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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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    of 402
    							2-52 Idl e Spe aker Mo de
    Unanswered Call Management Table
    An Unans were d Ca ll Mana gem ent T able with 100- entry capa city is
    maintained in the system database. The calling number/name data
    pe rtaining to any unans wered call is placed in th is ta ble a t the tim e the
    sys te m ha s de termin ed tha t the call has bee n a band oned. The table may
    be a ccess ed f rom a ny di spl ay t e le phone to r ev ie w unans wer ed ca ll s. O nl y
    an A t te nda nt st at ion(s ) can de le te an ent r y fr om t hi s t ab le .
    Id l e Sp ea k er M ode
    The I dl e S pe aker Mode f eat ur e a ll ows the s yst em to det e rmi ne whe the r
    the f ir st di git d ia le d i s he ar d ov er t he dig it al t el eph one spe ake r. Thi s
    feature is allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in programming.
    Incoming CO Call Trans fer
    The Incoming CO Call Transfer feature provides station users the ability to
    trans fer a call tha t is curre ntly ringing at their station without a nswe ring
    it. Only Incoming a nd T ra nsfe rred calls can be force d. This fea ture only
    ope rat e s whe n th e st at i on is in a n id le mode and i s not av ail ab le to S ing le
    Li ne T el ep hone use rs . C all s may be for war ded to any ava il abl e st at ion,
    ACD/UCD group, VM Group. A destination station must have a direct
    app ear ance for t hat C O Line or Loop but t on and not i n DN D, o r a n e rr or
    ton e is pre se nted to the originator and the ca ll contin ues to ring the ir
    station. If the station is busy, the current call mu st be placed on hold, the
    ringing transfe r in itia te d, the n the station can return to their original call.
    Intercom Button(s)
    The I nt er c om But ton fea tur e pr ovi des st at i on use rs t he func t ion of
    ringing a busy station via the intercom without using the Camp-On or
    calls on hold. If calls are ringing on intercom buttons and a Handsfree call
    is rece ive d, the Ha ndsf re e ca ll is a llowed and the ca lls ringing continue
    with m ute d ringing . 
    							Int erc o m Ca ll i ng 2 - 53
    Multiple intercom path buttons can be assigned to a single station,
    howev er up to five inte rna l p arties can be pla ced on hold p er station.
    Music-On-Hold is provided to intercom callers on hold.
    Thi s fea tur e can b e p rogr amm ed on an y ke y s tat i on or DS S Consol e wi th
    an a vai la bl e f le xib le but t on. I f the re i s a n av ai lab le i nte r com but t on, a
    st at ion call i ng t hat s tat i on cann ot OHVO , Camp -O n or O ver r ide t hat
    station. De pe ndin g on the ke y s tation programming, inte rcom ringing is
    If all intercom buttons are in use , then th e s ta tion ma y utilize the
    Camp-On or Executive Override features. By default, no intercom buttons
    are assigned to any key stations.
    In t er c om Ca l li n g
    The sys te m’s architecture allows non- block ing of inte rcom calls. A station
    is r eac he d on in te rc om by dia li ng t he ass oc ia te d t hr ee -di gi t n umbe r.
    Intercom Signaling Select
    Users can control the method by which they receive intercom calls and
    signals. A convenient intercom signal switch (electronic telephones) or
    HPT button (digital telephones) is located on each telephone for easy
    se le ction. The choice s are:
    announce men t ov er t he spe ake r, can re pl y ha ndsfr ee .
    †Pr i vac y (P ) -- T he s ta ti o n u s er r ec e ive s a bu r st o f to n e a nd a vo i c e
    announce men t ove r the ir sp eak er. T he microphone is de activate d for
    pr iva cy. The cal l ed par t y mu st li ft t he hands et or pr es s the MUTE
    bu t to n to answe r th e c a ll .
    †Tone Ringing (T ) -- A standard tone ring notifies the party of an
    incoming intercom call. The called party answers by lifting the
    hands et or mov ing the s witch to the hands fre e (H) position or
    press ing the ON/OFF button. 
    							2-54 In ter-D ig it Time-O ut
    Inter-D igit Time-Out
    ti me -o u t o n a sy st em- wid e b asi s. Thi s fea tu r e app li es to in te rc o m and
    LCR calls. DISA inter-digit time-out remains unaffected by this timer.
    Ke yset Mode (D ig ital KTU Only)
    The K e yse t Mo d e f eat u r e all o ws th e s ta ti o n u s er t o de t er mine t he mo de
    in which the Digital Telephone with CTI Box (optional) operates. The five
    modes a re: Inactiv e mode, PC Ph one (Discovery Desktop)mode, ATD
    Comma nd m ode, ATH Comma nd mod e a nd C KTU mode. T hrough the
    use of a di al code , t he st at ion use r can a ls o de te rm ine t he baud ra te for
    ea ch mode se l ec t ed. Thi s se tt in g i s s tor ed in bac k- up memor y i n t he
    ev ent of a p ower out age or sy st em re set .
    Last Number Redial (L NR)
    The Last Number Redial feature permits the automatic redialing of the
    la st t el epho ne n umbe r d ia le d on an out si de l ine . Up t o 2 4- dig it s c a n be
    st ore d. Out si de li ne se le cti on of t he same l ine us ed is aut omat i c.
    LCD Interactive Display
    The Executive Digital Telephone provides the user with visual indication
    of call status. Calls to and from other extensions, number dialed, line used
    and camp- on ar e some of th e f eat ur es di spl aye d. 
    							Le a st C os t R ou t i n g ( LC R ) 2 - 55
    Least Cost Routing (LCR)
    The LCR feature allows the system to automatically select the least costly
    route ava ilable according to the numbe r dia le d, the time of day/da y of
    wee k, the class of service (COS) ass igne d to the station /trunk group
    pr ior it y l e vel a ssi gne d.
    Loca l Number / Na me Tr ansl a t io n Tab l e
    An administrable table provides a local translation from a received calling
    number to a name. This table can be administered by the customer from
    the Atte ndan t con sole location. T his table is also s hared by the ICLID
    fea ture s. In ca se s of conflict be twee n the name de live re d from the C O
    and t hat i n th e l ocal tr ans lat i on ta bl e, t he loca l t ra nsl at ion t ab le shal l rul e.
    20 0 en tr ie s are p ro vi de d fo r t heTr iad-SSyst e m.
    Ma i lb ox B u t to n(s )
    Mailbox Buttons allow station users to transfer internal/external callers to
    spe cif ic v oice mai l boxes . T he st at ion use r can a ssi gn a mai l box i nde x
    number to a f lexib le button for a specif ic V oice Mail g roup or mailb ox in
    Sys tem Administra tion Progra mming. 255 buttons are ava ilable for
    sys te m us e. Thi s fea tur e can b e p rogr amm ed on an y ke y s tat i on or DS S
    Console with an available flexible button.
    If a st ati o n i s:
    †An OH VO, C amp- On or Exe c uti ve O ver ri de i nit ia tor, th ey may not u se
    the ma il bo x b u tt o n f eat u r e.
    †Enga ged in a conf erence, they cannot us e this f eature.
    †NOT programmed in the Voice Mail Group, the user receives an error
    tone. By default, no mailbox buttons are assigned to any key stations. 
    							2-56 Meet Me Page
    Mee t Me Pa ge
    Use rs may ans wer a pag e ca ll fr om a ny p hone in the sy st em by d ial i ng a
    special code. The party who initiated the page must remain off-hook.
    Mess ag e Wa i t in g
    St at ions t hat ar e busy , una tt en ded, or i n DN D can be l eft a mes sag e
    ind ication by other s ta tions in the s ystem . Up to five mes sag es ca n be left
    at o ne ke yse t. Upo n re tu rn to the st at i o n, t he u se r c an p re ss the f las hing
    MSG W AI T but ton t o ri ng each par t y i n se que nti al or der .
    Mess age Waitin g Reminder Tone
    A key station can be programmed with a Message Waiting Reminder
    Tone at t i med in te rv als .
    Mu si c -On- Hol d
    A music s ource , whe n conn ected to the s ystem, provides mus ic to a ll
    li nes on Hold , pa rke d ca ll s, tr ans fe rr ed cal ls and call s wai ti ng t o b e
    answered by Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) or Uniform Call
    Distribution (UCD ).
    This feature can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in database
    progra mming. T his feature ca n also allow or d eny Music- On- Hold heard
    on e ac h C O li ne and is pr ogra mmab le on a pe r CO l ine ba si s. Thi s f eat ur e
    also allows the system to assign CO line circuits as additional music
    inp uts . T his incre ase s the cap acity of mus ic ch anne ls be yond the two
    ava ilable on this s ystem. A tota l o f e ight cha nnels is ava ilable for use on
    the s yst em. 
    							Mute Key2-57
    Mu t e K ey
    hands et disa ble s the micro phone but not af fect the spe ech coming ove r
    the s pea ker or ha ndse t. Pre ss ing th e illuminated MUTE button ag ain
    re activ ate s the micro phone.
    Na m e In Di s p l ay
    The Name in Display feature allows every extension (electronic/digital/
    SLT) the capability to program the users name, for that station, so that
    pe ople us ing di spl ay t e le phone s s ee t he name i nst ead of the st at i on
    number on their display. The name is programmed at each station by the
    user and may be up to seven letters in length.
    Na m e/ Nu m b er D is pl a y At Id l e
    The Na me/ Num ber D isp la y fe at ure a ll ows t he pr ogr amme d s eve n-d igi t
    name an d station numb er to display tog ether. T his op tion is
    pr ogra mmab le on a pe r st at ion bas is, howe ve r t he fe at ure mus t be
    enabled/disabled in admin programming. If a station has this feature
    ena bled but has not prog ram med a name, the na me p ortion of the LC D is
    bl ank, The pr ior it y of th e i dl e di sp la y is UCD / AC D, H unt, St at ion /N ame, or
    St at ion al one.
    Ni g h t S er v i ce
    The Night Service feature provides a means to put the system in night
    mode from a ny keyset or remove the sys tem from nigh t m ode from any
    keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the night service
    fea ture flex button. If the syste m wa s place d in night mod e b y the
    Attendant using the DND bu tton or if the system was placed in night
    mode by the a utoma tic s chedule, the nigh t s ervice fle x bu tton can not
    re mo ve t he sys te m fr o m night m o de. 
    							2-58 Night S ervice Mo de
    Di g i t a l V oi c e Ma i l (D V M)--TheDVMDay/NightOperationcanbesetup
    to f ollow the sa me p ath as the D ay/Night/S pecial Mode for the telephone
    sys te m.
    Ni g h t S er v i ce Mo de
    Automatic Night Mode Operation
    TheTr iad-SSys te m can be pr ogr amme d i n da ta bas e a dmi nis tr at ion to
    place the s ystem into Automatic Night Mode. The Atte ndant(s ) can
    overrid e the Autom atic N ight Mode s ch edule simply by pres sin g the
    NIGHT (DND) button.
    External Night Ringing
    The sy st em can b e p rogr amm ed so t hat C O li nes mar ke d fo r U NA ri ngs
    Manual Operation
    The Attend ant(s) can control the use of Night Mod e ma nually b y pres sin g
    the N IGHT (D ND) button. An LE D indicates whe n the syste m is in Night
    Mode operation.
    Ni ght Cl as s o f Ser vi ce (CO S)
    The system allows each station to be assigned a different COS for night
    ope ration. T he nig ht COS goe s into e ffe ct when the s ystem is put into
    night mode manually or via the automatic schedu le. Prevents the misuse
    of p hones after hours .
    Night Ringing Assignments
    Each CO line may be individually programmed for Night Ringing to other
    stations, to Hunt/ACD/UCD/Voice Mail groups, or off-net via Speed Dial.
    When the system is placed into night mode, manually or automatically,
    ringing fo llows the Night Ringing Assignme nts for e ach CO line . 
    							Of f-Hook Preference 2 -59
    Universal Night Answer (UNA)
    Incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d f or Univ ersal N ight Answ er
    (UNA). Stations which do not have access to a line during the day can
    answ er th at li ne whil e the sy st em i s i n N ight M ode by dia li ng a UNA c ode.
    We e kl y N i g h t Mo d e S c h e d u l e
    A pr ogra mmab le we ekl y ni ght mod e s chedu le pr ovi des for 24 hour ,
    7 day a week automatic night mode opera tion. The sys tem ca n be put
    into a nd out of night mode automa tically on a daily bas is .
    Di g i t a l V oi c e Ma i l (D V M)--TheDVMDay/NightOperationcanbesetup
    to f ollow the sa me p ath as the D ay/Night/S pecial Mode for the telephone
    sys te m.
    Off -Ho ok Prefe rence
    Auto Feature Acce ss
    In addition to Au to Line Access, digital telephones have the ability to
    have their off-hoo k prefe re nce select a D SS or f eature b utton upon goin g
    off- hook or pressing the ON /OFF button.
    Au t o L in e Acc ess
    Each station, ke y or S LT, may have the ir phone p rogramm ed to acces s a
    par t ic ul ar CO Li ne suc h as a pr i vat e li ne or a l ine fr om a gr oup of CO l in es
    upon going off- hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX ap plications wh en
    st at ion use rs hav e d edi cat ed li nes . O ut si de li ne dia l tone i s re cei ved j ust
    by going off- hook, wit hout t he nee d t o di al an ac c e ss co de.
    Ho t Li n e/ R in g D ow n
    Di gital tel ephon es m ay be pr ogra mme d to imme di atel y cal l or ri ng d own
    a p articula r s ta tion or outside numb er upon going off hook. This is done
    by prog ram ming the s ta tions Of f-Hook Preference to a ctivate a DSS or
    Speed Dial feature key. This feature can be overridden if the station user
    selects a CO line firs t when goin g off- hook. 
    							2-60 O ff-Ho o k S ignal ing
    Interc om Acces s
    Whe n O ff-h ook Pr efe re nce is en abl ed, at a key st at io n, t hat s tat i on ma y
    sys te m fe at ur es. Th is is done e it he r b y pr e ssi ng a n DS S but ton or dia li ng
    their o wn intercom station number prior to going o ff-hook .
    Us er Programmable Pre ference
    Base d on a s ta tion p rogramm able option, digital telep hones may be
    giv en the a bility to ena ble , d is able or ch ange their Off -hook Pre ference
    by di al in g a code . T his opt ion ca n be deni ed in s ta ti on pr ogr ammi ng on a
    pe r k ey st at ion basi s.
    Off -Ho ok Signaling
    If a st ati on h as bee n pr ogr amme d to re c ei ve dir e ct ou ts ide l ine r ing ing
    and is b usy on a nothe r ca ll, the ca ll rings a t the station us ing a muted ring
    signal. This option allows a user to receive a reminder ring at their busy
    st at ion, i nst ead of mute d r i nging .
    A R emi nde r R ing Ti mer ha s b ee n ad ded to th e s yst em t o pr ovi de the
    re mi nder r in g e ver y t i me the t im er ex pir es , a s l ong as the i nc omin g CO
    line remains connected. The system defaults this option to muted
    ringing. CO calls may also be camped-on to a busy station and receive
    muted ri ngi ng.
    Off -Ho ok Vo ice Ov er (OHVO)
    Of f-Hook Voice Over allows station users to signal a bus y station that
    your call is waiting. Your voice is only heard through the handset of the
    called pa rty’s telep hone. The called party can con nect to the two partie s
    and carry on two indep end ent conve rsation s us ing the ha ndse t. T he
    cal le d pa rt y ca n al so re spond usi ng the t ext me ss agi ng fe at ur e wh ich
    se nds mes sage s to the cal li ng par ty’sdisplay. 
    							On-Hook Dialing 2 -61
    A third method provides for th e receiv ing station to res pond to an OHVO
    announce me nt using the MUTE fe atu re button. T his button is p re sse d to
    carry on a two-way conversation with the OHVO initiator while still
    li st eni ng to the or ig inal c a ll .
    On-Hook Dialing
    The Digital Telephone user can place calls without lifting the handset. If
    Online Programming
    Cha nges t o t he syst e m da tab ase can be mad e wi t hout int e rr upt ing
    norm al sys te m op er at ion. Prog ram ming may be pe rf orme d us ing a
    digital telephone connected to the system (Station 100) or via an external
    PC either on-site or remotely.
    One- Touch Recording
    The One-Touch Recording feature allows the station user while on an
    inte rna l/exte rna l ca ll to pre ss a button a nd ha ve the s ystem re cord the
    conversation in the station user’s m ail box. I t has bee n d esi gne d t o wor k
    with theTr iad
    ™Dig it alDI SPAT CHVoice Mail System via in-band signaling.
    Pa ge /R e l ay C o n t ro l
    On theTriad-SSys te ms, t her e ar e f our or si x r el ays tha t may be
    individually programmed for: External Page, Loud Bell Control, CO Line
    Contro l, Power Fa ilure T ra nsfe r, and Recorde d Announce ment us es .
    Th e c alli ng stat ion is pla ced in a on e-t ime DND mod e u pon ini tiati ng the
    VoiceOver. One-Time DND cannotbe toggledduringtheOHVO call.The
    station receiving the OHVO call must be off-hook and in the H mode.
    Useof thisfeaturemaybeinterpretedasaviolationof federalorstate
    la ws an d an in va si on of pri vac y. Ch ec k app lica ble laws in y our are a
    be fore r eco rdin g call s u si ng thi s fe ature . 
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