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Motorola Astro Radio Software 68 81098e85 O Manual

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    ASTRO Data 
    Peripheral (Mobiles 
    Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6 and then F5 twice to access this 
    Mobiles Only
    This screen is only available if the Data Peripheral Capable Option is added. 
    This screen allows you to view and edit ASTRO Mobile Data Peripheral 
    options. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired 
    function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN 
    arrow keys to select the desired choice or value.
    Field Definitions
    IP AddressUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired Internet Protocol 
    (IP) Address of the radio or enter an address directly. This 32-bit 
    address is only used for Radio Control Protocol traffic between the 
    Mobile Data Peripheral and the radio. Thus, all radios in a system may 
    share the same IP address. The IP address may range from to
    Baud RateUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired RS232 Baud Rate. 
    The Baud Rate indicates the rate at which data will travel over the 
    RS232 port interface. Baud rate is measured in bits per second. This rate 
    should be set to the rate supported by the attached Mobile Data 
    Peripheral. Valid baud rates are 1200, 2400 and 9600.
    Stop BitsUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired number of RS-232 
    Stop Bits. The Stop Bit data field indicates the number of stop bits per 
    character over the RS-232 interface. Valid values for this field are 1 and 
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Enter or Scroll to Select Value.      
    ASTRO MOBILE   Model:                                                        
    MAIN:CHANGE/VIEW:CONV:ASTRO:DATA PER                                         
                                ASTRO DATA PERIPHERAL                            
                             IP Address                        
                             Baud Rate...............9600                        
                             Stop Bits..................1                        
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP                                                                    EXIT
    TalkgroupsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6, F5 and then F6 to access this 
    This screen is only available for radios equipped with CAI Digital Operation. 
    This screen allows you to change/view parameters pertaining to thee 
    ASTRO Conventional Talkgroups which are members of a Talkgroup 
    Field Definitions
    F2 - ADD LIST Adds an ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup List.
    F3 - PREV LISTViews the previous ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup List.
    F4 - NEXT LISTViews the next ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup List. 
    F5 - DELETE LISTDeletes the current ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup List.
    F6 - ADD TLK GP (TALKGROUP)Adds an ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup.
    F7 - DELETE TLK GPDeletes the current ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup.
    Field Definitions
    List NumberThis field represents the current ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup List.
    Individual Selective CallFor this field to be visible, the radio must be Multikey capable, and one or 
    both of the following conditions must be true:
    1. Secure Hardware Equipped on the Radio Wide Options (F4/F3/F2) 
    screen is Enabled.
    2. The radio is capable of Software Encryption and Software 
    Encryption is Enabled on the Radio Wide Options  screen (F4/F3/
    This field represents the Secure Key Number used by the radio when 
    the user makes and Individual Selective Call. This key applies to all 
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows to Select Choice.  
    ASTRO          Model:                                                        
    ...CONV:ASTRO:ASTRO CALL LIST                                                
     List Number.........1
                              ASTRO CONVENTIONAL TALKGROUPS                         
       Talkgroup Alias............Enabled    Individual Selective Call Key...1
              Talkgroup         Talkgroup         Voice Secure/          
       #         ID               Alias           Clear Strapping     Key Select
       --     -------        -------------        ---------------    ----------
       1      00001            TG 00002                  Select               1        
       1      00002            TG 00002                  Select               1        
       1      00003            TG 00002                  Select               1        
       1      00004            TG 00002                  Select               1        
       1      00005            TG 00002                  Select               1        
       1      00006            TG 00002                  Select               1        
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP    ADD     PREV    NEXT   DELETE    ADD   DELETE                  EXIT
             LIST    LIST    LIST    LIST   TLK GP  TLK GP                           
    							301 ASTRO Conventional Talkgroups within an ASTRO Conventional 
    Talkgroup List. The factory default is 1.
    Talkgroup AliasEnabling this field allows the subscriber unit to display the Talkgroup 
    Alias instead of the Talkgroup ID during Talkgroup  Selection.
    The alias can provide any textual reference which conveys a useful 
    meaning for the Talkgroup to the user. For example, if the Fire 
    Department has a Talkgroup ID of 01234, an alias of ‘FIRE DEPT’ will 
    perfectly describe what this group is to the users, and the users no 
    longer need to remember that the numerical Talkgroup ID of 01234 is 
    for the Fire Department. The factory default is Enabled.
    Talkgroup IDThis field is a five-digit decimal number designating a Talkgroup. Each 
    Talkgroup in the Talkgroup List must have a Talkgroup ID. The valid 
    range is 00001 to 65535. The factory default is 00002.
    Talkgroup Alias TestEach Talkgroup in the Talkgroup List may have a Talkgroup Alias. The 
    Alias is designed to be a more meaningful shorthand description for 
    the Talkgroup to the user. For example, if the Fire Department has a 
    Talkgroup ID of 01234, an alias of ‘FIRE DEPT’ will perfectly describe 
    what this group is to the user, and the user no longer needs to 
    remember that the numerical Talkgroup ID of 01234 is for the Fire 
    Department. The factory default is ‘TG 00002’.
    Voice Secure/Clear StrappingThis field enables the user to configure the Talkgroup’s transmit mode. 
    Three options are available:
    The factory default is Select.
    Clear The radio transmits to the Talkgroup without any voice 
    Secure The radio transmits to the Talkgroup using a Secure Key. 
    If the radio is Multikey capable, the Secure Key is 
    defined by the Key Index selected for the Talkgroup. If 
    the radio is single key capable, the Secure Key is the 
    single Secure Key.
    Select The user is allowed to select either the Clear or Secure 
    transmit mode via the Secure Select Switch. If the radio 
    is Multikey capable and transmitting in the Secure 
    mode, the Secure Key is defined by the Key Index. If the 
    radio is single key capable, and transmitting in the 
    Secure mode, the Secure Key is the single Secure Key.  
    							302Key SelectFor this field to be visible, the radio must be Multikey capable, and one or 
    both of the following conditions must be true:
    1. Secure Hardware Equipped on the Radio Wide Options (F4/F3/F2) 
    screen is Enabled.
    2. The radio is capable of Software Encryption and Software 
    Encryption is Enabled on the Radio Wide Options  screen (F4/F3/
    This field is an index into the group of Hardware and Software Secure 
    Keys currently defined in the radio. The key referenced by the Key 
    index is the Secure Key used to transmit to the Talkgroup when the 
    strapping is set to Secure. This key applies only to the specific 
    Talkgroup within a Talkgroup List. The factory default is 1. 
    MODATFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 and then F6 twice to access this 
    This screen cannot be accessed if the MODAT software option was not 
    purchased for the radio. This screen allows you to view and edit radio 
    MODAT options. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the 
    desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/
    DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value.
    Field Definitions
    Unit ID (decimal)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to make your selection or enter a four-
    digit decimal of the subscriber directly. The thousands digit must be to 
    the left and the one’s digit to the right. The valid range is 0000 to 8999.
    Pretime (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to make your selection or enter a 
    decimal value directly. Pretime is the time delay allowed for the system 
    to activate prior to every transmission. During this interval, an 
    unmodulated carrier is transmitted. Valid values range of 10 to 2550 
    ms in 10-ms increments.
    Revert Channel TableThe Emergency Revert Channel table contains the channels (pointed 
    to in the Conventional personalities) to which the radio reverts  when 
    entering Emergency call mode. Enter the zone numbers and the 
    channel numbers in the table. Each MODAT personality will select one 
    of these channels or may choose itself.
    First, create the necessary personalities. Then go to the ZONE/
    CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT screen (F4/F8), and enter channel 
    information. You will then be able to set the MODAT emergency 
    Note: Emergency revert channels cannot be Receive Only channels.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows to Select Choice.  
    ASTRO          Model:                                                        
        Unit ID (decimal)...............0       
        Pretime (ms)..................300                                        
                                                       Revert Table              
                                                     Num  Zone Channel           
                                                     ---  ---- -------           
                                                      1      1     1             
                                                      2      1     1             
                                                      3      1     1             
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP                                                                    EXIT
    Auxiliary SystemsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6, and then F7 to access this screen.
    This menu is available only if the RAC Software Option is Enabled. This 
    menu permits access to advanced Conventional signalling features for 
    the radio.
    Function Key Descriptions
    (Singletone System)Brings up the SINGLETONE SYSTEM screen. The Single Tone feature 
    allows the capability to selectively access Repeaters. The Single Tone 
    Systems defined from this screen can be specified in the CONV PERS 
    RAC OPTIONS screen (F4/F6/F3/F9/F7) by setting the Repeater Access 
    field to Enabled.
    (Singletones List)Brings up the SINGLETONE LIST screen where you can enter 
    frequencies to be used in Singletone Repeater Access.
    DFGMOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Select Function F1 - F10.             
    ASTRO          Model:                                                        
                                AUXILIARY SYSTEMS MENU                           
              F1  - HELP                                                         
              F2  - Singletone Systems                                           
              F3  - Singletone List                                              
              F4  -                                                              
              F5  -                                                              
              F6  -                                                              
              F7  -                                                              
              F8  -                                                              
              F9  -                                                              
              F10 - EXIT                                                         
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP   SINGLE  SINGLE                                                   EXIT
            SYSTEM  TONES                                                         
    Singletone SystemsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6, F7 and then F2 to access this 
    This screen allows you to configure the radio to work with various 
    Singletone systems. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the 
    desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/
    DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F2 - ADD SYSAdds a Singletone system.
    F3 - PREV SYSAccesses the previous Singletone system.
    F4 - NEXT SYSAccesses the next Singletone system.
    F5 - DELETE SYSDeletes the highlighted  Singletone system. You will be prompted for 
    confirmation before the system is actually deleted.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Enter or Scroll to Select System.     
    ASTRO         Model:                                                        
    ...CONV:AUX:SINGLETONE SYSTEM                                                
     System............ 1                                                        
                                  SINGLETONE SYSTEM                              
                    Tone Pretime (ms)........................250                 
                    Tone Duration (ms).......................500                 
                    PTT Sidetone.........................Enabled                 
                    RAB Sidetone.........................Enabled                 
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP     ADD    PREV    NEXT   DELETE                                   EXIT
              SYS    SYS     SYS     SYS                                          
    Field Definitions
    SystemUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired Singletone system, 
    enter the system number directly, or use the F3/F4 function keys to 
    scroll through the available systems. The radio may have a maximum of 
    16 systems.
    Tone Pretime (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select (or directly enter) the desired 
    value. The radio will stay in transmit mode for a period specified by the 
    pre-time tone value before any encoding of the tone occurs. The valid 
    range of values is 25 to 6375 ms in 25-ms increments.
    Tone Duration (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select or directly enter the desired 
    value. Upon expiration of the Singletone Pretime period, the 
    Singletone will be encoded onto the carrier for the duration of the 
    value specified in this field. The valid range of values is 25 to 6375 ms 
    in 25-ms increments.
    PTT SidetoneUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable this feature. If this 
    feature is enabled, the radio will sound the sidetone during the 
    Repeater Access sequence.
    Note: This only applies to Singletone and DTMF Repeater Access
    RAB SidetoneUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable this feature. If this 
    field is set to Enabled, the radio will sound the sidetone during any 
    Repeater Access sequence initiated via the Repeater Access Button 
    Singletone ListFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6, F7 and then F3 to access this 
    This screen pertains to the Single Tone list. The list of Single Tone 
    Frequencies entered here are the frequencies that will be available 
    when the RAB 1 Code Type on the CONVENTIONAL PERSONALITY 
    RAC OPTIONS screen (F4/F6/F3/F9/F7) is set to Single Tone.
    Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key 
    (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to 
    select the desired choice or value.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F2 - ADD TONEAdds a Single Tone tone (Hz).
    F5 - DELETE TONEDeletes the current Single Tone tone. You will be prompted for 
    confirmation before the tone is actually deleted.
    Field Definitions
    # (Number)This is the index number of the available Single Tone tones. This is a 
    view-only field.
    Tone (Hz)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired tone frequency or 
    enter a value directly. The defined tones can be used on a personality-
    by-personality basis in the CONV PERS RAC OPTIONS screen (F4/F6/
    F3/F9/F7) by setting the Repeater Access field to Enabled. The field 
    “Single Tone (Hz)” should contain a tone from this list. The valid range 
    of values is 300 to 3000 Hz in 0.1-Hz increments.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Enter or Scroll to Select Frequency.  
    ASTRO          Model:                                                        
    ...CONV:AUX:SINGLETONE LIST                                                  
                                   SINGLETONE LIST                               
                    #    Tone (Hz)                  #    Tone (Hz)               
                   --    ---------                 --    ---------               
                    1      300.0                                                 
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP    ADD                    DELETE                                   EXIT
             TONE                    TONE                                         
    Message Alias ListFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6, and then F8 to access this screen.
     This screen contains the Conventional Message Alias List and is used 
    to view and edit the Message Alias number and corresponding text. 
    Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key 
    (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to 
    select the desired choice or value.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F2 - ADD MESSAGEAllows you to add a message to the list.
    F5 - DELETE MESSAGEAllows you to delete a message from the list. You will be prompted for 
    confirmation before the message is actually deleted.
    Field Definitions
    EntryThis is the system-assigned entry number. This is a view-only field.
    Message Alias NumberThe Message Alias Number corresponds to the message number that is 
    transmitted over the air. It will match the message entry number in 
    most cases. However, if the first entry in the list should cause the 
    fourth message to be sent, then four should be assigned to the Message 
    Alias Number of entry 1.
    Message Alias TextEnter the ASCII text for the message to be displayed when the 
    corresponding message number is selected. The size of the message will 
    be display-dependent.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Enter or Scroll to Select Value.      
    ASTRO           Model:                                                       
    Page 1 of 2                                                                  
    ..CHANGE/VIEW:CONV:MESSAGE ALIAS LIST                                       
                               CONV MESSAGE ALIAS LIST                           
                   Entry  Message Alias Number    Message Alias Text             
                   -----  --------------------    ------------------             
                     1               1              MESSAGE 1                    
                     2               2              MESSAGE 2                    
                     3               3              MESSAGE 3                    
                     4               4              MESSAGE 4                    
                     5               5              MESSAGE 5                    
                     6               6              MESSAGE 6                    
                     7               7              MESSAGE 7                    
                     8               8              MESSAGE 8                    
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP     ADD                   DELETE                                   EXIT
            MESSAGE                 MESSAGE                                       
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