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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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    of 402
    							Syst em Configurat ion A-3
    System Con figuration
    The fol l owing il lu st rat i on de pi c ts th e c onf igur at i on pr es umed for t he
    pr esu med to be in an A C D or UC D gr oup in ord er t o al low pr oper
    operation with the system.
    Figure A-1: CTI Syste m Configura tion
    CO L INE S
    Int erface
    Un it
    RS 232S TAR PL US
    Modul e
    Modul e
    Modul e
    							A-4 Funct ion al Pe rformance
    Functional Pe rformance
    The I CLI D ( Incoming Cal li ng Line IDentification) feature was added to the
    Tri ad- SSystem as a first step in providing it generally. The key system
    operation of this feature is dependent on the feature first being activated
    from the central office so that the numbers of the calling party are
    delivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the first
    si le nt int e rva l bet we en ri ngi ng.
    The fe ature s imp le mente d ar e:
    1. Display o f calling numbe r/nam e on in itia l ring-in of a line on the
    di spl ay k eys et s.
    2. Recording of incoming call number/name on the SMDR printout.
    3. Manage me nt of an Unans wered Call ta ble f rom a disp lay phone with
    appropriate privilege level to allow tracking of unanswered calls for
    s ta ti st ica l infor mat i on an d r et urn cal l manag eme nt.
    4. Local trans la tion of incoming num bers to n ames accordin g to a table
    of numb er/na me equ iva lences which can b e adminis tered b y the
    Calling Number/Name Display
    The Calling Number/Name Display feature is intended as the basic
    offe ring of the IC LID se rv ice whe n as sociated with theTr iad-SSyst e m.
    Essentially, whenever an incoming call is received at the system, the
    numbe r rece iv ed a long with th e ringing s igna l is stored in the line control
    tables and used at various points in the processing of the call.
    The primary function is that the calling number is displayed (if available)
    at any poi nt at whi ch t he LI NE RI NGI NG is di spl aye d i n t he sys te m.
    With the availability of the Calling Name feature, if the calling name is
    pr ovid ed, t he syst e m de li ve rs t hat t o t he dis pla y i nst ea d of th e c a ll ing
    numbe r.
    If 2 l ine s are rin gin g in at the same time , th e d isplay shows t he olde st li ne
    infor matio n. Afte r 1 of the l ine s i s an sw ere d, the dis pl ay s hows the
    infor matio n on th e una ns wer ed li ne . 
    							Fun ctional Performan ce A-5
    The specification for this feature is that the system displays its LINE
    RIN GING me ssa ge as norma lly implem ented and alte r tha t dis play to the
    calling number/name if the information is made present on the line.
    This allows the normal operation of the system when ICLID information is
    not pres ented or the d evice which inte rce pts it and prov id es the
    information to the KSU is missing or failed.
    -or -
    †If t he Cal li ng N ame is ava il abl e, th e d is pla y i s s hown as ab ove wher e
    X.. . r epr es ent s the i nte r nal t abl e s tor age of th e ca ll ing name . N ote
    tha t al tho u g h t he Cent ra l Of fic e de li ve ry o f the c al li ng name i s
    15-cha ra cte rs, the internal table use d to s tore the nam e f or
    translation of a received number is 24-characters in width.
    †If the Central Office delivers a Name, it is positioned left justified in
    the 2 4- c har ac te r fie ld o n th e di spl ay. No t e t hat i f a nu m ber i s re c ei ve d
    whi ch mat ches a numbe r/nam e t r ansl at ion , t he tr ans lat e d nam e i s
    use d an d the name de live re d from the Ce ntral Office is eff ectiv ely
    di scar ded.
    †If No Name is av ailab le from the Ce ntral Office or a Tra nslation Ta ble ,
    the d el ive re d nu mber i s dis pl ayed as th e r ep eat ed c har ac t er N
    (14 cha ra cte rs ).
    							A-6 Funct ion al Pe rformance
    In co mi ng Nu mb er / Na m e S M DR
    As with the a bove fe ature impleme ntation, the intent is tha t the s ystem
    ope rate normally in the abs ence of IC LID in form ation or the failure of the
    IC LI D e qui pmen t.
    †If t he Info rma ti on i s P r es ent at t he ti me t hat an SM DR r e cor d i s
    generated f or a call, it alters the conten t a nd f orma t of the SMDR
    o u tp u t re c o rd.
    †If t he Cal li ng N umbe r is avai la bl e, t he numb er i s out put i n t he SMDR
    re c ord in the s ame lo ca ti on a s t he di al ed numbe r is loc a te d i n t he
    outg oing calls.
    †If the Calling Name is present, an additional line is output in the
    SMDR ide ntifying the na me. This record imme diate ly follows the
    no r mal SM DR re c o rd.
    The normal S MD R record includ es an indicator which id entif ie s that a
    following record with name identification is present.
    Unans wer ed c al ls ar e re c ord ed on t he SM DR a s a sys te m o pti on t o a ll ow
    the i de nti fi c at io n o f c al le r s fo r s ta ti st ic a l and ca ll -ba c k pu r po s es . T hes e
    calls are identified with an indicator in the SMD R record.
    Unanswered Call Management
    An Unans were d Ca ll Mana gem ent T able with 50 entry cap acity for the
    Tri ad- SSys te m a re ma intained in the s ystem . T he calling numb er/name
    information pertaining to any unanswered call is placed in this table at
    the time the sy stem has dete rmined that the ca ll ha s b ee n ab andone d.
    Thi s tab le ma y be acce ss ed from any st at ion di spl ay p hone so t ha t
    unans wer ed c al ls may be r evi ewe d and h andl ed by t he e nd us er .
    Local Name Translation
    An administrable table provides a local translation from a received calling
    number to a name. This table can be administered by the customer from
    the a ttend ant console loca tion. In case s of conflict b etwee n the name
    del i ver ed fr om t he CO an d t hat i n t he local t r ansl at ion t abl e, the l ocal
    translation table shall rule. 200 entries are provided for the System. 
    Pa r t Nu mber s
    This chapter contains the basic and optional part numbers used for
    Tr i ad -SSystem. 
    							Li s t o f E qu ip me nt B- 3
    List o f Equipme nt
    Tabl e B-1 :Tr i a d - SPart Numbers
    Tr i a d- SBasi c K SU (BK SU) 5000-0 0
    Tr i a d- SExpan sion KSU (EKSU ) 5002-0 1
    DSS Co nso le (Off-Wh ite) TR9010 -08
    DSS Co nso le (Bu rg un dy) TR9010 -60
    DSS Co nso le (Charc oal) TR9010 -71
    Sin gl e Li ne Adapter (SLA) TR9854 -00
    8-B utt on Basic (Off-Wh ite) TR9011 -08
    8-B utt on Basic (Bu rgu ndy) TR9011 -60
    8-B utt on Basic (Ch arco al) TR9011 -71
    24-B utt on Enh anc ed (Off-W hi te) TR9013 -08
    24-B utt on Enh anc ed (B urg un dy) TR9013 -60
    24-B utt on Enh anc ed (Ch ar co al ) TR9013 -71
    12-B utt on Exec ut ive (Off- Whi te) TR9014 -08
    12-B utt on Exec ut ive (Bur gu ndy) TR9014 -60
    12-B utt on Exec ut ive (Ch arco al) TR9014 -71
    24-B utt on Exec ut ive (Off- Whi te) TR9015 -08
    24-B utt on Exec ut ive (Bur gu ndy) TR9015 -60
    24-B utt on Exec ut ive (Ch arco al) TR9015 -71
    30-B utt on Lar ge LCD (Charc oal) TR9016 -71
    CTI Con nec to r B ox 9020-0 0
    Cal ler Identi ficat ion In ter fac e Un it (8 Por t) 1480-0 0
    Cal ler Identi ficat ion In ter fac e Un it (4 Por t) 1440-0 0
    9600 Baud Mo dem (MODU ) 8030-3 0
    4-Circ ui t DTMF Rec eiver Un it (DTMF-A) 9033-1 0
    3 CO Li ne x 8 Ci rcu it Dig it al Tel eph on e In ter fac e B oard (CK IB )) 5032-0 0 
    							B-4 List of Equipme nt
    3 CO Li ne x 8 Ci rcu it Si ng le Lin e In ter face B oard (CSI B)) 5033-0 0
    Message W ai t U nit (MSGU ) 5033-1 0
    Misc ellan eou s In ter fac e Servi ce U nit (MISU ) 5035-0 0
    Tabl e B-1 :Tr i a d - SPart Numbers 
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