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Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual

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    Have a look at the manual Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 566 Toshiba manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    							~av. a4 PRGRAMMING (PRELIMINARY) 
    PJGE a3 
    1 Key Strip 2 SPARE 
    I AssociatedLED=on,Others=off r- 
    I I mh%s = off 
    I Dial kev a 
    E. Busv tone via hands& 
    = Ignore line entered 
    Ctl H=Backspace 
    DEL =gyy=REQ 
    DE&DEL= Abortprcgram 
    as follows: * response is received, proceed 
    LbJXl-The following User Entries areinputtedas requiredafter ea&REQ prmpt.  
    							PR-NG (P-NARY) 
    PKiE 84 
    T status m oox*~1&2~ -~---- - I status of K!F3 xxx(l&2~ I CTirmit 
    = FCB 
    RX =Circuitnumber.  
    							Nov. a4 PRcmMmN(;(PRELIMINARY) 
    PAGE 85 
    Set up monitor 
    link using 
    STSRLSA 1 Auto return to REQ prompt 
    i 10 i 
    . . . or e.. I I 
    SrSr2SY i Auto return toTRxprcmpt 1 14 1 
    e.. or 
    . . . 
    I I I 
    I I I 
    SISRJLSA Auto return toREQ prmpt 
    1. No PCB in that position 
    uNAs=PCB is mipped but no data is assigned 
    2. Status: IDL=Idle 
    DIS Tl!Y=Manually disabkd via TIY 
    DIS C%=EXT port disabled by software due to open cable 
    DIS TLD=Software disabled due to traffic load (indicates faulty 
    3. ctlx- Ignore Line Entered 
    ctl H = Backspace 
    DEL = Stop printing and return to R.Q 
    DELDEL= Abort program 
    4. [CR] is required to advance program. 
    5. Request& trunk (A1 is busy. Enter [CR1 to try again or [DELI [CR1 to 
    return to REX) prompt, 
    6. Requested trunk (A) does not exist in the system. Enter [DELI [CR1 to 
    return to EEQ prompt.  
    PAGE 86 
    7. Enter the test center DN followed by [CR]. 
    8. Allow tim for coqletion of dialing and then enter [CR]. 
    9. Requested trunk was idle and has been siezed. 
    10. Trunk A Omitor link) has been released due to a rralfunction or an 
    outside influence, such as thedistantendgoirq on-hook (Ground Starts, 
    11. Dialing was notccqletewhen [CR] was entered. Asecmd [CR] is 
    12, Enter theportnunker UTNNX) of the trunk (B) tobe tested. 
    l3. Requested trunk was idle and has been siezsd, 
    14. Requested trunk (B) is busy. 
    15, Requested trunk (B) does not exist in the system, 
    16. Enter the DN that should be dialed by the trunk under test foll 
    17. After thedialing is cmplete, the audio from the trunk under test will. be 
    heard via the monitor link. Enter [CR] when the testis coqlete, 
    18. Test has ended. Programautomatically returns toTRKprcqttopxmit 
    another trunk to be selected. 
    19. The trunk under test (B) was released due to 
    tion or cutside 
    influence, such as the distant end goiq on- 
    nd Start). 
    200 ICR]was enteredwhileTrunkB 
    still dialing. See note 17.  
    							Nov. 84 
    PAGE 87 
    I Other hardware causirrgthef3rror. !  
    							05.09 TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................... 
    TABLE LIST ................................................... ii 
    INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1 
    General .................................................... 1 
    Customer Data .............................................. 
    Utility Programs ............................................. 
    							A TTY & Modem Connections. ........................................ 
    Utility Programs.. ................................................ 
    AuthorizationCodeChange ......................................... 
    System Data Block.. .............................................. 
    AccessCode Data Block.. .......................................... 
    bbreviation & Code List. ................................ 
    EKTDataBlock .................................................. 
    EKT Directory Number .......................................... 
    EKT Private CO Line. ........................................... 
    EKT Features ................................................. 
    Standard Telephone Data Block ...................................... 
    Class of Service Data Block. ......................................... 
    COS Features & Codes .......................................... 
    Code Restriction Data Block. ........................................ 
    Speed Dialing Data Block ........................................... 
    SMDR DataBlock ................................................. 
    Attendant Data Block .............................................. 
    Traffic Measurement. .............................................. 
    Traffic Measurement Report Format. ............................... 
    Traffic Measurement Parameters. .................................. 
    DTMF Receiver Data Block. ......................................... 
    TrunkGroupData Block ............................................ 
    Trunk Group Data Block Entries. .................................. 
    PERCEPTION Loss Plan ......................................... 
    TrunkDataBlock ................................................. 
    Trunk Data Block Entries. ....................................... 
    Print System Data Block. ........................................... 
    Print Access Code Data Block. ....................................... 
    Print Station Data Block. ........................................... 
    Print Class of Service Data Block. ..................................... 
    Print Code Restriction Data Block .................................... 
    Print Speed Dial List Data Block. ..................................... 
    Print SMDR Data Block ............................................ 
    Print Trunk Group Data Block ....................................... 
    Print Trunk Data Block. ............................................ 
    Print Call Pick-up Groups ........................................... 
    Print Hunting Arrangements. ........................................ 
    Data Dump Program ............................................... 
    EKT Test Procedure ............................................... 
    Attendant Console Test Procedure .................................... 
    Peripheral Equipment Diagnostic Procedure, ............................ 
    Trunk Status Entries. ........................................... 
    Disk Drive Error Codes. ............................................ 35  
    							01.00 General 
    PERCEPTION is a stored program- 
    controlled system utilizing an &bit microprocessor 
    as the central processing unit (CPU). The system 
    memory is made up of both Read Only Memory 
    (ROM) and Dynamic Random Access Memory 
    (DRAM) (the small amount of ROM that is provided 
    contains the “Loader” program for the Floppy 
    Disk Drive (DFDD)). When the system is first 
    powered up or is reset manually, the remainder of 
    the Operating System programs and Customer 
    Data are loaded into DRAM from the diskette 
    under the control of the Loader program. 
    Since Dynamic RAM is volatile; that is, 
    ntents are lost when power is removed, 
    the diskette remains in the system as non-volatile 
    01.10 Customer Data 
    01.11 All PERCEPTION options are controlled 
    by entries made in the Customer Data memory. 
    Tables are provided for defining System Parameters 
    and Trunking, as well as individual station features. 
    The Customer Data is unique to each system and 
    is usually entered on-site using a keyboard terminal. 
    After the data has been entered into system mem- 
    ory, a simple keyboard command causes it to be 
    copied onto the diskette to remain as a permanent 
    Utility Programs 
    In addition to the Operating System 
    programs and Customer Data, the diskette also 
    contains many Utility Programs, which are divided 
    into three groups: 
    1) Data Input Procedures-used when making 
    changes to Customer Data. 
    2) Data Output Procedures-used for obtaining 
    printouts of the contents of the Customer 
    Data memory. 
    3) Maintenance Procedures-used when testing 
    the system. 
    When required, a Utility Program iscalled 
    up using a command entered via the keyboard 
    terminal. The system responds by locating the 
    							Pin No. Mnemonic Designation 
    ‘2 1 RXD / Receive Data (from TTY) 
    *Connect to i-12 VDC internally 
    The MODEM and TTY connectors cannot be 
    used simultaneously. One must be “open” 
    at any given time. 
    mnemonic name that is used to 
    identify it and 
    to call it up from the diskette. An Authorization 
    Procedure must be executed before a Utility 
    Program can be called up. 
    The Utility Programs are listed in Table 
    B, complete with their mnemonics and the title 
    of the table that shows its format. 
    Authorization Code Change 
    System Data Block Mnemonic 
    DCHG C 
    DSYS D 
    Access Code Data Block 
    EKT Data Block 
    Standard Telephone Data Block 
    Class of Service Data Block 
    Code Restriction Data Block 
    Speed Dial Data Block 
    SMDR Data Block DACD E 
    DEKT F 
    DSTT G 
    DCOS H 
    DCRD I 
    DSDL J 
    DMDR K 
    Attendant Data Block 
    Traffic Measurement Data Block 1 DATT 1 L 
    1 DTRF 1 M 
    DTMF Receiver Data Block 
    Trunk Group Data Block 
    Trunk Data Block DRCV N 
    DTGP 0 
    Print Trunk Group Data Block 
    Print Trunk Data Block 
    Print Call Pick-up Group 
    Print Hunting Arrangements PTGP X 
    PTRK Y 
    PCPG Z 
    PHNT AA 
    Data Memory Dump 
    EKT/Attendant Console Test 
    - Peripheral Equipment Test DDMP AB 
    TTRM AC 
    TPER AD 
    Before the PERCEPTION system data 
    can be input, option selections must be made and 
    then listed on the System Record (shown in 
    Appendix 1). The System Record will then serve 
    as a programming guide and installation record. 
    2 The System Record contains a form for 
    each Data Input Utility Program. The forms are 
    identified by the Utility Program name and mne- 
    monic requested by the system (for example: 
    System Data Block-DSYS Program). 
    3 Inputting data via a Utility Program is 
    a matter of responding to the prompts. These 
    prompts are listed in their proper order in the 
    System Record Forms and space is provided to 
    record a response. 
    Using the System Record forms to re- 
    cord the various choices, make the option selec- 
    tions per the instructions in the following para- 
    The System Data Block (DSYS) Program 
    contains many miscellaneous data entries 
    that are meaningful to the system as a whole 
    rather than any individual station or trunk. 
    Data is entered as follows: 
    REQ (Request)-Indicates program has loaded.  
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