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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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    of 402
    							5-30 Ca ll Fo rwa rd
    Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion)
    1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access
    code, if app licable.
    2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad.
    3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be
    ca ncelled.
    4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition).
    5 . R edi al t he sam e s ta ti o n nu m ber. A c o nfi rm ati o n t o ne so u n ds; fiv e
    seconds later a dial tone is received.
    †If a Cal l For ward mode i s cur r ent ly act iv e a t the s tat i on whe re
    for war di ng i s d esi re d, t he ne w for wa rd become s act ive an d cance ls
    the p reviou s forwa rd.
    †Both internal and external calls to the affected station forward to the
    des ig nate d l ocat ion .
    †Cal l for war di ng mus t be al lowe d i n pr ogr ammi ng f or the af fect ed
    st at ion.
    †When remote forward is activated, the forwarding is immediate.
    †A station’s Ca ll Forward s ta tus is s tored in a b attery protected area of
    mem ory. A station’s C all For wa rd st at us i s re tur ne d af te r a powe r
    fai lur e or sys te m r es et oc c ur s.
    †When a key telephone is forwarded remotely, th e k ey station’s
    forward b utton lig hts. Th e s ta tion us er may cance l the forwa rding a t
    the i r s ta ti o n by pre ss ing ON/ O FF, the n t he FWD bu t to n. SLT u s er s c an
    cancel their forwa rding b y going of f hook and dia ling the forwa rd
    †DISA cal l ers e nte ring the code a nd ma ki ng a mis ta ke are g ive n a n
    error tone for 3 seconds, silence for 2 secon ds, then the dial tone is
    re tu r ne d. 
    							Ca ll F o r wa rd 5 - 3 1
    No An sw e r
    Forwarding All Calls
    1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button.
    2. Press the FWD button or dial [640].
    3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd No-A ns wer code [7 ] on the di al pa d.
    4. Dial the desired extension number where calls are to be forwarded. A
    conf irmation ton e is hea rd.
    5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton .
    Removing Call Forwarding
    1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button.
    2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. A confirmation tone is heard and
    the FWD LED is extinguished.
    Of f- Net For ward (vi a Spe ed D ial )
    This fea ture allows station s to forward intercom a nd transferred C O ca lls
    to an o ff-ne t loca tion.
    In a s pe ed dia l bin, store the numb er of the off -ne t location whe re to
    forward calls . F ollow instructions prov id ed for storing s ta tion or s ystem
    spe ed di al numbe r s.
    1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button.
    2. Press the FWD button or dial [640].
    3. Dial [
    ✳] on the dial pad. Dial the desired speed bin number (000-019,
    020-999) that contains the number where to forward calls. A
    conf irmation ton e is hea rd. FWD button LED flas hes.
    4 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton .
    †The use r ca ncel s for wa rdi ng by going off-h ook and pre ss ing t he FWD
    but ton.
    †Forwarding is unconditiona l and o ccurs imm ediately whe n a station
    cal ls an Off -Ne t for war ded st at ion . 
    							5-32 Cal l er I D Na me/ Number
    †The call to a s ta tion is n ot answered until the outgoing CO Line is
    se iz ed and the d igi ts ar e out- pul se d. T he ca ll ing St at ion re cei ves I CM
    ringback until answered. Upon answer the Station receives whatever
    CO progre ss tone s apply (Ringb ack, Busy, E rror, Announce ment, etc. ).
    †If a station is den ied S tation Ca ll Forwarding, Off- Net f orward ing is
    not allowe d.
    †Toll Restriction is based on the forwarding station’sCOSandthe
    outg oing CO Lin e COS.
    †The cal li ng st ati on m ust have a n app ea rance (D ir ect , Lo op) for t he
    outg oing (Off-N et) line . T he call is not forwarded if a Dire ct
    Appearance or LOOP key is unavailable.
    †SMDR printout reflects transferred and outgoing calls like a DISA call
    re c o rd.
    †St at ion use rs may use St at ion or Syst em Sp ee d Di al as t he Spe ed Di al
    Bin used for S ta tion Off- Net Forwa rd.
    †Call must be an intercom or transferred CO call.
    Remov ing Off-Net Forwarding
    1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button.
    2. Pres s the FW D b utton. A co nfirmation tone is hea rd and the F WD
    button LED is extinguished.
    Caller ID Name/Number
    The Caller ID Name/Number feature lets a station user program a flexible
    button to view the number and name on the LCD when receiving a Caller
    ID CO c a ll .
    If the feature is enabled, use flex button [653], the LED is lit solid and the
    name /numbe r is d isp la yed. During the call, the use r ca n pres s the f le xib le
    button to view the normal call in form ation.
    The top line of the LCD dis plays th e nu mber of the ca ller a nd the bottom
    li ne of t he LC D di sp lay s t he name . 
    							Ca ll i ng Sta ti o n To ne Mode 5 - 33
    †When enabled, this display overrides transfer call LCD messages, ACD
    Ring me ssa ges, Ca ll Pick up me ss ages , a nd A nswe r mes sag es. I f t he
    user wishes to view the Line Number/Call Timer and the standard call
    information, they can press the flexible button to toggle between the
    name /numbe r and n orma l mode.
    †By defau lt, no button is assigned on telephones. A flex button must
    be pr ogra mmed for t his fe at ure t o ope ra te .
    Calling Station Tone Mode
    Ena ble s a c al l ing st at ion to over r ide a c al le d s ta ti on’sHorPintercom
    se tt in gs.
    When placing a call to a station and tone ringing is desired:
    1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad.
    2. Dial the extension number,
    -or -
    Pres s D SS button of d es ired station (call tone rings statio n).
    Ca l l P ar k
    Wh il e c on n ec t ed t o an ou ts id e li n e:
    1 . Pr es s T RANS but ton. The cal le r is put on hol d.
    2. Dial parking location (430 to 437). Confirmation tone is heard.
    3 . If you h ear b usy t one, pr es s T R AN S t wi c e a nd d ial a noth er par ki ng
    Retrieving a Parked Call
    1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button.
    2. Pres s the [# ] button.
    3 . Di al par ki ng locat i on (4 30 t o 4 3 7) wher e the cal l was pa rke d. 
    							5-34 Cal l Park ( by Stat io n Nu mber)
    Call Park (by Station Number)
    While connected to an outside line:
    1. Press TRANS button.
    2. Dial [439] + XXX (station number).
    Retrievin g a Stat ion Pa rk Ca ll
    Dial [# 6] + XXX (use r’s s ta ti o n nu mber , whil e at t he u se r’s t el ep hone or
    fr om any t el eph one i n t he sy st em).
    -or -
    Di al [4 38 ] f rom the us er’s station.
    †A flex b utton ma y be as signed to Call Park feature cod e 439. The use r
    can p ress the s pecified flex b utton a nd dial a station number on the
    di al pad.
    †The directed call pickup code for 8-button telephones is eliminated.
    8-button telephones must assign a pickup button on the telephone
    to have the pickup feature.
    †Only o ne call can be in a park location at a time. Multiple calls to the
    sam e s ta ti on p ark l ocati on i s not poss ib le .
    †ThecallwillbeplacedintheStation’s Pe rs onal Par k l ocat ion. 
    							Ca ll Pick -Up 5 -35
    Ca l l P i c k -Up
    A station can p ick up a tone ringin g inte rcom call, trans fe rred, incoming
    or recalling outside line to a specific unattended station. The call must be
    a t one r ingi ng ca ll :
    1. Dial th e s ta tion num ber of the k nown ringing telephon e. Re ceive
    ringba ck tone or call a nnounce tone de pe nding on the inte rcom
    se le c tor s wit c h s et ti ng.
    2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P IC K UP bu tt on t o an swer t he c al l.
    User must have access to the specific outside line or a LOOP button for a
    directed call pick up.
    Gr ou p
    Whe n inte rcom tone ringin g, transf erre d outside line ringing, re call
    ringing or initially ringing call is he ard at a n una ttend ed te le phone :
    1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button.
    2. Dial [#0] on the dial pad,
    -or -
    Pres s the pre- pro gram med PIC K UP bu tton to conne ct to the calling
    par t y.
    User must ha ve acces s to the sp ecific outs ide line or loop b utton to d o a
    gro up cal l pi ck up.
    You mus t be in th e s ame p ick u p grou p as the r ingi ng te le phon e to
    pick up th e cal l. 
    							5-36 Cal l Tran sfer
    Ca l l Tra n s fe r
    Outside line s ca n be tra nsfe rred from one p hone to another with in the
    system. The transfer can be screened (announced) or unscreened to an
    id le or bus y station, ACD or UCD Group, or Hunt Group.
    Screen ed Tra nsf er
    While connected to an outside line:
    1. Pres s D SS button where to trans fer ca ll (if p rogrammed o n your
    te le pho ne ),
    -or -
    Pr es s T RA NS but ton and d ia l t he st at ion numbe r. The cal le d
    extension signals according to the intercom position.
    2. Whe n that ex te nsion a nswers, announce the trans fer.
    3. Hang up to complete transfer.
    An sw ering a Screen ed Tra n sfer
    Your intercom signals according to the intercom position.
    1. An swer the inte rcom a nd rece ive the trans fe r n otice.
    2. Pres s the outside line button or loop button flashing on hold.
    Tra ns fer Se arch
    When attempting to locate a party, press a station button to signal the
    desired statio n.
    If t he p ar ty is not l ocat ed:
    1. Pres s a nother statio n button to continue the sea rch.
    2. When the called party answers, hang up to complete the transfer.
    Un screen ed Tr an sfer
    Whe n the calle d e xte nsion be gins to s ig nal, ha ng up to trans fer the call
    (Reca ll Time r starts) .
    If Dir ect T ran s fe r Mode is e nab le d in adm in pro grammi ng, th e
    su pe rvi se d tr ansfer is tran sfe rre d di rect ly t o the k ey statio n ha ndse t. 
    							Ca m p - On5-37
    Ca m p -On
    If you ca ll a st at ion tha t is bus y an d wi sh to ale rt t he m t o your ca ll :
    1. Pres s the CAMP-ON b utton. Calle d s ta tion rece ive s one- burs t of
    ri ngi ng. Wa it for thei r resp onse.
    2. When called party answers, consult with them or hang up to transfer
    the call.
    If you are on a conne cted ca ll, hear one b urs t of muted ringing, and your
    CAMP-ON button is flashing, you have a call waiting.
    1. Pres s the CAMP-ON b utton. Any outs id e line y ou are con nected to is
    placed on hold. You may converse with the station placing the call.
    2 . Pr es s f la shi ng out si de li ne but ton if a ca ll i s bei ng t r ansf er re d.
    If you do not ha ve a C AMP-ON button:
    †Go on- hook w ith pres ent ca ll. C amp- On rings through,
    -or -
    †Place pres ent call on h old, the n go on-hook . Ca mp- On rings through.
    The C AMP-ON b utton ca n be as signed on 8-b utton te le phone s us ing
    code 620.
    If a sta tion i s i n DN D, onl y the At ten dant c an Ca mp On using th e
    Atte nd ant o ve rrid e fea ture . Ca mp-On or Ov err ide drop sa ny i nte rnal
    call ers to whi ch th at st ation is t alk ing. 
    							5-38 CO L ine Acce ss
    CO Line Access
    Acces sing an Outside Line
    1. PressidleCOlinebutton,POOLbutton,
    -or -
    Dial CO line group a ccess code or LCR access code (9, 801-823,
    88+ LLL).
    (LLL =00 1- 012)
    2. Dial desired numb er for outside call.
    3. Lift hands et to conve rse or us e spe ake rp hone.
    CO Line Queuing
    A station can q ueue only one line a t a tim e. If you s ee that a particular
    outside line is busy and you wish to be placed on a list waiting for that
    li ne to be co me avai l abl e:
    1 . Pr es s d es ir ed busy out sid e l i ne butt on,
    -or -
    Pres s POOL button . (Bus y tone is he ard. )
    2. Pres s p re -programme d LINE QUEUE button (621).
    3 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton .
    An sw ering a Qu eue
    If you he ar ringing and an outside line of the line group or a LOOP butto n
    you q ueue d onto is rap idly fla shing:
    1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button.
    2. Pres s f la shing outside line button or Loop b utton to a nswer.
    A LOOP button or direct appearance of the queued line is required. 
    							Conf ere nce Combinations 5 -39
    Conference Combinations
    Only stations that have conference enabled can institute a conference.
    †Ad d-O n Conf er enc e--Up to eight inte rna l partie s ca n e ngage in a
    c onfer en ce , or s eve n i nte r nal par t ie s wit h one e xt er nal pa rt y. A
    maxi mum of fi ve 8-par ty con fer ence s ( fiv e e xter nal pa rti es
    maxi mum) can b e e stabl i she d.
    †M ult i- Li ne Confe re nc e--One internal station can engage in a
    c o nfer en ce wi t h u p to fo u r o u ts id e p ar ti e s.
    Establishing a Conference
    1. Lift hands et.
    2 . Se le c t int e rc om s ta ti on or d ial de si re d ou ts ide pa r ty.
    3. When called party answers, press the CONF button.
    4. Add next conference party by selecting another outside line or
    intercom station.
    5. Ifthenextconferencepartyisanoutsidelineandabusyorwrong
    nu mber is encountered, press one of the confe re nce partie s on hold.
    T his drops th e b usy or w rong number party. Press the conf erence
    b utt on a gai n and r epe at st ep 4 .
    6 . Whe n pa rt y answe r s, p re ss the CO NF bu t to n twi c e. (A ll pa r ti es ar e
    Exiting a Conference (Controller only)
    There are three methods of exiting a conference:
    1 -- Pre ss the O N/OF F b utt on to ON, pr es s MUT E, the n r ep la ce t he
    hands et (to m onitor a con ference ).
    To exit a multi-line conference in progress:
    2 -- P re ss the HO LD bu t to n t o pl ac e o u t sid e p ar ti es o n h o ld. Th e H o ld
    Timer starts. If one of the two parties is internal, that party is dropped.
    A maximumof eight parties can be included in a conference. 
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