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Key Voice Voice Processing System Supervisor And Subscriber Guide

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    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-12To ExitPress #4. To add a new the mailbox to the system, press 1.  The system adds the new mailbox to
    the mailbox database.  All default settings in the mailbox are set to the default parameters
    settings specified in prototype mailbox 9994.  The default password for the mailbox is the
    same as the mailbox number.
    5. To delete the mailbox from the system, press 2.  The system deletes the mailbox from the
    mailbox database.
    6. To modify the mailbox on the system, press 3.  The system voices the Options menu:
    Options MenuTo Record your NamePress 1To Record your GreetingPress 2To Change your PasswordPress 3To Change your Call-Transfer featurePress 4To Change your Message Notification featurePress 5To Change your Pager featurePress 6To Review msgs scheduled for Future DeliveryPress 7To Change your Personal Distribution ListsPress 8To Retrieve a Message Previously SentPress *To Return to the Main MenuPress #7. To record the mailbox owner’s name, press 1.  (Note that each mailbox owner can also
    log into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a
    system supervisor.)
    8. Once you record the name, the system voices the following prompts:
    To ReplayPress 1To Re-recordPress 2To DeletePress 3 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-13To ExitPress #Follow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    9. To record a personal greeting for the mailbox, press 2.  You can record up to 10 personal
    greetings for the mailbox (numbered 0 through 9).  (Note that each mailbox owner can
    also log into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a
    system supervisor.)
    10. Once you record a greeting, the system voices the following prompts:
    To Replay the GreetingPress 1To Re-record the GreetingPress 2To Delete the GreetingPress 3To Choose a New Greeting Press 5To ExitPress #Follow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    11. To change the mailbox password, press 3.  Note that to change the password, you must
    first enter the current password when prompted by the system.  By default, the mailbox
    password is the same as the mailbox number.  (Also note that each mailbox owner can
    log into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a
    system supervisor.)
     Once you enter a new mailbox password and confirm the entry as prompted, the system
    voices a prompt informing you that the new password will be in effect the next time the
    mailbox is accessed.
    12. To change the call transfer feature, press 4.  (Note that each mailbox owner can also log
    into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a system
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-1413. The system voices a prompt identifying the current call transfer set up, then voices the
    Press 1 if you would like to change the numberPress * to turn this feature on or off, orPress # if you are satisfiedFollow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    14. To change the message notification feature, press 5.  (Note that each mailbox owner can
    also log into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a
    system supervisor.)
    15. The system voices a prompt identifying the current message notification setup, then
    voices the notification options:
    Press 1 if you would like to change the numberPress * to turn this feature on or off, orPress # if you are satisfied 
      Follow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    16. To change the pager feature, press 6.  (Note that each mailbox owner can also log into the
    mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be performed by a system
    17. The system voices a prompt identifying the current pager set up, then voices the paging
    Press 1 if you would like to change the numberPress * to turn this feature on or off, orPress # if you are satisfied 
      Follow the prompts to complete the procedure. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-1518. To review messages scheduled for future delivery, press 7.  (Note that each mailbox
    owner can also log into the mailbox and complete this task—this does not need to be
    performed by a system supervisor.)
    19. The system voices a prompt identifying any message scheduled for future delivery, then
    voices the options:
    To Listen to the MessagePress 1To Hear the Next Message (scheduled for future delivery)Press 2To Cancel the MessagePress 4To ExitPress # 
      Follow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    1.3.2 Creating a Broadcast Message over the Telephone
    A broadcast message is heard by all mailbox owners when they open their mailbox.  The
    broadcast message can only be recorded by a mailbox owner with Supervisor privileges.  This
    type of message is different from any other message in the VP system in the following ways:
    · The broadcast message does not activate any mailbox notification services (message
    waiting lamps, pagers, etc.).
    · The mailbox owner’s New and Old message counts are not affected by a broadcast
    · The broadcast message is sent to all mailboxes. It is not possible to select which
    mailboxes are to receive the broadcast message.
    Once a supervisor records a broadcast message, it is played to each mailbox owner the next
    time he/she opens his/her mailbox.  The message is played only one time to each mailbox
    owner (the next time an owner logs in to his/her mailbox, the broadcast message is not
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-16To issue a broadcast message:
    1. From the Supervisors menu, press 5 for System Broadcast Message.  The system voices
    the following options:
    To Hear the Current Broadcast MessagePress 1To Re-record the Broadcast MessagePress 2To Delete the Broadcast MessagePress 3To ExitPress # 
    2. To record a broadcast message, press 2.  Follow the prompts to complete the procedure.
    1.3.3 Disabling or Re-enabling a Port over the Telephone
    If you want to prevent the VP system from answering calls on one or more of its ports
    (usually because the port is not functioning properly), you can disable the port(s) over the
    telephone.  Should you find later  you want to re-enable a port that was previously disabled,
    you can also perform this function by calling into the system.
    To disable or re-enable a port:
    1. From the Supervisors menu, press 4 for Port Administration.
    2. When prompted, enter the number of the line with which you want to work.
    3. When prompted, press 1 to confirm the number you entered or press # if the number you
    entered was incorrect.   Once you press 1 to confirm, the system voices the port
    administration options:
    To Disable a PortPress 1To Enable a PortPress 2To ExitPress #  
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-174. To shut down a port, press 1 to disable it.  If you disable a port, all calls using that port
    are immediately terminated.
    5. To enable a port that is currently shut down, press 2.
    1.3.4 Temporarily Forcing the System into Day, Lunch, or
    Night Service Mode over the Telephone
    A system supervisor can override the regular Day Service, Lunch Service, or Night Service
    mode by forcing the VP system into another mode.  The VP system switches to the new
    service mode and remains in that mode until it is time for the system to automatically switch
    out of that mode and into another.  For example, assume that Day Service mode runs from
    8:00 AM until 5:00 PM and Lunch Service mode runs from noon until 1:00 PM.  If the
    supervisor calls in at 9:00 AM (the VP system is in Day Service mode) and forces the VP
    system into Night Service mode, the VP system remains in Night Service mode until noon.  It
    then automatically switches to Lunch Service mode.
    To force the VP system into Day Service, Lunch Service, or Night Service mode:
    1. From the Supervisors menu, press 6 for Day / Night service.  The system voices the
    following options:
    To Change to Day Service Mode Press 1To Change to Night Service ModePress 2To Change to Lunch Service ModePress 3To ExitPress # 
    2. Press a number to indicate the mode in which you want the voice mail system to
    temporarily operate. Follow the prompts to complete the procedure. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-181.3.5 Modifying the Greeting Played by a Routing Box over the
    Note:Only the mailbox that is designated as the “Owner” of the Routing box (theOwner box is specified on the Routing box’s setup screen) can makechanges to the Routing box.  Therefore, you must log into the owner’smailbox (if this is different than the supervisor mailbox) over the phone,before you can make changes to the Routing box.  When prompted for thebox number you want to modify, you can then indicate the Routing boxnumber.Understanding the Routing Box Setup and Routing Box Greetings
    By default, the VP system is pre-configured with 3 Routing boxes to process calls.  Routing
    box 800 answers calls during office open business hours (Day Service), box 801 answers
    calls after Day Service hours, and box 821 routes calls after they have already passed through
    box 800 or 801.
    The VP technician who set up the VP system can familiarize you with modifications that
    were made to this Routing box structure, including additional Routing boxes that were
    Up to 10 different greetings can be recorded and stored in each Routing box.  The chart
    below is provided for you to note Routing box greetings set up on the system:
    NumberGreetingTo record Routing box greetings or change currently active greetings:
    1. From a telephone, call into voice mail and log into the mailbox that is designated as the
    owner of the Routing box.  The system voices the Main menu:
    “To listen to your messages press 1.  To send a message press 2.  To change your options
    press 3.” 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-202. Press 3 to change options.  The system voices the Options menu:
    Options MenuTo Record your NamePress 1To Record your GreetingPress 2To Change your PasswordPress 3To Change your Call-Transfer featurePress 4To Change your Message Notification featurePress 5To Change your Pager featurePress 6To Review msgs scheduled for Future DeliveryPress 7To Change your Personal Distribution ListsPress 8To Retrieve a Message Previously SentPress *To Return to the Main MenuPress #3. From the Options menu, press 2.
    4. When prompted, enter the number of the Routing box whose greeting you want to
    5. When prompted, press 1 to confirm the number you entered or press # if the number you
    entered was incorrect.  Once you press 1 to confirm, the system voices the following
    options, which relate to the currently active greeting:
    To Replay the GreetingPress 1To Re-record the GreetingPress 2To Delete the GreetingPress 3To Choose a New GreetingPress 5To ExitPress # 
    6. If you intend to re-record the greeting, first press 1 to replay it.  By replaying the greeting
    you can 1) ensure you are re-recording the greeting you intended to modify, and 2) note 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 11-21all the call routing options that are currently provided in the greeting so you can restate
    the appropriate call routing options in the new greeting you record (for example,
    “…Press 2 for Sales…”).  Note that you can modify the single-digit call routing options
    by following the procedure provided later in this section.
    7. To re-record the greeting, press 2.  The system prompts you to enter the number of the
    greeting you want to re-record.  Enter the greeting number (0 through 9).  Then, follow
    the prompts to complete the procedure.
    8. To choose a new greeting to play as the currently active greeting, press 5.  The system
    prompts you to enter the number of the greeting you would like to activate or to press star
    for the currently active greeting.  If you press *, the system voices the currently active
    greeting number and greeting, then re-voices the options:
    To Replay the GreetingPress 1To Re-record the Greeting  Press 2To Delete the GreetingPress 3To Choose a New GreetingPress 5To ExitPress # 
    9. Once you press 5 and enter a new greeting number, the system voices a confirmation
    prompt stating the greeting number and voicing the now-active greeting.
    1.3.6 Modifying the Single-Digit Call Routing in a Routing Box
    over the Telephone
    The VP system can be set up to voice greetings to callers that include single-digit call routing
    options, such as, “Press 2 for Sales…”  On a system set up this way, a call is transferred to a
    certain mailbox when the caller presses 2 during or after the greeting.  You can control the
    digit(s) callers can dial and the route their calls subsequently take using the following
    Note that if you use the following procedure to change the single-digit call routing set up, you
    must update the Routing box greeting to relay new instructions to the caller.  Use the
    procedure presented earlier in this section to update the greeting as necessary. 
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