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Canon recording software RM9 V10 User Manual

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    							Chapter 2
    ❏How to install the software
    ❏Settings after installation 
    Before Installation
    About Licenses
    You must have one license per installed computer.
    To add Viewers, you must purchase the required number 
    of licenses separately (p. 18).
    Use an NTFS Formatted Drive
    The drive you install the software on and the drive for 
    saving recorded images must be in NTFS format.
    Set Up the Cameras
    You must set up any cameras that you will use with this 
    software before starting operation. For details, refer to the 
    camera manual.
    Stop Other Applications
    Stop other applications that are running on the computer, 
    such as anti-virus software, before installing the software.
    How to Install the Software
    This starts the installer automatically. If the installer 
    does not automatically start, open the CD-ROM 
    directory using Windows Explorer and double-click 
     When the [User Account Control] dialog box appears, click 
    [Yes] or [Continue].
     If .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed on your computer, a 
    dialog box is displayed asking you to install .NET Framework 
    3.5. Click [Install] to start installation of .NET Framework 3.5.
    The .NET Framework is not automatically installed. 
    Download the install file from the Microsoft download center 
    and install it, or use the installer bundled on the set-up CD-
    ROM (Applications folder > DotNetFramework folder > 
     Install RM-Lite v1.1 without uninstalling v1.0 when 
    upgrading. If you uninstall v1.0 before installing v1.1, you will 
    need to redo all of your camera and recording settings.
     Double-click RMLiteInstall.exe in the [Applications] folder 
    on the setup CD-ROM bundled with the camera.
    The Storage Server, Viewer, or both are installed, 
    depending on the license key(s) you entered.
    The license key input dialog box is not displayed. 
    Instead, enter your name and affiliation in the dialog box 
    that is displayed and click [Next].
    You must log on to the computer as a computer administrator to 
    install this software.
    1Insert the installation CD-ROM into the CD drive.
    2Click [Next].
    3Read the license agreement carefully. Click [I accept 
    the terms in the license agreement], if you accept 
    them, and then click [Next] to continue.
    4Enter your license key(s) and click [Next]. 
     You can click [Change] to change the destination folder. 
    However, we recommend that you do not change the 
     To check the available disk space on each drive of the 
    computer and the disk space required for installation, click 
     A dialog box asking you to specify the software to be 
    installed is displayed. If you click [All], proceed to the step 6. If 
    you click [Custom], the sample dialog box above is displayed. 
    Select which application to install, the Storage Server or the 
    Viewer. Click the application that you do not want to install and 
    select [This feature will not be available].
     When installing on a PC that has multiple network interfaces, 
    select the network interface to use in the [Network adapter] list 
    and the assigned IP address in the [IP address] list.
     If you clear the [Add storage server programs to the Windows 
    Firewall exception list.] check box, you need to configure 
    Windows Firewall after the installation is complete. For details, 
    see “Windows Firewall Settings” (p. 34).
    One of the following icon appears on your desktop when 
    the installation is complete.
    5Click [Next].
    6Click [Next].
    If you change the network interface or IP address after this 
    point, you will need to reinstall the software.
    7Click [Install].
    8Click [Finish].
    9Click [Yes] to restart the computer.
     You must restart the computer to enable the settings that 
    were made during the installation.
     You must configure the operating system after installation. 
    For details, see “Settings After Installation” (p. 34).
     If you reinstall this software after uninstalling it, the setting 
    configurations before uninstallation will not be retained. If you 
    want to reinstall this software, we recommend that you 
    backup the settings as a configuration file before 
    uninstallation. For details on backup, see “Chapter 8 
    Configure the following settings after installing this 
    software according to the operating system you are using:
    (3: Required, 
    —: Not required)
    Windows Firewall Settings
    If you install the Storage Server and the Viewer on 
    different computers, you must change the Windows 
    Firewall settings on the computer used for the Storage 
    The changes to the settings are already complete if you 
    selected the [Add storage server programs to the 
    Windows Firewall exception list.] check box during 
    installation. If you did not select the above check box 
    during installation, perform the following procedure to 
    change the Windows Firewall settings.
    The following settings are not required if you install the 
    Storage Server and Viewer onto the same computer.
    „When using Windows 7 or Windows Server 
    2008 R2„When using Windows Vista or Windows Server 
    If the [Control Panel] is set to [Classic View], double 
    click [Windows Firewall].
    If the [User Account Control] dialog box is displayed, 
    click [Continue].
    Settings After Installation
    Windows 7, 
    Windows VistaWindows Server 
    2008, Windows 
    Server 2008 R2
    Windows Firewall 
    Security Level 
    Sound Settings for 
    Using the Audio 
    Warning When 
    Viewer Starts33
    1Click [Start] > [Control Panel] to open the [Control 
    2Click [System Security] > [Windows Firewall].
    3Click [Advanced Settings] to display the [Windows 
    Firewall with Advanced Security] window.
    4Click [Inbound Rules] and select [New Rule] from the 
    [Action] menu to start the [New Inbound Rule Wizard].
    5Click [Port], and then click [Next].
    6Click [TCP] and [Specific local ports], and then enter 
    80 as the port number. Then click [Next].
    7Click [Allow the connection], and then click [Next].
    8Click [Next].
    9Enter a name (such as the Storage Server or Storage 
    Server Group name) in [Name] and click [Finish].
    10The added inbound rule should be displayed in the 
    [Windows Firewall with Advanced Security] window, 
    with a checkmark icon displayed next to the rule.
    1Click [Start] > [Control Panel] to open the [Control 
    2Click [System Security] > [Windows Firewall].
    3Click [Change settings].
    4Click the [Exceptions] tab and click [Add Port].
    5In the [Add a Port] dialog box, enter the name of the 
    Storage Server and 80 as the port number. Make sure 
    that [TCP] is selected and click [OK].
    6Confirm that the added Storage Server is now 
    displayed in the [Windows Firewall] dialog box and that 
    the check box is selected. Then, click [OK]. 
    							Settings After Installation
    Security Level Setting
    In Internet Explorer, the default security level setting for 
    Internet or intranet sites in Windows Server 2008 and 2008 
    R2 is “High”. Therefore, you are not able to configure 
    settings in the configuration or top page of the camera. 
    Follow these steps to register the site as a trusted site.
     For details on registration with trusted sites, click [Learn more 
    about Internet Explorer’s Enhanced Security Configuration] in 
    the [Internet Options] dialog box and refer to the displayed 
     JavaScript may be disabled in the standard security setting, 
    even if a content block dialog box is not displayed. This may 
    limit the operation of the setting page or the camera’s Viewer. 
    The JavaScript setting is enabled automatically once trusted 
    site registration is complete.
    Sound Settings for Using the Audio Feature
    The sound feature is disabled by default in Windows 
    Server 2008 and 2008 R2. To receive audio with the 
    camera’s Viewer, follow these steps to enable the sound 
    If the [Control Panel] is set to [Classic View], double-
    click [Sound] and proceed to Step 3.
    If no audio device is installed, refer to the manual for 
    your computer on how to install an audio device.
    Warning When Viewer Starts
    If [User Account Control] is enabled, the [User Account 
    Control] screen will be displayed when you start the 
    Viewer. Click [Yes] (or [Continue]) to start the Viewer.
    1Start Internet Explorer and click [Tools] > [Internet 
    Options] to display the [Internet Options] dialog box.
    2Click the [Security] tab.
    3Click [Trusted Sites] and click [Sites].
    4Clear the [Require server verification (https:) for all 
    sites in this zone] check box.
    5Enter the IP address of your camera in [Add this 
    website to the zone] and click [Add].
    1Click [Start] > [Control Panel] to open the [Control 
    2Click [Hardware and Sound] and click [Sound].
    3If the [Audio Service Not Running] dialog box is 
    displayed, click [Yes].
    4The [Sound] dialog box is displayed. Select the 
    [Playback] tab and confirm that an appropriate audio 
    device is installed. 
    							Chapter 3
    Storage Server Settings
    ❏Adding cameras
    ❏Configuring the Storage Server Group
    ❏Adding users 
    Flow of Storage Server Settings
    Start the Viewer (p. 39)
    Configure a Storage Server Group
    Display the [Storage Server Group Settings] dialog box (p. 41)
    Change the Storage Server Group name (p. 41)
    Configure the recording settings (p. 41)
    Configure the event priority and e-mail notifications (p. 42)
    Configure a Storage Server
    Display the [Servers] tab (p. 45)
    Specify the storage period for recorded images (p. 45)
    Change the destination of the recording file and the maximum disk usage (p. 46)
    Add a camera
    Display the [Cameras] tab (p. 47)
    Add cameras one at a time (p. 47)Search for and add cameras (p. 48)
    Add a user
    Display the [Users] tab (p. 51)
    Add a user (p. 52)Add a user group and specify its access permissions (p. 53)
    We strongly recommend that only one administrator configure the Storage Servers on each network. 
    Storage Server Settings
    Double-click the [RM-Lite Viewer v1.1] icon on your 
    If the [User Account Control] dialog box appears, click [Yes] (or 
    ➀[Host Name]
    Enter the host name or the IP address of the Storage 
    Server Group. If the Viewer and the Storage Server are 
    installed on the same computer, enter “localhost”.
    Normally, leave [80] unchanged.
    ➂[User Name], [Password]
    Enter your user name and password.
    The default user name and password are:
    User Name: administrator
    Password: NVR
    ➃[Remember user name]
    Select the check box if you want the software to 
    remember the user name.
    ➄[Use Group Name]
    Click to specify a Storage Server Group name for the 
     The first time you connect to the Storage Server Group, you 
    must enter the host name and port number. However, from the 
    second time onward, you can simply specify the Storage 
    Server Group name (p. 40).
     If there are no cameras added, a message is displayed asking 
    if you want to add a camera. Click [Yes] to display the [Add 
    Camera] dialog box and start adding a camera on the network. 
    For details, see “Add Cameras One at a Time” (p. 47).
     You can configure the Viewer to start without displaying the 
    startup screen or the [Connect to Storage Server Group] dialog 
    box. For details, see “Create a Shortcut Icon for Starting the 
    Viewer” (p. 130).
    Start the Viewer
     The Viewer cannot be started on its own. Be sure to start the 
    Viewer in an environment that allows it to connect to the 
    Storage Server.
     You must log on as a computer administrator to configure the 
    Storage Server from the Viewer.
     Check to make sure that other users are not connected to the 
    Storage Server before configuring it from the Viewer.
    1Double-click the [RM Viewer v1.0] icon on your 
    2Specify the information required to connect to the 
    Storage Server Group.
    3Click [Connect].
     You should change the password for the default user 
    (administrator) as a security measure. For details on how to 
    change the password, see “Add a User” (p. 51).
     Be sure to remember your password.
     You must start the Viewer while logged on as a user in the 
    Administrator user group to be able to set up the Storage 
    „Specify the Storage Server Group for Starting 
    the Viewer
    You can start the Viewer using a Storage Server Group 
    name instead of the host name of the server.
    Double-click the [RM-Lite Viewer v1.1] icon on your 
    If the [User Account Control] dialog box appears, click [Yes] (or 
    ➀[Group Name]
    Display the Storage Server Group name.
    ➁[User Name] and [Password]
    Enter the use name and password.
    The default user name and password are:
    User Name: administrator
    Password: NVR
    ➂[Remember user name]
    Select the check box if you want the software to 
    remember the user name.
    ➃[Use Host Name]
    Click to specify a host name of the Storage Server for 
    the connection.
    1Double-click the [RM Viewer v1.0] icon on the desktop.
    2Click [Use Group Name].
    3Specify the information required to connect to the 
    Storage Server.
    4Click [Connect].
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