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Canon recording software RM9 V10 User Manual

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    							Edit a Recording Schedule
    Setting a Recording Schedule
    „Import by Specifying the Day of the Week
    You can copy from a weekly schedule by specifying the 
    day of the week to copy. Using this procedure, you are 
    able to edit the recording schedule after making the copy.
    Importing by specifying the day of the week can be used to 
    import the schedule for any of the days of the week contained in 
    the weekly schedule. For example, you can import the schedule 
    of a day of the week that is different from the day of the week of 
    the target day.
    1Select a camera in the schedule area.
    2Click [Copy from Repeating Weekly Schedule].
    3Select a day of the week and click [OK]. 
    							Chapter 6
    Day-to-Day Operations
    ❏Viewing live images
    ❏Playing recordings
    ❏Operating a camera
    ❏Changing the layout of a video window
    ❏Viewing and checking events 
    Flow of Operations
    View recorded images
    Record Now (p. 96)Play a recording (p. 98)
    Save a snapshot of the displayed image (p. 96)Save part of a recording (p. 99)
    Search for a recording (p. 97)Zoom in/out of the Viewer display (p. 99)
    View live images 
    Get control of a camera (p. 100)Change the camera angle using a panorama image (p. 102)
    Use the pan/tilt/zoom feature (p. 100)Play back audio (p. 102)
    Change the camera angle to a preset position (p. 101)Compensate for dark regions in the image (p. 103)
    Check events
    View a live event (p. 104)Search for events (p. 105) 
    Day-to-Day Operations
    ➀Menu bar and toolbar
    Access this software’s functions. The toolbar provides easy access to commonly used functions.
    ➁Video window
    Display live images from a camera or playback from a recording.
    Change the camera angle using a panorama image.
    ➃Viewing area
    Place a video window in this area. You can display a grid for arranging video windows.
    Display the time and date and events that have occurred. Click an event to play back the recording.
    ➅Status bar
    Displays Viewer status messages and CPU load.
    Listen to live audio and transmit audio using the camera’s two-way audio feature.
    ➇[Camera Selector]
    Display and select cameras added to the Storage Server Group.
    ➈[Live Events Log]
    Display events that occurred one hour or less after Viewer startup.
    ➉[Camera Control]
    Get control of the camera and change the camera angle.
    Viewer Features
    Record Now
    Start recording while watching the live image. The 
    recording format is JPEG.
    A white frame surrounding the selected video window 
    is displayed.
    Recording starts. The upper part of the window is red 
    when recording. Recording stops automatically after 
    the set time period.
    The maximum frame rate is 5 fps.
     Audio is also recorded if audio is available from the camera.
     The [Record Now] duration can be changed. For details, see 
    “Configure the Viewer Display and Operation Settings” (p. 57).
    You can use [Record Now] to immediately record during a period 
    where there is no recording schedule set.
    Save a Snapshot of the Displayed Image
    You can take a snapshot of the displayed image and save 
    the still image.
    ➀[Display camera name] check box
    Select this check box if you want to add the camera 
    name to the still image.
    ➁[Display timestamp] check box
    Select this check box if you want to add the time and 
    date to the lower right side of the saved still image. 
    (You cannot specify the position, font, size or color.)
    ➂[Save As]
    Save the preview video.
    Closes the dialog box.
    The [Save As] dialog box appears.
    The file is saved in the specified location and the 
    focus is placed on the [Capture Still Frame] dialog 
    box again.
    If you use the on screen display feature of the camera, the 
    date and time on the snapshot may look different from the 
    date and time on the on screen display. In addition, we 
    recommend that you set the camera to display characters 
    on the upper right or upper left.
    View Recorded Images
    1Click the video window displaying the image to be 
    2Click [Record Now] on the toolbar.
     [Record Now] records at the maximum frame rate. Be sure to 
    take into account how much hard disk space is used.
     The recording duration can be specified, however, the actual 
    duration may depend on various settings and on network 
    1Click [Capture] on the toolbar to display the [Capture 
    Still Frame] dialog box.
    2Set the still image to be saved.
    3Click [Save As].
    4Specify the file name and storage location and click 
    5Click [Cancel] to close the dialog box.
    							View Recorded Images
    Day-to-Day Operations
     You cannot operate the preview when displaying the [Capture 
    Still Frame] dialog box. You must operate the camera in 
    advance to set its angle. For details on operating the camera, 
    see “Operate the Camera” (p. 100).
     The .bmp file format is used for still images.
    Search for a Recording
    Images recorded using a recording schedule or [Record 
    Now] are displayed on the timeline as events. You can 
    search through the recordings to find the recording that 
    you want to play back.
    „Search by Changing the Timeline
    Zoom out or zoom in the timeline.
    ➁Event display area
    Displays events according to the times they occurred.
    ➂Time bar
    Drag the bar to scroll through the timeline.
    Change the recording period displayed in the timeline 
    using the buttons at each end.Events displayed as film icons are videos recorded for 
    that period. Click the event to play the recording.
    Events associated with the selected camera are also 
    displayed in the event display area. (The color of these 
    events represents their priority.) Click the event to play the 
     Events in the display area that are not associated with the 
    selected camera (secondary events) are displayed as 
    transparent. If you do not select a camera, all events are 
    displayed as primary events (not transparent).
     Click [View] > [Timeline] to display/hide the timeline.
    „Search by Specifying the Time and Date
    The playhead moves to the specified date and time 
    and the recorded video starts playing in the video 
    „Search by Event
    Click [Search] on the toolbar or [Search] on the timeline 
    toolbar to search for an event. Click the event in the 
    search results to play the associated recording. For 
    details, see “Play Back an Event” (p. 105).
    Do not specify the Windows folder or the Program Files folder 
    on the system drive as the destination. Images cannot be saved 
    to these folders.
    1Click the video window.
    2Drag the timeline to display the time and date for the 
    Go back one week
    Go back one day
    Go back 10% of the current time display
    Go forward 10% of the current time display
    Go forward one day
    Go forward one week
    3Click an event in the event display area.
    1Click a video window.
    2Click [Jump] on the timeline to display the [Jump to 
    Time] dialog box.
    3Specify the date and time and click [OK].
    Events not associated with 
    the selected camera.
    Events associated with 
    the selected camera 
    Play a Recording
    Use the playback controls on the timeline to control the 
    image displayed in the video window.
    ➀Playback controls
    Controls for image playback.
    ➁Event display area
    Click to move the playhead to the playback position.
    Drag the playhead to change the playback position.
    Video Window Display for Playback
    ➀Playback indicator
    Displays the playback status.
    ➁Title bar
    Displays the camera name and the time and date of the 
     You can play recordings from more than one camera at the 
    same time.
     You can display recordings from one camera in multiple video 
    windows. You can also play images recorded at different times 
     Click [Live] on the timeline toolbar during playback to return to 
    the live image.
    Jump to previous event
    Rewind (each click changes the speed in 
    sequence: 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x)
    Go to previous frame
    / Play/pause
    Go to next frame
    Fast forward (each click changes the 
    speed in sequence: 2x, 5x, 10x) 
    Jump to next event
     You cannot use rewind or go to previous frame for recordings 
    in MPEG-4 or H.264 format. Also, the fast forward speed is 
    fixed at 2x.
     Because image data is being sent from the Storage Server to 
    the Viewer during playback, playback response and 
    smoothness depends on factors such as the amount of 
    network traffic.
     The time displayed on the timeline corresponds to the clock 
    on the computer where the Viewer is running.
     To play back a recorded video, set a time earlier than the 
    current time that will allow recording 10 frames*. If you try to 
    simultaneously record and play back video before 10 frames 
    have been recorded, playback may be momentarily 
    * At a recording frame rate of 0.1 fps, 10 frames takes 
    100 seconds.
    At a recording frame rate of 1 fps, 10 frames takes 
    10 seconds. 
    							View Recorded Images
    Day-to-Day Operations
    Zoom the Viewing Area In and Out
    You can zoom the viewing area in and out in four levels. 
    Each click zooms further in on the viewing area.
    Each click zooms further out of the viewing area.
     Select [Actual Size] from the [View] menu to return the view to 
    the actual size.
     You cannot zoom out further than the actual size.
    Save Part of a Recording
    You can save a part of a recording with a length of up to 
    one hour to a file.
    ➀[From] and [To]
    Specify the date and time of the start and end 
    ➁[Include audio if available] check box
    Clear the check box if you do not want to include audio 
    in the file.
    ➂[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    The [Save As] dialog box appears.
    Extracted images are saved in QuickTime format (with the .mov 
    file extension) and can be played with QuickTime Player (or other 
    players that support the .mov file format). If QuickTime Player is 
    not installed, you can download it for free from http://
    www.apple.com/quicktime. We recommend that you use 
    QuickTime Player Version 6.5.1 or later.
    1On the toolbar, click [+] next to [Zoom].
    2Click [-] to zoom out.
    The quality of the video image in the video window decreases 
    when you zoom in. To increase the image quality, increase the 
    resolution (p. 61).
    1Select a recording on the timeline.
    2Click [Extract] on the timeline to display the [Extract 
    Video] dialog box.
    3Specify the time range for the image to be extracted.
    4Click [OK].
    5Specify the file name and storage location and click 
     You can extract a video from only one video window at a 
     Do not specify the Windows folder or the Program Files folder 
    on the system drive as the destination. Images cannot be 
    saved to these folders.
     You cannot save only audio data.
     If you try to extract a time range that contains different video 
    formats (such as JPEG and H.264), only the first video in the 
    time range will be saved.
    You can change the camera angle or adjust the image 
    quality for a camera in the video window.
    Get Control of a Camera
    ➀Camera angle control buttons
    Change the camera angle.
    ➁[Select Preset]
    Moves the camera to a preset position.
    Displays the [Panorama] window. Move the camera to 
    a position using the panorama image.
    Get or release control of the camera.
    ➄Zoom slider
    Drag to change the zoom position. Drag up to move 
    towared the telephoto position and down to move 
    towared the wide-angle position.
    Configure the camera’s advanced settings.
    You now have control of the camera for a certain 
     If the camera is idle for one minute, camera control is released 
    automatically. A count down message is displayed 10 seconds 
    before the release. If you want to keep control of the camera, 
    click the video window.
     If you want to move the video window while you are in control 
    of the camera, drag the title bar.
     You can also control the camera while recording. If the camera 
    angle to be used during recording has been set, the camera 
    returns to the set position when the Viewer releases camera 
    Use the Pan/Tilt/Zoom Feature
    „Use the Pan/Tilt/Zoom Feature in the [Camera 
    Control] Dialog Box
    You can use the pan/tilt/zoom feature in the [Camera 
    Control] dialog box after getting control of the camera.
    ➀Camera angle control buttons
    Change the camera angle by clicking the buttons.
    Click in the center to point the camera to the front.
    ➁Zoom slider
    Drag the slider to change the zoom position.
    Drag the slider up to move towared the telephoto 
    position and down to move towared the wide-angle 
    Operate the Camera
    1Click the video window.
    2Click [Window] > [Camera Control] to display the 
    [Camera Control] dialog box.
    3Click [Control].
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