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Xerox Documate 3115 Scanner Docking Station User Guide

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    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide151
    8. In the main scanner interface click Save to save the regions to the current preset, or save them to a 
    new preset using the 
    Save as dialogue.
    Summary area in the main interface will indicate when custom regions have been defined in 
    the preview window. Click on 
    View or modify custom regions in the summary area to display the 
    preview window.
    9. Click 
    Scan in the main interface to scan using the custom regions.
    10. When scanning is finished, one image is created for each region set in the preview window.
    The number of scan regions you can create is limited by the scanner model and installed modules. For 
    instance, most scanners have only one region. When you select a paper size in the Page size list, or 
    input the dimensions in the custom page size fields, you are setting a scan region.
    When Visioneer Acuity is installed, you can create multiple scan regions for each image scanned. The 
    maximum number of scan regions you can create when Visioneer Acuity is installed may vary between 
    scanner models. When creating scan regions and you reach the maximum number of allowable scan 
    regions, you will not be able to continue creating scan regions until you remove a region you have 
    already created. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide 152
    Move, Resize, or Delete Regions
    Moving regions – to move a region, place your mouse cursor over the region you want to move. The 
    region will highlight indicating that it is the active region under the mouse cursor. Click on the region 
    and drag the mouse to move the region.
    Resizing regions – to resize a region, place your mouse cursor over the edge of the region outline. The 
    cursor will change to a dual directional arrow. Click on the line and drag the mouse to resize the region. 
    If you click on the top or bottom edge, you can only resize the region up or down. If you click on the left 
    or right edge, you can only resize the region left or right. Click on a corner edge and then drag the 
    mouse to resize the region in all directions.
    Note that you can only resize the scan regions to be within the scanner’s minimum and maximum 
    supported paper sizes. Please refer to the scanner specification table, in the maintenance section of the 
    user guide, for the supported paper sizes for your scanner. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide153 Deleting regions
     – to delete a region, place your mouse cursor over the region you want to delete. The 
    region will highlight indicating it is the active region under the mouse cursor. Right-click on the region 
    and select the delete option from the menu.
    Move, Resize, or Delete a Blocked Region
    If there is a region you cannot move or resize because another region is in the way, you can temporarily 
    move that region behind the other regions. Right-click on the region that is in the way and select 
    Temporarily send this region to the back to move that region behind the one that you want to move or 
    resize. This is a temporary change in the region ordering and cannot be undone. That region will 
    automatically move back into its position when you click to move or resize a region.
    Reordering Regions
    If you have created multiple scan regions, you can reorder the region priority from the right-click menu 
    for the regions. The priority determines which region gets processed first while scanning. For example, 
    region 1 will be processed first and appear in the scanning application as the first image. Right-click on 
    the region and select an option from the menu. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide 154 Make this the first region
     – select this option to set the region number to 1. This option is not available if 
    the region you right-clicked on is already at position 1. After selecting this option, all other regions will 
    have their number update automatically as appropriate. 
    Make this region a lower number – select this option to move the region number up one in the 
    processing order. This option is not available if the region you right-clicked on is already at position 1. 
    After selecting this option, all other regions will have their number update automatically as 
    Make this region a higher number – select this option to move the region number down one in the 
    processing order. This option is not available if the region you right-clicked on is already the last region 
    in the processing order. After selecting this option, all other regions will have their number update 
    automatically as appropriate.
    Make this the last region – select this option to set the region number to the last number in the 
    processing order. This option is not available if the region you right-clicked on is already at the last 
    position in the processing order. After selecting this option, all other regions will have their number 
    update automatically as appropriate.
    Clear All Regions
    Right-click anywhere in the preview window where there are no regions, and then click on Clear all 
    regions to remove all of the regions in the preview area. This will leave only the region labeled as 
    number 1. There must always be at least one region for scanning.  
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide155
    Document Source Configuration
    Some options in the interface may be grayed out and cannot be selected. Grayed out options are either 
    not appropriate for the current scanner, the software needed to enable the feature is not installed, 
    the feature is dependent on another setting in the scanner's interface. Hover the mouse cursor over a 
    grayed out feature to see information about why the feature is unavailable.
    Basic or Advanced from the list to show the basic or advanced document source configuration 
    options as described below.
    Basic Options
    •Auto source—when scanning in basic mode, this option is always enabled and cannot be changed.
    Duplex—select this option to scan both sides of the item in the scanner.
    Click the drop down menu to select the color mode you want to use.
    Color scans the document in color, creating a full color copy of an original document or 
    photograph. Color scans have the largest file size.
    Gray scans the document using varying shades of gray to reproduce the document. The grayscale 
    scan mode is often used when scanning documents or graphics where the original color does not 
    need to be retained, but the graphics need to be legible. Grayscale scanning preserves the graphic 
    quality while keeping the file size less than that of a full color scan.
    Black and White scans the document in bitonal where everything on the page is either black or 
    white. This setting is often used when scanning typed or written documents. When there are not a 
    lot of graphics, or if the graphics are not needed, this setting is ideal for archiving documents to a 
    server or on a disc, send through email, or posting to a web page, as the file size is smaller than the 
    other scanning modes.
    Advanced Options
    •Auto source—select this option to have the scanner automatically determine where the paper is in 
    the scanner. This option is only available if your scanner has more than one paper source option, 
    such an ADF with a front feed tray scanner, or an ADF with a flatbed combination scanner. When 
    this option is not selected, you can select which source you want to use in the scan mode list. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide 156
    •Multi-stream—select this option to have the scanner create an image of each item scanned in 
    each color mode selected in the source list.
    Duplex—select this option to scan both sides of the item in the scanner. Note that if you deselect 
    the Back side options in the source configuration list, this option will automatically deselect.
    Click the drop down menu to select the scanning options you want to use.
    The available color modes are:
    •Automatic determines the color of the document as it is being scanned.
    Color scans the document in color, creating a full color copy of an original document or 
    photograph. Color scans have the largest file size.
    Gray scans the document using varying shades of gray to reproduce the document. The grayscale 
    scan mode is often used when scanning documents or graphics where the original color does not 
    need to be retained, but the graphics need to be legible. Grayscale scanning preserves the graphic 
    quality while keeping the file size less than that of a full color scan.
    Black and White scans the document in bitonal where everything on the page is either black or 
    white. This setting is often used when scanning typed or written documents. When there are not a 
    lot of graphics, or if the graphics are not needed, this setting is ideal for archiving documents to a 
    server or on a disc, send through email, or posting to a web page, as the file size is smaller than the 
    other scanning modes.
    Sources identical
    If the scanner has multiple paper source options, select this option to have the settings you choose in 
    the interface apply to all paper sources in the scanner. For instance, if you select color scanning when 
    scanning from the input tray, then the flatbed or front feed tray scans will also be in color. 
    (Example: Sources are identical)(Example: Sources are different) 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide157
    While the option to enable or disable Sources identical is in the source configuration list, the color mode 
    is not the only option that can be individually configured for each source. Other options in the scanner 
    interface, such as resolution, brightness, contrast, etc... will also be individually set for each source. After 
    you deselect 
    Sources identical, any changes you make in the scanner interface will only be applied to 
    the option that appears at the top of the list (for example, “Input tray (Front side) Black and White”).
    To set the scanner options individually for each source:
    1. Click the drop down menu and deselect Sources identical.
    2. Select the color mode you want for the first source.
    3. Click the top of the menu to collapse the list. Select the options in the scanner interface that you 
    want to use for the first source.
    4. When you are done making changes for the first source, click in the source configuration list and 
    select the color mode for the second source.
    That source selection will now be displayed in the top of the source configuration list.
    5. Click the top of the menu to collapse the list. Select the options in the scanner interface that you 
    want to use for the second source.
    Tip: Save the changes to a Preset when you are done selecting options for each source. Please refer to 
    Presets for more information. 
    Sides identical
    If the scanner supports two-sided (duplex) scanning, you can individually set the color mode and other 
    options in the scanner interface for each side of the page. This option is always selected and grayed 
    out if the scanner hardware does not support the feature.
    While the option to enable or disable 
    Sides identical is in the source configuration list, the color mode is 
    not the only option that can be individually configured for each side. Other options in the scanner 
    interface, such as resolution, brightness, contrast, etc... will also be individually set for each source. After 
    you deselect 
    Sides identical, any changes you make in the scanner interface will only be applied to the 
    option that appears at the top of the list (for example, “Input tray (Front side) Color”).
    To set the scanner options individually for each side:
    1. Click the drop down menu and deselect Sides identical.
    2. Select the color mode you want for the first side.
    (Example: Sides are identical)(Example: Sides are different) 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide 158
    3. Click the top of the menu to collapse the list. Select the options in the scanner interface that you 
    want to use for the first side.
    4. When you are done making changes for the first side, click in the source configuration list and 
    select the color mode for the second side.
    That side selection will now be displayed in the top of the source configuration list (for example, 
    “Input tray (Back side) Gray”).
    5. Click the top of the menu to collapse the list. Select the options in the scanner interface that you 
    want to use for the second side.
    Tip: Save the changes to a Preset when you are done selecting options for each source. Please refer to 
    Presets for more information. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide159
    The Summary area displays some of the basic scan options selected in the interface. Clicking on one of 
    the links will open the area of the interface where the setting is located. 
    							Xerox® DocuMate® 3115
    User’s Guide 160
    A preset contains all features in the scanner interface, including color mode, resolution, paper size, and 
    so on. You can create, import, export, and delete presets. After presets have been added to the 
    interface, click the drop down menu and select an option from the list.
    • If you select the
     Last used settings preset, then adjust the settings in the scanner interface, when 
    you scan those changes will immediately save to the preset.
    • Click the 
    Save button if you want to save changes to the Last used settings preset without scanning. 
    • Click the Cancel button to close the scanner interface without saving any changes. 
    To save a new preset:
    1. Adjust the options in the scanner interface as needed. 
    2. Click on the right arrow and select 
    Save as... from the list.
    3. After clicking on the save option, a dialogue opens for you to type in a name. Type in the name 
    you want then click 
    To modify an existing preset:
    1. Select the preset you want to modify in the preset list.
    2. Adjust the options in the scanner interface as needed. 
    3. Click 
    To  r e n a m e  a  p r e s e t :
    1. Select the preset you want to rename in the preset list.
    2. Click the right pointing arrow button and select 
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