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Canon recording software RM9 V10 User Manual

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    Storage Server Settings
    You can add users to the Viewer and place them in the 
    administrator group or the general user group.
    About User Groups
    The Viewer provides the following two user groups, each 
    with different user permissions.
    Users in this group can fully operate the Viewer.
    Users in this group have limited access to the features 
    of the Viewer. They cannot configure a camera or set a 
    recording schedule.
    You can specify the group to which the added user 
    belongs by selecting from [User Group].
    You can create a new user group and specify permissions 
    for users that belong to the group.
    Administrator for this software program does not refer to the 
    Windows administrator.
    Display the [Users] Tab
    The [Users] tab is displayed in the [Settings] dialog 
    ➀[Storage Server Group]
    Display the Storage Server Group name.
    ➁List of users
    Displays a list of existing users.
    ➂[Add], [Edit], and [Remove]
    Add, edit or remove a user.
    ➃[User Group Settings]
    Add, edit or delete a user group.
    Closes the dialog box.
    Add a User
     A default user called “administrator” is created in the 
    Administrator user group. The password for this user is 
    “NVR”. We recommend that you change the password for 
    this user after installation. We strongly recommend that, for 
    normal surveillance operation, you create individual users 
    with access permissions for only the minimum required 
     Be sure to remember your password.
     You cannot add user groups.
    1Click [Settings] > [Users].
    Add a User
    Use this tab to add a new Viewer user. Also use it to 
    specify the kind of user (Administrator or Operator).
    ➀[User Name]
    Enter the name of the user to be added.
    Enter the password used to log into the Viewer.
    ➂[Confirm Password]
    Enter the password again for confirmation.
    ➃[User Group]
    Select the user group (“Administrator” or “Operator”).
    You can also select an added user group. For details, 
    see “Add a User Group and Specify Its Access 
    Permissions” (p. 53).
    ➄[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    The added user appears in the list of users on the 
    [Users] tab.
    Change the User Information
    ➀[User Name]
    All user names can be changed, except for the default 
    “administrator” user name.
    ➁[Old Password]
    Enter the old password.
    ➂[New Password]
    Enter the new password.
    ➃[Confirm New Password]
    Enter the new password again for confirmation.
    ➄[User Group]
    Select a user group (“Administrator” or “Operator”).
    You can also select an added user group (p. 53).
    The default “administrator” user is associated with the 
    Administrator user group. You cannot change this user 
    group for the default “administrator” user.
    ➅[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    1Click [Add] to display the [Add User] dialog box.
    2Enter the information required to add the user.
    3Click [OK] to close the dialog box.
    1Select a user in the list.
    2Click [Edit] to display the [Edit User] dialog box.
    3Change the user information.
    4Click [OK] to close the dialog box.
    							Add a User
    Storage Server Settings
    Remove a User
    You cannot delete the default “administrator” user.
    Add a User Group and Specify Its Access 
    You can create additional user groups and specify 
    access permissions for the group.
    In the [Settings] dialog box, click the [User] tab and click 
    [User Group Settings] to display the [User Group 
    Settings] dialog box.
    ➀List of user groups
    Displays a list of existing user groups.
    ➁[Add], [Edit], and [Remove]
    Add, edit or remove a user group.
    ➂[Full Control]
    Assign all access permissions for the selected user 
    ➃[Partial Control]
    Specify individual access permissions for the selected 
    user group.
    Close the dialog box.
    You cannot edit or remove the “Administrator” and “Operator” 
    user groups.
    „Specify Individual Access Permissions
    Click [Partial Control] and select the check boxes next to 
    the desired access permissions for each feature.
    Select the check box next to a feature to enable operation 
    of the feature.
    Camera tags are only displayed for [View Live Video], 
    [Playback Recorded Video], and [View Recording 
    Schedules]. Click a tag to display a dialog box for 
    specifying camera tags to narrow down the cameras to 
    which the access permissions will be assigned.
    1Select a user in the list.
    2Click [Remove].
    3A message asking if you want to remove the user is 
    displayed. Click [Yes].
    ➃ ➁
    Access permissions for 
    each featureSelected camera tags 
    							Chapter 4
    Viewer Settings
    ❏Configuring the Viewer
    ❏Configuring a camera
    ❏Creating a layout 
    Flow for Viewer Settings
    Start the Viewer (p. 39)
    Configure the Viewer
    Display the [Viewer Settings] dialog box (p. 57)
    Configure the Viewer display and operation settings (p. 57)Configure the display/hide mode for each event (p. 58)
    Configure event notification and priorities (p. 58)
    Configure the camera
    Display the [Camera Selector] dialog box (p. 59)
    Select a camera (p. 59)Configure the [Advanced Camera Settings] (p. 61)
    Configure the video window (p. 60)
    Configure the video window layout 
    Create a layout (p. 65)
    Place a video window (p. 66)
    Save the layout (p. 67)
    Configure a dynamic layout (p. 67)
    Configure a layout sequence (p. 68)
    We strongly recommend that only one administrator configure the Storage Servers on each network. 
    Viewer Settings
    Start the Viewer and configure it for day-to-day 
    operations. For details on how to start the Viewer, see 
    “Start the Viewer” (p. 39).
    Display the [Viewer Settings] dialog box
    The [Viewer Settings] dialog box is displayed.
    ➀[General] tab
    Configure the Viewer screen display settings.
    ➁[Event Notification] tab
    Configure how the Viewer displays an event.
    ➂[Event Display] tab
    Specify the types of events to be displayed in the 
    ➃[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    Configure the Viewer Display and Operation 
    ➀[Maximum Live Frame Rate]
    Specify the maximum live view frame rate.
    ➁[Manual Recording Duration]
    Specify the [Record Now] recording time, from 30 to 
    300 seconds.
    ➂[Auto adjust frame rate under heavy load]
    Automatically adjust the display frame rate.
    ➃[Use large captions for video window title bars]
    Increase the title bar text size of the video window.
    ➄[Confirm when changing to full screen mode]
    Display a confirmation message when switching to full 
    screen mode.
    ➅[Prompt to save changes when layouts are closed]
    Display a confirmation message when a layout in the 
    Viewer is closed. The message is not displayed if the 
    layout is not changed.
    ➆[Timeout Before Ending]
    Automatically stop two-way audio communication after 
    the specified period, from 1 to 60 minutes.
    You can also specify 0 minutes. However, two-way 
    audio communication will not stop automatically in 
    such cases, so you must stop it manually. We 
    recommend setting an arbitrary timeout duration to 
    avoid unintentional continuation of audio 
    Configure the Viewer
    1Click [Settings] > [Viewer].
    1Click the [General] tab.
    2Configure each item.
    Configure Event Notification and Priorities
    ➀[Show Events in Live Events Log and Timeline]
    Display an event in the [Live Events Log] dialog box 
    and on the timeline.
    [Equal to or higher than]
    Specify the priority of events to be displayed.
    ➁[Show Video Window on Event]
    Automatically display the camera’s video window when 
    an event occurs.
    [Equal to or higher than]
    Specify the priority of events for which a video window 
    is displayed.
    ➂[Operator Notification]
    Notify the operator that an event occurred.
    [Equal to or higher than]
    Specify the priority of events to be notified.
    [Flash event indicator for]
    Specify the time the event indicator flashes right after 
    the event occurs, from 1 to 99 seconds.
    [Play audio alert]
    Beep when an event occurs.
    [Display event indicator during playback]
    Display an event during playback.
    ➃[Acknowledge Event]
    Prompt the operator to acknowledge an event.
    [Equal to or higher than]
    Specify the priority of events to be acknowledged.
    You cannot change the [Show Video Window on 
    Event], [Operator Notification], and [Acknowledge Event] 
    Configure the Display/Hide Mode for Each 
    Specify the types of events displayed in the [Live Events 
    Log] dialog box and on the timeline.
    Select an event to be displayed in the [Live Events 
    Log] dialog box and on the timeline.1Click the [Event Notification] tab.
    2Configure each item.
    1Click the [Event Display] tab.
    2Specify whether or not to display each type of event. 
    Viewer Settings
    Display the [Camera Selector] dialog box
    The [Camera Selector] dialog box is displayed.
    ➀[Search for] box
    Search for the camera to be used for display.
    ➁Camera list
    Displays a list of registered cameras.
    Each time you select [Window] > [Camera Selector], the display 
    of the [Camera Selector] dialog box is toggled on or off.
    Select a Camera
    When you have a large number of cameras registered, 
    search for the camera using the camera name or any 
    associated tags.
    The following items are displayed when you click the 
    search button.
    Enter a camera name, tag or camera status in the 
    search criteria box.
     [Camera Name]
    Enter the camera name in the search criteria box.
    Select the camera tag to be searched.
    Select the camera status to be searched.
    Select the model name to be searched.
     [Host Name (camera)]
    Enter the camera host name or IP address in the 
    search criteria box.
    Storage Server Group Name]
    Searching by this item is not available.
    Configure the Camera
    1Click [Window] > [Camera Selector].
    1Click the search button and specify the search criteria.
    2Specify the search criteria and search for the camera.
    3Double-click the camera in the search results to 
    display the video window.
    Search button
    Search criteria box 
    ➀Video window menu button
    Click to display a menu for operating the video window.
    ➁Title bar
    Displays the camera name and type of image being 
    With the on-screen display feature enabled, if you set the 
    display position to the lower right or lower left, the video 
    window title bar, the recorded image indicator, or the 
    event indicator may hide the text that should be 
    Configure the Video Window
    You can configure the video window settings, including 
    the window size and the video format (JPEG or MPEG-4).
    „Change the Video Window Size
     [160x120] / [320x240] / [640x480]
    Change the size of the video window, selecting from 
    small ([160x120]), medium ([320x240]) and large 
    Adjusts the size of the video window to the received 
    image size. For the image size during reception, see 
    “Change the Video Window Resolution” (p. 61).
     [Full Screen]
    Display an image on the entire screen. For details, see 
    “Display the video Full Screen” (p. 61).
     Drag the lower right corner of the video window to resize it.
     If the video window size selected in the [Video Receive Size] 
    submenu is greater than [640 x 480], the load on the CPU will 
    increase and the Viewer may operate more slowly.
    4To display images from other cameras, repeat step 3.
     When an error occurs, the corresponding error message is 
    displayed in the video window. For details, see “Error 
    Messages in the Video Window” (p. 121).
     The number of video windows that can be displayed in the 
    Viewer depends on factors such as the graphics card, CPU 
    performance, frame rate, camera image size, and the image 
     Viewer operation may slow down under high CPU loads.
    ➀➁1Click the video window menu button to display the 
    2Click [Video Display Size] and select the video window 
    size from the submenu. 
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