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Indesit Disp 5377 Operation Instructions

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    Precauzioni e consigli
     L’apparecchio è stato progettato e costruito in conformità
    alle norme internazionali di sicurezza. Queste avvertenze sono
    fornite per ragioni di sicurezza e devono essere lette attentamente.
    Sicurezza generale
    • Questo elettrodomestico non può venire usato da persone
    (bambini compresi) con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o
    mentali, o mancanza di esperienza e conoscenza, a meno
    che non venga loro fornita supervisione o istruzioni riguardanti
    luso da una persona responsabile della loro sicurezza.
    • È necessaria la supervisione di un adulto per evitare che i
    bambini giochino con lelettrodomestico.
    • L’apparecchio è stato concepito per un uso di tipo non
    professionale all’interno dell’abitazione.
    • L’apparecchio deve essere usato per il lavaggio delle stoviglie
    a uso domestico, solo da persone adulte e secondo le istruzioni
    riportate in questo libretto.
    • L’apparecchio non va installato all’aperto, nemmeno se lo
    spazio è riparato, perché è molto pericoloso lasciarlo esposto
    a pioggia e temporali.
    • Non toccare la lavastoviglie a piedi nudi.
    • Non staccare la spina dalla presa della corrente tirando il
    cavo, bensì afferrando la spina.
    • È necessario chiudere il rubinetto dell’acqua e staccare la
    spina dalla presa della corrente prima di effettuare operazioni
    di pulizia e manutenzione.
    • In caso di guasto, in nessun caso accedere ai meccanismi
    interni per tentare una riparazione.
    • Non toccare mai la resistenza.
    • Non appoggiarsi o sedersi sulla porta aperta: l’apparecchio
    potrebbe ribaltarsi.
    •  La porta non deve essere tenuta nella posizione aperta perchè
    può rappresentare il pericolo di inciampare.
    • Tenere il detersivo e il brillantante fuori dalla portata dei bambini.
    • Gli imballaggi non sono giocattoli per bambini.
    • Smaltimento del materiale di imballaggio: attenersi alle norme
    locali, così gli imballaggi potranno essere riutilizzati.
    • La direttiva Europea 2002/96/CE sui rifiuti di apparecchiature
    elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE), prevede che gli
    elettrodomestici non debbano essere smaltiti nel normale
    flusso dei rifiuti solidi urbani. Gli apparecchi dismessi devono
    essere raccolti separatamente per ottimizzare il tasso di
    recupero e riciclaggio dei materiali che li compongono e
    impedire potenziali danni per la salute e l’ambiente. Il simbolo
    del cestino barrato è riportato su tutti i prodotti per ricordare
    gli obblighi di raccolta separata.
    Per ulteriori informazioni, sulla corretta dismissione degli
    elettrodomestici, i detentori potranno rivolgersi al servizio
    pubblico preposto o ai rivenditori.
    Risparmiare e rispettare l’ambiente
    Risparmiare acqua ed energia
    • Avviare la lavastoviglie solo a pieno carico. In attesa che la
    macchina sia piena, prevenire i cattivi odori con il ciclo Ammollo
    vedi Programmi).
    • Selezionare un programma adatto al tipo di stoviglie e al grado
    di sporco consultando la 
    Tabella dei programmi:
    - per stoviglie normalmente sporche utilizzare il programma
    Eco, che garantisce bassi consumi energetici e di acqua.
    - se il carico è ridotto attivare l’opzione Mezzo carico* (
    Avvio e utilizzo
    • Se il proprio contratto di erogazione dell’energia elettrica
    prevede fasce orarie di risparmio energetico, effettuare i
    lavaggi negli orari a tariffa ridotta. L’opzione Avvio ritardato
    (vedi Avvio e utilizzo) può aiutare a organizzare i lavaggi in tal
    Detersivi senza fosfati, senza cloro
    e contenenti enzimi
    • Si consiglia vivamente di usare i detersivi senza fosfati e senza
    cloro che sono i più indicati per la tutela dell’ambiente.
    • Gli enzimi sviluppano un’azione particolarmente efficace con
    temperature prossime ai 50°C, per cui con i detersivi con
    enzimi si possono impostare lavaggi a basse temperature e
    ottenere gli stessi risultati che si avrebbero a 65°C.
    • Dosare bene il detersivo in base alle indicazioni del produttore,
    alla durezza dell’acqua, al grado di sporco e alla quantità di
    stoviglie per evitare sprechi. Pur biodegradabili, i detersivi
    contengono elementi che alterano l’equilibrio della natura.
    * Presente solo su alcuni modelli.
    Anomalie e rimedi
    Qualora l’apparecchio presenti delle anomalie di funzionamento, controllare i seguenti punti prima di rivolgersi
    Anomalie:  Possibili cause / Soluzione: 
    La lavastoviglie non parte o non 
    risponde ai comandi •  Spegnere la macchina con il tasto ON/OFF, riaccendere dopo un minuto 
       circa e reimpostare il programma.  
    •  La spina non è ben inserita nella presa di corrente. 
    •  La porta della lavastoviglie non è ben chiusa.  
    La porta non si chiude 
    •  La serratura è scattata; spingere energicamente la porta fino a sentire il 
    La lavastoviglie non scarica 
     •  Il programma non è ancora terminato. 
    •  Il tubo di scarico dell’acqua è piegato (vedi Installazione). 
    •  Lo scarico del lavello è ostruito. 
    •  Il filtro è intasato da residui di cibo. 
    La lavastoviglie fa rumore. 
    •   Le stoviglie sbattono tra loro o contro gli irroratori. 
    •    Eccessiva presenza di  schiuma: il detersivo non è dosato 
    adeguatamente o non è idoneo al lavaggio in lavastoviglie. (vedi Avvio e 
    Su stoviglie e bicchieri ci sono 
    depositi calcarei o una patina 
    biancastra. •  Manca il sale rigenerante o la sua regolazione non è adeguata alla  
      durezza dell’acqua (vedi Brillantante e sale). 
    •  Il tappo del serbatoio del sale non è chiuso bene. 
    •  Il brillantante è esaurito o il dosaggio è insufficiente. 
    Su stoviglie e bicchieri ci sono 
    striature o sfumature bluastre. •  Il dosaggio del brillantante è eccessivo. 
    Le stoviglie sono poco 
    asciutte. •  È stato selezionato un programma senza asciugatura. 
    •  Il brillantante è esaurito o il dosaggio è insufficiente (vedi Brillantante e 
    •  La regolazione del brillantante non è adeguata.  
    •  Le stoviglie sono in materiale antiaderente o in plastica. 
    Le stoviglie non sono pulite. 
    •  I cestelli sono troppo carichi (vedi Caricare i cestelli). 
    •  Le stoviglie non sono sistemate bene. 
    •  Gli irroratori non sono liberi di ruotare. 
    •  Il programma di lavaggio è troppo blando (vedi Programmi). 
    •    Eccessiva presenza di  schiuma: il detersivo non è dosato 
    adeguatamente o non è idoneo al lavaggio in lavastoviglie. (vedi Avvio e 
    •    Il tappo del brillantante non è stato chiuso correttamente.  
    •  Il filtro è sporco o intasato (vedi Manutenzione e cura). 
    •  Manca il sale rigenerante (vedi Brillantante e sale). 
    La lavastoviglie non carica 
    acqua –  Allarme rubinetto 
    (si sentono dei brevi bip)
    (lampeggia la spia ON/OFF e il display 
    visualizza il numero 6). •  Manca l’acqua nella rete idrica. 
    •  Il tubo di carico dell’acqua è piegato (vedi Installazione). 
    •  Aprire il rubinetto e l’apparecchio si avvia dopo pochi minuti. 
    •  L’apparecchio si è bloccato perché non si è intervenuti al suono dei bip.  
       Spegnere la macchina con il  tasto ON/OFF, aprire il rubinetto e dopo 
    alcuni secondi riaccendere premendo lo stesso tasto. Riprogrammare la 
    macchina e riavviare. 
    Allarme al tubo di  carico 
    dell’acqua/Filtrino entrata 
    acqua intasato. 
    (lampeggia la spia ON/OFF e il display 
    visualizza il numero 7) •   Spegnere la macchina premendo il tasto ON/OFF. Chiudere il rubinetto 
    dell’acqua per evitare allagamenti, staccare la spina della corrente. 
        Controllare che il filtro entrata acqua non sia intasato da impurità. 
    (vedere  capitolo Manutenzione e Cura)
    * Presente solo su alcuni modelli.
    Operating instructions
    Installation, 14-15
    Positioning and levelling
    Connecting the water and electricity supplies
    Advice regarding the first wash cycle
    Technical data
    Ecodesign Regulation
    Description of the appliance, 16
    Overall view
    Control panel
    Loading the racks, 17
    Lower rack
    Cutlery basket
    Upper rack
    Start-up and use, 18-19
    Starting the dishwasher
    Measuring out the detergent
    Wash options
    Wash cycles, 20
    Table of wash cycles
    Rinse aid and refined salt, 21
    Measuring out the rinse aid
    Measuring out the refined salt
    Care and maintenance, 22
    Shutting off the water and electricity supplies
    Cleaning the dishwasher
    Preventing unpleasant odours
    Cleaning the sprayer arms
    Cleaning the water inlet filter
    Cleaning the filters
    Leaving the machine unused for extended periods
    Precautions and advice, 23
    General safety
    Saving energy and respecting the environment
    Troubleshooting, 24
    DISP 5377
    Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future
    reference. If the appliance is sold, given away or moved,
    please ensure the manual is kept with the machine, so that
    the new owner may benefit from the advice contained within
    Please read this instruction manual carefully: it
    contains important information regarding the safe
    installation, use and maintenance of the appliance.
    If the appliance must be moved at any time, keep it in
    an upright position; if absolutely necessary, it may be tilted
    onto its back.
    This appliance is intended to be used in household
    and similar applications such as:
    - staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working
    - farm houses;
    - by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type
    - bed and breakfast type environments.
    Positioning and levelling
    1. Remove the appliance from all packaging and check
    that it has not been damaged during transportation.
    If it has been damaged, contact the retailer and do not
    proceed any further with the installation process.
    2. Check the dishwasher by placing it so that its sides or
    back panel are in contact with the adjacent cabinets or
    even with the wall. This appliance can also be recessed
    under a single worktop
    * (see the Assembly instruction
    3. Position the dishwasher on a level and sturdy floor. If the
    floor is uneven, the front feet of the appliance may be
    adjusted until it reaches a horizontal position. If the
    appliance is levelled correctly, it will be more stable and
    much less likely to move or cause vibrations and noise
    while it is operating.
    4. Adjust the height of the rear foot from the front of the appliance*
    on the central lower part of the dishwasher, turning a hexagonal
    spanner (red color) with an opening of 8 mm in a clockwise
    direction to increase the height or in an anticlockwise direction to
    decrease the height.
    Connecting the water and electricity
    Connection to the water and electricity supplies should
    only be performed by a qualified technician.
    The dishwasher should not stand on top of the water
    hoses or the electricity supply cable.
    The appliance must be connected to the water supply
    network using new hoses.
    Do not use old hoses.
    The water inlet and outlet hoses and the electricity supply
    cable may be positioned towards the right or the left in
    order to achieve the best possible installation.
    Connecting the water inlet hose
    • To a suitable cold water connection point: before
    attaching the hose, run the water until it is perfectly clear
    so that any impurities that may be present in the water
    do not clog the appliance; after performing this
    operation, screw the inlet hose tightly onto a tap with a
    ¾ gas threaded connection.
    • To a suitable hot water connection point: your
    dishwasher may be supplied with hot water from the
    mains supply (if you have a central heating system with
    radiators) provided that it does not exceed a temperature
    of 60°C.
    Screw the hose to the tap as described for connection
    to a cold water supply.
    If the inlet hose is not long enough, contact a specialist
    store or an authorised technician (
    see Assistance).
    The water pressure must be within the values indicated
    in the Technical data table (
    see adjacent information).
    The hose should not be bent or compressed.
    Connecting the water outlet hose
    Connect the outlet hose (without bending it) to a drain duct
    with a minimum diameter of 4 cm.
    The outlet hose must be at a height ranging from 40 to 80
    cm from the floor / surface where the dishwasher rests (A).
    Before connecting the water outlet hose to the sink drain,
    remove the plastic plug (B).
    Anti-flooding protection
    To ensure floods do not occur, the dishwasher:
    - is provided with a special system which blocks the water
    supply in the event of anomalies or leaks from inside the
    Some models are also equipped with the supplementary
    safety device 
    New Acqua Stop*, which guarantees anti-
    flooding protection even in the event of a supply hose
    Under no circumstance should the water inlet hose be cut
    as it contains live electrical parts.
    * Only available in selected models.
    Electrical connection
    Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket, make
    sure that:
    • The socket is earthed and complies with current
    • The socket can withstand the maximum load of the
    appliance, which is indicated on the data plate located
    on the inside of the door (
    see chapter entitled
    Description of the appliance
    • The power supply voltage falls within the values
    indicated on the data plate on the inside of the door.
    • The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance.
    If this is not the case, ask an authorised technician to
    replace the plug (
    see Assistance); do not use extension
    cables or multiple sockets.
    Once the appliance has been installed, the power
    supply cable and the electrical socket should be easily
    The cable should not be bent or compressed.
     If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be re-
    placed by the manufacturer or its Technical Assistance
    Service in order to prevent all potential hazards. (See As-
    The Company shall not be held responsible for any
    incidents that occur if these regulations are not observed.
    Anti-condensation strip*
    After installing the dishwasher, open the door and stick the
    adhesive transparent strip under the wooden shelf in order
    to protect it from any condensation which may form.
    Advice regarding the first wash cycle
    After the appliance has been installed, immediately before
    running the first wash cycle, completely fill the salt
    dispenser with water and add only then approximately 1 kg
    of salt (
    see chapter entitled Rinse aid and refined salt). The
    water may overflow: this is normal and is not a cause for
    concern. Select the water hardness value (
    see chapter
    entitled Rinse aid and refined salt
    ). - After the salt has been
    poured into the machine, the LOW SALT indicator light
    switches off.
     If the salt container is not filled, the water softener and
    the heating element may be damaged as a result.
    Technical data 
    Dimensions width 44.5 cm 
    height 82 cm 
    depth 57 cm 
    Capacity 10 standard place-settings 
    Water supply 
    pressure 0,05 ÷ 1MPa (0.5 ÷ 10 bar) 
    7,25 – 145 psi 
    Power supply 
    voltage See appliance data plate 
    Total absorbed 
    power See appliance data plate 
    Fuse See appliance data plate 
     This dishwasher conforms to the 
    following European Community 
    -2006/95/EC (Low Voltage 
    -2004/108/EC (Electromagnetic 
    -2005/32/EC (Comm. Reg. 
    1275/2008) (Ecodesign) 
    --97/17/EC (Labelling) 
    -2002/96/ EC (Waste Electrical 
    and Electronic Equipment WEEE) 
    ECO wash cycle is the standard cycle to which the energy label data refers; this cycle can be used to wash crockery with a normal
    soil level and is the most efficient in terms of energy and water consumption for this type of crockery. To reduce consumption even
    further, only run the dishwasher when it is full.
    Standby consumption: Left-on mode consumption: 3 W – Off mode consumption: 1,3 W
    Consumption data table for the main cycles
    * Cycle data refers to the values recorded in a laboratory, in accordance with European standard EN 50242.
    ** Data is obtained by recording values when the appliance is operational and loaded with user crockery.
    Standard conditions* User conditions**  
    Energy consumption 
    (kWh/cycle) Water consumption 
    (l/cycle) Duration 
    (min/cycle) Energy consumption 
    (kWh/cycle) Water consumption 
    (l/cycle) Duration 
    INTENSIVE 1,30  14 150 1,15 14 140 NORMAL 1,05  14 115 0,95 13 110 
    Overall view
    Description of the
    1.Upper rack
    2.Upper sprayer arm
    3.Tip-up compartments
    4.Rack height adjuster
    5.Lower rack
    6.Lower sprayer arm
    7.Cutlery basket
    8.Washing filter
    9.Salt dispenser
    10.Detergent and rinse aid dispensers
    11.Data plate
    12.Control Panel
    Only in completely built-in models.
    * Only available in selected models.
    The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.
    Control panel
    Half load button*
    Delayed start button*
    button ON/OFF
    indicator light
    Low salt
    indicator light
    Select wash
    cycle button
    Low rinse aid
    indicator light
    Multi-functional tablets
    Multi-functional tablets
    indicator light
    Half load upper rack
    indicator light
    Half load lower rack
    indicator light
    Delayed start
    indicator lights
    Wash cycle number
    light-up indicator
    Loading the racks
    *Only available in selected models.
    ** The number and position may vary.Before loading the racks, remove all food residues from
    the crockery and empty liquids from glasses and cups.
    Arrange the crockery so that it is held in place firmly and
    does not tip over.
    After loading the appliance, check that the sprayer arms can
    rotate freely.
    Lower rack
    The lower rack can hold pans, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery,
    etc. as seen in the 
    Loading examples.
    Plates and large covers should be placed at the sides of the
    rack, ensuring that they do not block the rotation of the upper
    sprayer arm.
    Some dishwasher models are fitted with
    tip-up sections
    *, which can be used in a
    vertical position when arranging plates
    or in a horizontal position when arranging
    pans and salad bowls.
    Cutlery basket
    The type of cutlery basket may vary according to the dishwasher
    model: The cutlery basket should be positioned at the front of the
    lower rack, by sliding it between the fixed inserts, or on the
    upper rack when the half load option has been selected (in models
    featuring this option).
    - It has a collapsible sliding
    system which means the cutlery
    can be arranged in the best
    possible way.
     Knives and other utensils with sharp edges must be placed
    in the cutlery basket with the points facing downwards, or they
    must be positioned horizontally in the tip-up compartments on
    the upper rack.
    Cutlery basket positioning examples
    Upper rack
    Load this rack with delicate and lightweight crockery: glasses,
    tea and coffee cups, saucers, small salad bowls, saucepans
    and small saucepans which are not too soiled, using the 
     as a guide.
    • Mugs and cups, long sharp knives and serving utensils: place
    these on the tip-up compartments
    Tip-up compartments with adjustable tilt*
    - The tilt feature can be used to increase the space in the upper
    rack, to position wine glasses with different stem lengths safely
    and to improve drying performance.-Lift the tip-up compartment, slide it gently and position it in the
    desired tilt angle.
    Adjusting the height of the upper rack
    In order to make it easier to arrange the crockery, the upper rack
    may be moved to a higher or lower level.
    The height of the upper rack should ideally be adjusted
    Never lift or lower the rack on one side only.
    Open the left and right guide rail stops
    and pull out the rack; position it higher or
    lower as required, slide it along the guide
    rails until the front wheels are in place and
    close the stops (
    see figure).
    If the rack is fitted with “Dual Space”
    * (see figure), pull out the upper
    rack until it reaches its stop point, grip the
    handles at the sides of the rack and move
    it upwards or downwards, then slowly let it
    fall back into place.
    Loading examples for the upper rack
    Loading examples for the lower rack
    Items which should not be washed in the
    • Wooden items, objects with wooden or horn handles or glued-
    on parts.
    • Items made from aluminium, copper, brass, pewter or tin.
    • Items made from plastic material which is not heat-resistant.
    • Antique or hand-painted porcelain.
    • Antique silver. Silver which is not antique may, however, be
    washed in the dishwasher using a delicate wash cycle,
    provided that it does not come into contact with other metals.
    We recommend the use of crockery which is dishwasher
             Tilt A                   Tilt B                 Tilt C
    Start-up and use
    Measuring out the detergent
    A good wash result also depends on the correct amount
    of detergent being used; exceeding the stated amount
    does not result in a more effective wash and increases
    environmental pollution.
     Only use detergent which has been specifically
    designed for dishwashers.
         DO NOT USE washing up liquid.
    Using excessive detergent may result in foam
    residue remaining in the machine after the cycle
    has ended.
    The use of tablets is only recommended for
    models which offer the MULTI-FUNCTIONAL
    TABLETS option.
    To achieve the best results from each washing and
    drying cycle, powder detergent, rinse aid liquid and salt
    should be used.
    Compartment A: Washing detergent
    Compartment B: Pre-wash detergent
    1. Open cover C by pressing button
    2. Pour in the detergent after
    consulting the 
    Table of wash
    • For powder detergent use
    compartments A and B.
    • For detergent in tablet form: when
    the cycle requires 1 tablet, place it in compartment A and
    close the cover; when it requires 2, place the second tablet
    at the bottom of the appliance.
    3. Remove detergent residues from the edges of the
    compartment and close the cover until it clicks.
    * Only available in selected models.
    Starting the dishwasher
    1. Turn the water tap on.
    2. Open the door and press the ON/OFF button: you will hear a
    short beep and the display and option indicator lights switch on.
    3. Measure out the detergent (
    see below).
    4. Load the racks (
    see Loading the racks).
    5. Select the wash cycle in accordance with the type of crockery
    and its soil level (
    see Table of wash cycles), by pressing the P
    6. Select the wash options (
    see adjacent information).
    7. Start the wash cycle by shutting the door: a long beep signals
    the start of the wash cycle.
    8. Two short beeps and one long one indicate the end of the
    wash cycle and the wash cycle number flashes on the display.
    Open the door, switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF
    button, shut off the water tap and unplug the appliance from the
    electricity socket.
    9. Wait for a few minutes before removing the crockery, in order
    to avoid burns. Unload the racks, beginning with the lower level.
    - The machine will switch off automatically during
    certain periods of inactivity, in order to minimise
    electricity consumption.
    If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed
    with water before being placed in the dishwasher, reduce the
    amount of detergent used accordingly.
    Modifying a wash cycle in progress
    If a mistake was made during the wash cycle selection process
    it is possible to change the cycle, provided that it has only just
    begun: open the door, avoiding the escaping steam, and press
    and hold the ON/OFF button; the machine will switch off with a
    long beep. Switch the machine back on using the ON/OFF button
    and select the new wash cycle and any options desired; start the
    cycle by closing the door.
    Adding extra crockery
    Without switching off the machine, open the door, taking care to
    avoid the escaping steam, and place the crockery inside the
    dishwasher. Close the door: the cycle starts from the point at
    which it was interrupted.
    Accidental interruptions
    If the door is opened during the wash cycle, or if there is a power
    cut, the cycle stops. It starts again from the point at which it was
    interrupted once the door has been shut or once the electricity
    supply is restored.
    * Only available in selected models.
    Wash options
    Multi-functional tablets*
    This option optimises washing and drying results.
    When using multi-functional tablets, press the MULTI-
    FUNCTIONAL TABLETS button. The corresponding indicator light
    will illuminate.  The “Multi-functional tablets” option results in the
    lengthening of the wash cycle.
    The MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TABLETS option remains set
    for subsequent wash cycles if it is not deselected.
    The use of tablets is only recommended for models
    which offer the MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TABLETS option.
    This option is not recommended for use with wash cycles
    which do not specify the use of multi-functional tablets (
    Table of options
    Wash options
    If an option is not compatible with the selected was cycle
    see Table of wash cycles), the corresponding LED flashes
    rapidly 3 times and 2 short beeps will sound.
    Delayed start
    It is possible to delay the start time of the cycle by 
    3, 6 or 9 3, 6 or 93, 6 or 9 3, 6 or 9
    3, 6 or 9 hours.
    1. Press the DELAYED START button: every time it is pressed a
    buzzer sounds and the selected period of time is displayed.
    2. Select the wash cycle and shut the door: after the beep sounds,
    the timer begins counting down.
    3. Once this time has elapsed, the indicator light switches off and
    the wash cycle begins.
    To adjust the delay time and select a smaller period of time,
    press the DELAYED START button. To cancel it, press the button
    repeatedly until the selected delayed start indicator light switches
    off. The wash cycle will start automatically as soon as the door is
    Half load using the upper or lower rack*
    If there are not many dishes to be washed, a half load cycle may
    be used in order to save water, electricity and detergent. Select
    the wash cycle and press the HALF LOAD button repeatedly: the
    triangle corresponding to the selected load will illuminate and the
    wash cycle will take place only using the upper or the lower rack.
     The Half load option is not compatible with the Rapid
     Remember to load the upper or lower rack only, and to
    reduce the amount of detergent accordingly.
    A B C  
    Table of options 
    Start Half 
    Load  Tabs 
     1. Eco  Yes  Yes  Yes 
     2. Normal  Yes  Yes  Yes 
     3. Daily  Yes  Yes  Yes 
     4. Soak  Yes  Yes  No 
     5. Intensive  Yes  Yes  Yes 
     6. Rapid  Yes  No  Yes 
     7. Delicates  Yes  Yes  Yes 
    Wash cycles
     If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed with water before being placed in the
    dishwasher, reduce the amount of detergent used accordingly.
     The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.
    Optimum performance levels when using the Daily 60’ - Rapid wash cycles can be achieved by observing the maximum amounts of
    crockery specified.
    To make it easier to measure out the detergent, it is worth remembering that:
    1 tablespoon = 15 gr. of powder = approximately 15 ml of liquid - 1 teaspoon = 5 gr. of powder = approximately 5 ml of liquid
    * The Eco wash cycle adheres to the regulation EN-50242. Although it has a longer duration than other wash cycles it uses less energy
    and is les harmful to the environment.
    Note for Test Laboratories: for information relating to comparative EN testing conditions, please send an email to the following
    address: [email protected]
    For available OPTIONS please refer to the Table of options on the Start-up and use page.
    (A) = compartment A 
    (B) = compartment B 
    Wash cycle selection instructions Wash cycle 
    Powder Liquid  Tablets Wash 
    drying Options Wash cycle 
    Hrs. Min. 
    Environmentally-friendly wash 
    cycle with low energy 
    consumption levels, suitable for 
    pans and dishes.  1. Eco
    25 g (A)  
    25 ml (A)  
    1 (A)  
     Normally soiled pans and 
    dishes. Standard daily wash 
    2. Normal  
    21 g (A) 
    4 g (B)  
    21 ml (A) 
    4 ml (B)  
    1 (A)   Yes  
    A-B-C   1:50’ 
    Limited quantity of daily soiling. 
    (4 place settings + 1 saucepan 
    +1 frying pan).
     3. Daily 60’ 
    25 g (A)  
    25 ml (A)  
    1 (A)  
    Pre-wash for dishes while 
    awaiting completion of the load 
    with the dishes from the next 
    meal. 4. Soak  
    Heavily soiled dishes and pans 
    (not to be used for delicate 
    5. Intensive
    25 g (A)  
    25 ml (A)  
    1 (A)  
    Economic and fast wash to be 
    used for lightly soiled dishes. 
    (Run cycle immediately after 
    use)  (2 plates + 2 glasses + 4 
    pieces of cutlery + 1 saucepan 
    + 1 small frying pan). 6. Rapid   
    21 g (A)  
    21 ml (A)  
    1 (A)  
    Economic and fast wash for 
    delicate items which are 
    sensitive to high temperatures. 
    (Run cycle immediately after 
    use) (glasses,upper rack + 
    delicate plates, lower rack).  7. Delicates  
    25 g (A)  
    25 ml (A)  
    1 (A)  
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