fec t  a   
    pre-defined app\fication from the drop-down menu 
    and c\fick 
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    QoS Engine
    The QoS En\bine option he\fps imp\urove your network performance by prioritizin\b app\fications. By defau\ft the QoS En-
    \bine settin\bs are disab\fed and app\f\uication priority is not c\fassified \uautomatica\f\fy. The QoS section contains a queuin\b 
    mechanism, traffic shapin\b, and c\fassification. It supports two kinds of queuin\b mech\uanisms: Strict Priority Queue (SPQ) 
    and Wei\bhted Fair Queue (WFQ). SPQ wi\f\f process traffic based on traffic priority. Queue1 has the hi\bhest p\uriority and 
    Queue4 has the \fowest priority. WFQ wi\f\f process traffic based on the que\uue wei\bht. Users can confi\bure each queue’s 
    wei\bht. The sum of a\f\f the queu\ue’s wei\bhts must be 100. When surfin\b the Internet, the system wi\f\f do traffic shapin\b 
    based on the up\fink \uand down\fink speed. The c\fassification ru\fes can be us\ued to c\fassify traffic to different queues, then 
    SPQ or WFQ wi\f\f do QoS based on the queu\ue’s priority or wei\bht.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Enable QoS: This option is disab\u\fed by defau\ft. Enab\fe this option\u 
    for better performance and experience with on\fine 
    \bames and other interactive app\fications, such as VoIP.
    Uplink Speed: The speed at which data can be transferred from the 
    router to your ISP. This is determined by your ISP. ISP’s 
    often define speed as \ua down\foad/up\foad pair. For 
    examp\fe, 1.5Mbits/284Kbits. Usin\b this examp\fe, you 
    wou\fd enter 284. A\fternative\fy you can test your up -
    \fink speed with a ser\uvice such as www.ds\freports.com.
    Downlink  Speed: The speed at which data can be transferred from the 
    ISP to the router. This is determined by your ISP. ISP’s 
    often define speed as \ua down\foad/up\foad pair. For 
    examp\fe, 1.5Mbits/284Kbits. 
    Usin\b this examp\fe, you wou\fd enter 1500. A\fterna-
    tive\fy you can test your down\fink speed with a s\uervice 
    such as www.ds\freports.com.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Checkbox: Tick this option to enab\fe the ru\fe spe\ucified.
    Name: Enter a custom name for the ru\fe bein\b created here. 
    This name is used for identification.
    Queue ID: Se\fect the appropriate priority requirement from the 
    drop-down menu that wi\f\f be app\fied to this ru\fe. Op -
    tion to choose from are Hi\bhest, Hi\bher, Norma\f, and 
    Best Effort.
    Protocol: Se\fect the protoco\f used for the app\fication for in the 
    drop-down menu and it wi\f\f au\utomatica\f\fy p\face it in 
    the Protoco\f fie\fd.
    Local IP \fange: Enter the \foca\f IP ran\be used here. This is the IP ran\be 
    of you Loca\f Area Network. The Router’s IP cannot be 
    inc\fuded in this ran\be.
    \femote IP  \fange: Enter the remote IP ran\be used here. This is the IP 
    ran\be of the pub\fic ne\utwork from the Internet Port 
    side. To app\fy this ru\fe to any IP addresses from the 
    pub\fic side, enter the ran\be to\u
    Application  Port:Enter the app\fication port number used here.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made. After specifyin\b the QoS framework used, in the QoS setup section, the user can n\uow create individua\f ru\fes f\uor scenarios that require the use of 
    traffic contro\f and data priority manipu\fation.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Network Filters
    Se\fect .Turn .MAC .Fi\btering .\fff , A\b\bow .MAC .addresses.
    \bisted .be\bow , or Deny .MAC .addresses .\bisted .be\bow 
    from the drop-down menu. 
    Enter the MAC address you wou\fd \fike to fi\fter.
    To find the MAC address on a computer, p\fease refer 
    to the  Networking Basics  section in this manua\f. 
    Se\fect a DHCP c\fient from the drop-down menu and 
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Access Control
    C\fick  the  Add.Po\bicy   button  to  start  the  Access 
    Contro\f Wizard. 
    Add Policy:
    The Access Contro\f section a\f\fows you to contro\f access in and out of your network. Use this feature as a parenta\f contro\f to 
    on\fy \brant access to approved sites, \fimit web access based on time or dates, and/or b\fock access from app\fications \fike P2P 
    uti\fities or \bames.
    C\fick Next to continue with the wizard.
    Access Control Wizard  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Enter a name for the po\ficy and then c\fick Next to continue.
    Se\fect a schedu\fe (e\b: A\fways) from the drop-down menu and then c\fick 
    Next to continue.
    Enter the fo\f\fowin\b information and then c\fick \uNext to continue.
    • Address .Type   -  Se\fect  IP  address,  MAC  address,  or  O ther 
    •  IP. Address - Enter the IP address of the computer you want to 
    app\fy the ru\fe to.
    •  Machine .Address  - Enter the PC MAC address (i.e. 00:
    Se\fect the fi\fterin\b method and then c\u\fick Next to continue.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Enter the ru\fe:
      Enab\be - Check to enab\fe the ru\fe.
      Name - Enter a name for your ru\fe.
      Dest.IP.Start - Enter the startin\b IP address.
      Dest.IP.End - Enter the endin\b IP add\uress.
      Protoco\b - Se\fect the protoco\f.
      Dest.Port.Start - Enter the startin\b port number.
      Dest.Port.End - Enter the endin\b port number.
    To enab\fe web \fo\b\bin\b, c\fick Enab\be.
    C\fick Save to save the access contro\f ru\fe.
    Your new\fy created po\ficy wi\f\f now show up under Po\bicy. Tab\be.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Add Website 
    Filtering \fule:
    Website U\fL/ Domain:
    Website Filters
    Se\fect  either  DENY  computers  access  to  ONLY 
    these sites or  ALLOW computers access to ONLY 
    these sites.
    Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to a\f\fow 
    or b\fock. C\fick Save Settings.
    Website Fi\fters are used to a\f\fow you to set up a \fist of Web sites that can be viewed by mu\ftip\fe users throu\bh the network. 
    To use this feature se\fect to  Allow or Deny, enter the domain or website and c\fick  Save Settings. You must a\fso se\fect Apply 
    Web Filter under the Access Control section.  
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