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Honeywell 1900gsr 2 User Manual

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    							Xenon/Granit User Guide51
    Base Charge Modes
    When the base has both an external power supply (plugged into the auxiliary power 
    port) and a host interface cable, it will draw its power from the external power sup-
    ply. When the base does not have an external power supply, it draws its power from 
    the interface cable. However, the scanner battery charges more slowly from a host 
    interface cable than if auxiliary power were available. Using the following selec-
    tions, you can specify whether the scanner battery is charged from power supplied 
    via the host interface cable. 
    When Base Charge Off is selected, the scanner battery does not charge when the 
    scanner is in the base cradle.
    When External or Interface Cable Power is selected, the scanner battery charges 
    from the base’s external power supply, if there is one. If there is no external power 
    supply to the base, the scanner battery charges from the interface cable. 
    When External Power Only is selected, the scanner battery only charges from the 
    base’s external power supply. If there is no external power supply, the scanner bat-
    tery does not charge.
    Note:If you are using a cordless charge base in Presentation Mode, External Power Only 
    is the only setting available.
    Default = External or Interface Cable Power.
    Scan in Cradle Off
    * Scan in Cradle On
    Shut Down Scanner in Cradle
    Base Charge Off
    External or Interface Cable 
    							52Xenon/Granit User Guide
    Page Mode
    By default, the paging button on the base or Access Point pages the scanners 
    associated with that base or Access Point. If you want the paging button on your 
    base or Access Point to be disabled, scan the Page Mode Off bar code, below. 
    When Page Mode is off, the base or Access Point will no longer page scanners when 
    the button is pressed. The red LED on the base or blue LED on the Access Point will 
    remain lit to indicate that Page Mode is off. (This light will go out when the button 
    is pressed, then back on when it’s released.)  Default = Page Mode On.
    Note:If you are using a Xenon 1902h model, refer to Quiet Operations - LED and Volume 
    Settings on page 149 for additional Page Button settings.
    Page Pitch
    When you press the Page button on the base or Access Point, the scanners associ-
    ated with that base or Access Point will begin beeping (see Page Button on page 
    45). You can set the pitch of the paging beep for each scanner by scanning one of 
    the following bar codes. Default = Low.
    External Power Only
    * Page Mode On
    Page Mode Off
    * Low (1000 Hz)
    Medium (3250 Hz) 
    							Xenon/Granit User Guide53
    Error Indicators
    Beeper Pitch - Base Error
    Note:This feature only applies to the CCB01-010BT base.
    The CCB01-010BT base can be configured to beep at a particular pitch when an 
    error occurs, such as transmission problems to a host system. The beeper pitch 
    codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the error tone the base emits when there is 
    an error. Default = Low.
    Number of Beeps - Base Error
    Note:This feature only applies to the CCB01-010BT base.
    The number of beeps and LED flashes emitted by the CCB01-010BT base for an 
    error condition can be programmed from 1 - 9. For example, if you program this 
    option to have five error beeps, there will be five error beeps and five LED flashes in 
    response to an error. To change the number of error beeps, scan the bar code below 
    and then scan a digit (1-9) from the Programming Chart, beginning on page 353, 
    then Save. Default = 1.
    High (4200 Hz)
    * Razz (250 Hz)
    Medium (3250 Hz)
    High (4200 Hz)
    Number of Base Error Beeps/LED Flashes 
    							54Xenon/Granit User Guide
    Scanner Report
    Scan the bar code below to generate a report for the connected scanners. The 
    report indicates the port, work group, scanner name, and address. To assign a 
    name to your scanner, refer to Menu Command Syntax, page 267.
    Scanner Address
    Scan the bar code below to determine the address of the scanner you are using.
    Base or Access Point Address
    Scan the bar code below to determine the address of the base or Access Point you 
    are using.
    Scanner Modes
    Your scanner is capable of working in single scanner mode, multiple scanner 
    mode, or with Bluetooth devices other than the charge base or Access Point.
    Charge Only Mode
    There may be times when you want to charge your scanner, but not link to the base. 
    For example, if a scanner is linked to an Access Point or other Bluetooth device and 
    you need to charge the scanner, but want to retain your existing link. 
    Scanner Report
    Scanner Address
    Base Address 
    							Xenon/Granit User Guide55 In order to program the base for Charge Only Mode, you must link a scanner to it. 
    Once the scanner is linked to the base, scan the Charge Only Mode bar code. Any 
    subsequent scanners placed in that base will charge without linking to it. The 
    scanner used to program the base remains linked to the base. To unlink this scan-
    ner, scan Unlink Scanner on page 56. 
    Note:When in Charge Only Mode, the scanner periodically wakes up and beeps. See "Power 
    Up Beeper" on page 5-113 to change this setting.
    Charge and Link Mode
    If you want to charge a scanner and link to the base, use Charge and Link Mode. If 
    the base is programmed for Charge Only Mode, you must link a scanner to it first in 
    order to program it for Charge and Link Mode. Scan the linking bar code on the 
    base to link the scanner, then scan Charge and Link Mode. Default = Charge and 
    Link Mode. 
    Linked Modes
    Locked Link Mode and Open Link Mode are the link modes that accommodate dif-
    ferent applications. Scan the appropriate bar codes included in the Open Link and 
    Locked Link Mode explanations that follow to switch from one mode to another. 
    Default = Open Link Mode.
    Locked Link Mode - Single Scanner
    If you link a scanner to a base or an Access Point using the Locked Link Mode, 
    other scanners are blocked from being linked if they are inadvertently placed into 
    the base, or if the Access Point linking bar code is scanned. If you do place a differ-
    ent scanner into a base, it will charge the scanner, but the scanner will not be 
    To use a different scanner, you need to unlink the original scanner by scanning the 
    Unlink Scanner bar code. (See Scanner Modes,page 54.)
    Charge Only Mode
    * Charge and Link Mode
    Locked Link Mode
    (Single Scanner) 
    							56Xenon/Granit User Guide
    Open Link Mode - Single Scanner
    When newly shipped or defaulted to factory settings, a scanner is not linked to a 
    base or an Access Point. A link is established when the scanner is placed into a 
    base, or an Access Point linking bar code is scanned. When in Open Link Mode, a 
    new link is established when a new scanner is placed in the base, or you scan an 
    Access Point linking bar code. Each time a scanner is placed into a base or scans 
    an Access Point linking bar code, the scanner becomes linked to the base or Access 
    point and the old scanner is unlinked.
    Unlink the Scanner
    If a base or an Access Point has a scanner linked to it, that scanner must be 
    unlinked before a new scanner can be linked. Once the previous scanner is 
    unlinked, it will no longer communicate with the base or Access Point. To unlink the 
    scanner from a base or an Access Point, scan the Unlink Scanner bar code below.
    Override Locked Scanner
    If you need to replace a broken or lost scanner that is linked to a base or an Access 
    Point, scan the Override Locked Scanner bar code below with a new scanner and 
    place that scanner in the base, or scan the Access Point linking bar code. The 
    locked link will be overridden; the broken or lost scanner’s link with the base or 
    Access Point will be removed, and the new scanner will be linked.
    Out-of-Range Alarm
    If your scanner is out range of the base, an alarm sounds from both your base and 
    scanner. If your scanner is out range of an Access Point, an alarm sounds from just 
    the scanner. The alarm stops when the scanner is moved closer to the base or 
    Access Point, when the base or Access Point connects to another scanner, or when 
    the alarm duration expires. To activate the alarm options for the scanner or the 
    * Open Link Mode
    (Single Scanner)
    Unlink Scanner
    Override Locked Scanner
    (Single Scanner) 
    							Xenon/Granit User Guide57 base and to set the alarm duration, scan the appropriate bar code below and then 
    set the time-out duration (from 0-3000 seconds) by scanning digits on the 
    Programming Chart, beginning on page 353, then Save. Default = 0 sec (no alarm).
    Note:If you are out of range when you scan a bar code, you will receive an error tone even if 
    you do not have the alarm set. You receive the error tone since the data could not be 
    communicated to the base or Access Point or the host.
    Alarm Sound Type
    You may change the alarm type for the scanner or a CCB01-010BT base by scan-
    ning the appropriate bar code below and then scanning a digit (0-7) bar code from 
    the Programming Chart, beginning on page 353, then Save. Default = 0. 
    The sounds are as follows: Note:The Access Point does not have a base alarm.
    Base Alarm Duration
    Scanner Alarm Duration
    0 3 long beeps, medium pitch
    1 3 long beeps, high pitch
    2 4 short beeps, medium pitch
    3 4 short beeps, high pitch
    4 single chirps, medium pitch
    5 2 chirps, then 1 chirp, medium pitch
    6 single chirps, high pitch
    7 2 chirps, then 1 chirp, high pitch
    Note:Only the CCB01-010BT base has an alarm. 
    Base Alarm Type
    Scanner Alarm Type 
    							58Xenon/Granit User Guide
    Scanner Power Time-Out Timer
    When there is no activity within a specified time period, the scanner enters low 
    power mode. Scan the appropriate scanner power time-out bar code to change the 
    time-out duration (in seconds).
    Note: Scanning zero (0) is the equivalent of setting no time-out.
    If there are no trigger pulls during the timer interval, the scanner goes into power 
    down mode. Whenever the trigger is enabled, the timer is reset. If the scanner is 
    placed in the charge base cradle and the battery is in the process of being charged, 
    the scanner will not go into power down mode. Default = 3600 seconds.
    Note:When the scanner is in power down mode, pull the trigger to power the unit back up. 
    There will be a set of power up beeps and a delay of up to a few seconds for the radio 
    to join. The scanner will then be ready to use.
    0 seconds
    200 seconds
    400 seconds
    900 seconds
    * 3600 seconds
    7200 seconds 
    							Xenon/Granit User Guide59
    Flexible Power Management
    If you are experiencing network performance issues, and suspect the scanner is 
    interfering with other devices, you can turn down the power output of the scanner. 
    This reduces the range between the scanner and a base or an Access Point as 
    shown in the following illustration:
    Scan one of the bar codes below to set the scanner’s power output to Full Power 
    (100%), Medium Power (35%), Medium Low Power (5%), or Low Power (1%). 
    Default = Full Power.
    Note:Setting a Granit scanner to anything lower than Full Power changes it to Class II 
    Full Power
    Reduced Power
    * Full Power
    Medium Power
    Medium Low Power
    Low Power 
    							60Xenon/Granit User Guide
    Batch Mode
    Batch mode is used to store bar code data when a scanner is out of range of its 
    base or Access Point, or when performing inventory. The data is transmitted to the 
    base or Access Point once the scanner is back in range or when the records are 
    manually transmitted. 
    Note:Batch Mode is only supported by the Honeywell Charge and Communication Base 
    (CCB) and Honeywell Access Point (AP). Batch mode has limitations when using 
    multiple scanners to one base or Access Point. If a cordless system is being used in 
    “multiple link mode,” where up to 7 scanners are to be connected to one base or 
    Access Point, some accumulated or batched scans could be lost if scanners are 
    constantly being moved in and out of range.
    Automatic Batch Mode stores bar code data when the scanner is out of range of 
    the base or Access Point. The data is automatically transmitted to the base or 
    Access Point once the scanner is back in range. When the scanner’s buffer space is 
    full, any bar codes scanned generate an error tone. In order to scan bar codes 
    again, the scanner must be moved back into range of the base or Access Point so 
    data can be transmitted. 
    Inventory Batch Mode stores bar code data, whether or not you are in range of the 
    base or Access Point. To transmit the stored data to the base or Access Point, either 
    place the scanner in the base, or scan Transmit Inventory Records (page 65). When 
    the scanner’s buffer space is full, any bar codes scanned generate an error tone. In 
    order to scan bar codes again, the data must be transmitted to the base or Access 
    Point. Once the data is transmitted, it is cleared in the scanner.
    Persistent Batch Mode is the same as Inventory Batch Mode, except that once the 
    data is transmitted to the base or Access Point, it is retained in the scanner. If you 
    want to transmit more than once, you can do so using this mode. In order to clear 
    the scanner’s buffer, you must scan Clear All Codes (see page 64).
    Default = Batch Mode Off.
    * Batch Mode Off
    Automatic Batch Mode
    Inventory Batch Mode
    Persistent Batch Mode 
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