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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							Always have a fire  extinguisher containing  FOAM CO2 GAS, or POWDER  close at hand when handling or draining 
    or when  dismantling  fuel systems  and in areas where fuel  containers  are stored. 
    Always  disconnect  the vehicle  battery BEFORE  carrying out dismantling 
    or draining work on a fuel  system. 
    petroVgasoline is  being  handled, draincd or stored,  or when fuel systems  are being  dismantled  all forms  of 
    ignition must  be 
    extinguishcd or  removed, any head-lamps  used  must be flameproof  and kept clear of spillage. 
    NO  ONE 
    Draining or extracting petroligasoline from vehicle fuel tank must be carried  out in a well ventilated area. 
    The receptacle  used to contain  the pctrol/gasoline must be more than adequate  for the full amount or fuel to be 
    or drained.  The receptacle  should  be clearly  marked  with its contents,  and placed in a safe storagc area 
    which  meets the requirements  of local  authority  regulations. 
    On vehicles  where  the  fuel line is secured  to  the fuel  tank  outlet  by a spring  steel clip,  it  is recommended  that such 
    clips  are released  before the fuel  line  is disconnected  or the  fuel  tank  unit is removed.  This procedure  will avoid  the 
    of residual  petrol fumes in the fuel  tank being  ignited  when  the clips  are relcased. 
    As an added  precaution  fuel tanks should  havc a PEIROL/GASOLINE VAPOUR  warning label attached  to them 
    as soon as 
    they are  rcmovcd from the vehicle. 
    Under  no  circumstances should  a repair  to any  tank involving  heat  treatment  be  carried out without  first rendering 
    the  tank  SAFE,  by 
    usingone of the  following  methods: 
    STEAMING:  With the filler  cap and  tank  unit  removed, empty 
    the tank. Steam thc tank for at least  two hours 
    with low  pressure  steam. Position  the  tank so that  condensation  can drain  away freely,  ensuring  that any 
    sediment  and sludge 
    not volatiscd  by the  steam,  is washed  out during the steaming  process. 
    BOILING:  With the filler  cap and  tank  unit  removed, 
    empty the tank. Immerse the tank  completely in boiling 
    water  containing 
    an effective  alkaline  degreasing  agent or a dctcrgent, with the  water  filling  and also 
    surrounding the  tank 
    for at least  two hours. 
    After  steaming  or boiling 
    a signed  and dated  label to this effect should  be attached to the tank. 
    Purchasers  are advised  that the specification  details set out in this Manual apply to a range of vehicles  and not to any 
    For the  specification of a particular  vehicle, purchasers should  consult their Distributor  or Dealer. 
    The  Manufacturers  reserve the right 
    to vary  their  specifications  with or without  notice,  and at such times  and in such 
    manner  as 
    they think fit. Major  as well as minor  changes  may be involved in accordance  with the Manufacturers 
    policy  of constant product  improvement. 
    Whilst  every  effort  is 
    made to ensure  the  accuracy of  the particulars  contained in this Manual,  neither  the 
    Manufacturer  nor the  Distributor 
    or Dealer.  by whom  this  Manual is supplied,  shall in any circumstances bc held 
    liable  for any  inaccuracy  or the  consequences  thereof. 
    0 Land Rover  Limited 1984 
    All rights reserved.  No part  of this  publication  may  be  produced, stored in a retrieval  system or transmitted in any 
    form,  electronic,  mechanical,  photocopying,  recording 
    or other means  without  prior writtcn permission  of Land 
    Rover Limited,  Service Department,  Solihull, England. 
    ... Ill  
    							. Special Service Tools 
    The use of approvcd special scrvice tools is important. Thcy are essential if scrvicc opcrations arc 
    to  be 
    carricd out  cfficicntly,  and safely. The amount of timc which thcy save can be considcrable. 
    Every  special tool is designcd with the closc co-operation of Land Rover Ltd.,  and no tool  is put 
    into  production  which has 
    not been tested  and  approvcd  by us.  New  tools are only  introduced 
    wherc an operation cannot  be satisfactorily carried out using cxisting tools  or standard equipment. 
    The  user  is therefore 
    assurcd that  the tool is ncccssary  and  that it will  perform accuratcly, 
    efficiently  and safely. 
    Special  tools 
    bullctins will be issued periodically  giving details of new tools as thcy are introduced. 
    All orders  and  enquiries from the  United  Kingdom should be sent dircct to V. L. Churchill. 
    Overseas orders  should  be  placed  with the local V. L. Churchill  distributor,  whcrc one exists. 
    Countries  whcrc thcrc 
    is no distributor  may ordcr dircct from V. L. Churchill  Limited, PO Box 3, 
    Daventry, Northants,  England NNll 4NF. 
    Thc tools rccommended in this  Workshop  Manual are listed in a  multi-language,  illustrated cataloguc obtainable from 
    V. L.  Churchill  at thc above addrcss under publication number 221?!2!84 or from  Land  Rover Ltd.,  under part 
    LSM0052TC from the following  address,  Land  Rover  Publication Scrvicc, P.O. Box 534, Erdington, Birmingham, 
    B24 OQ5.  
    							LT77 FIVE SPEED GEARBOX 1371 
    							1371 LT77 FIVE SPEED GEARBOX 
    25. Remove  the three  nuts and bolts  securing  the transfer 
    box  L.H.  and R.H.  mounting  brackets 
    to the chassis. 
    26.  Remove 
    the nuts  retaining the brackets  to the 
    mounting  rubbers and remove the brackets. 
    27.  Lower  the hoist  sufficiently  to allow  the transfer 
    lever  to clear  the transmission  tunnel aperture. 
    28.  Disconnect 
    the four-wheel  drive indicator  electrical 
    lead  (bullet  connection). 
    29.  Remove  the cleat  retaining  the reverse  light switch 
    wires  from the 
    R.H. side of the gearbox. 
    30. Disconnect the wire  from the reverse  light switch 
    situated  at the  top  rear  of the  selector  housing  and 
    rnove  the harness  away from the transmission. 
    31.  Support  the engine  under the sump  with a jack, 
    placing  timber between  the jack  pad and sump. 
    32.  Remove  the eleven  hell housing  nuts. 
    33.  Withdraw  the transmission  whilst ensuring  all 
    connections  to the  engine  and chassis  are released. 
    Separating the transfer box  from gearbox 
    41. Withdraw  the transfer  box. For LT230 transfer 
    gear  box dismantling  refer to page  19. Dismantling 
    on LT77 gearbox,  refer to page 3. 
    Assembling transfer box to  main gearbox 
    42. Hoist  the transfer  box into  position  and ensuring 
    that  the loose  upper  dowel  is fitted,  assemble  to 
    main  gearbox  extension  housing and secure 
    the four  bolts  and two nuts. 
    Fit the  transfer  selector  housing to the main 
    gearbox  remote gear change  housing 
    with the four 
    bolts.  (The right hand  rear bolt is longer). 
    44. Fit the  breather  pipes. 
    Fit the  diffcrential  lock cross shaft lever  pivot 
    bracket  to the  extension  housing 
    with thc two 
    46.  Connect  the cranked 
    lever to the  differential  lock 
    with a  new  split  pin. (On early  production 
    connect  the short 
    link with  a new  ‘Nyloc’  nut). 
    Fitting main gearbox  and transfer  box to engine 
    47. Fit the cradle to the  transmission  hoist and the 
    transmission  to the  cradle  as described 
    instruction  23. Smear  Hylomar on bell housing  face 
    mating  with engine. 
    48. Locatc  the gear lcver temporarily  and select  any 
    in the  main  gearbox to facilitatc entry of the 
    primary  shaft. 
    49. Position  and raise  hoist  and fit the transmission  to 
    the  engine  whilst keeping  wires and pipes  clear to 
    prevent  trapping. 
    50. Secure the transmission to the  engine  with the 
    eleven  nuts, noting  that the 
    top R.H.  nut holds  a 
    clip  for the  speedometer  cable. 
    51. Position the revcrse light wires  to the R.1-I. side  of 
    the  main  gearbox  and secure  with a cleat 
    to the 
    breather  pipes. 
    rcar of  the  selcctor  housing. 
    Conncct the  differential  lock indicator  wires (bullet 
    54. Raise thc transmission  to line-up  with  the engine 
    and  ensure  that 
    the transfer  lever clears  the tunnel 
    55. Fit the  transfer  box L.H.  and R.H.  mounting 
    brackets  but only  partially  tighten the securing  nuts 
    and  bolts. 
    56. Loosely fit the rubber  mounting  nuts and lower  the 
    onto the mountings.  Fully tighten  all 
    the  securing  nuts and bolts. 
    57. Remove  the supporting  jack from  under  the engine 
    58. Remove  the two  bolts  securing  the cradle  to the 
    transfer  box and remove  the cradle  and hoist. 
    59. Refit thc two  bolts  using  Loctite 290 on the threads 
    and  note  that 
    the L.H.  bolt holds  a clip  for the 
    speedometer  cable. 
    60. Fit the  slave  cylinder  using Hylosil  on the  gasket 
    and  tighten 
    the two  bolts  evenly  to 22 to 28 Nm (16 
    to 21 Ib ft). 
    Connect  the reverse  light wire  to 
    the switch  at the 1 
    							LT77 FIVE SPEED GEARBOX (37 I 
    61. Fit the  handbrake cable using a new  split  pin to 
    secure the  clevis pin. Grease  the clevis  and tighten 
    the outer  cable lock nuts. 
    62.  Connect the  speedometer  cable. 
    63.  Check  that 
    the three  drain plugs  are tight  and 
    remove  the main  gearbox  and  transfer box filler 
    level  plugs. 
    Fill the main  gcarbox  with 
    1,76 litres (3 pints)  of a 
    recommended oil or until it begins to run  out of the 
    filler  level  hole. Fit  and  tighten the filler  plug. 
    Similarly  remove 
    the transfer filler  level  plug  and 
    inject  approximately 
    2,6 litres  (4.5  pints) of 
    oil or until  it runs  out of the filler 
    hole.  Apply  Hylosil 
    to the  threads  and fit the plug 
    and  wipe  away  any surplus 
    64. Line  up  the marks  and fit the front  and  rear 
    propeller  shafts to the  transfer box. 
    Fit the  exhaust  system,  and  evenly  tighten the 
    flange nuts  and bolts. 
    Fit the ‘U’ bolt and secure  to 
    - the bracket. 
    66.  Expand  the chassis  side  members, fit the  cross 
    member  and  secure  with the eight 
    nuts and  bolts 
    (four each  side). 
    67. Fit the heater  pipe clamp. 
    68.  Clip  the  breather pipes,  specdometer  cable and 
    Fit thc fan  cowl. 
    Fit the bonnet. 
    Fit main  gear lever  gaiter and  lever, to previously 
    marked  spline setting.  Secure with 
    the 10 mm 
    ‘Nyloc’  nut (with  plain  washer)  to  the correct 
    torque.  starter motor harness 
    to rear 
    of engine. 
    Fit the  cover  to both  gear levers. 
    Fit the gear  lever knobs. 
    74. Connect  the battery. 
    (4  cylinder  petrol and diesel) 
    Service  Tools: 
    18G705 - Bearing  remover 
    18G705-1A - Adaptor  for mainshaft 
    18G705-5 - Adaptor  for layshaft 
    18G1400 - Remover for synchromesh  hub and gear 
    18G1400-1 -Adaptor  mainshaft  5th gear 
    - Hand  press 
    18G47BA -Adaptor,  layshaft bearing remover 
    18647BAX -Conversion  kit 
    - Impulse  extractor 
    18G284AAH - Adaptor  for input  shaft pilot bearing 
    track  1861422 
    - Mainshaft  rear oil seal replacer 
    !8G!431 - Mainshaft 5th gear and oi! sea! cellar 
    1.  Place  gearbox on  a bench with the transfer 
    gearbox  removed, ensuring  the oil is first  drained. 
    2. Remove the clutch  release bearing carrier  clip. 
    3.  Remove 
    the clutch  release  bearing  and carrier. 
    4. Pull  the clutch  release  lever from the clutch 
    5. Rcmove  the bolts  and washers securing  the clutch 
    lever pivot. 
    release  lever pivot. 
    6. Remove the bolts  and washers  securing  the bell 
    housing  and remove  the bell  housing. 
    7. Remove the three bolts  and washers retaining the 
    gear  selector  housing to the fifth gear extension 
    case.  Lift the housing  from the case  and discard 
    the gasket. 
    ST541 M I I 
    8. Using  a  suitable  pin punch,  remove  the  roll pin 
    retaining  the selector  yoke. 
    9. Push the selector shaft  forward to engage a gcar, 
    and  manoeuvre  the selector  yoke  from the shaft. 
    Return  the selector shaft 
    to neutral. 
    10. Remove  the circlip which  retains  the mainshaft oil 
    seal collar  located at the  rear  of the  gearbox. 
    							171 LT77 FIVE SPEED GEARBOX 
    11. Using  tools 186705  and 186705-1A remove the 
    oil  seal  collar. 
    / 12 
    12. Remove  the ten bolts  and spring  washers  securing 
    the  rear  cover  to the  gearcase;  withdraw 
    the rear 
    cover  and discard  the gasket. 
    Fit two  dummy  bolts (8 x 35 mm) to the  casing to 
    retain  the centre  plate to the  main  case. 
    14.  Remove  the oil seal  collar 
    ‘0’ ring  from  the 
    15.  Withdraw  the 
    oil pump drive shaft. 
    16.  Remove  the two  bolts  and spring  washers  securing 
    fifth gear  selector  fork and bracket. 
    17. Withdraw  the fifth gcar selector  spool. 
    18.  Withdraw  the fifth  gear  selector  fork and bracket. 
    19. On early  models,  remove circlip retaining fifth 
    gear (driving)  from the layshaft.  On later  models, 
    engage  reverse gear by turning  selector  raii anti
    clockwise  and pulling  rearwards.  Move the fifth 
    speed synchro  hub into mesh with the fifth  gear. 
    -stake  the retaining  nut securing  the fifth  gear 
    iayshaft  and remove  nut. Select  neutral  by 
    pushing  selector 
    r;3il inwards and turning 
    clockwise;  and return  fifth speed  synchro  hub to 
    its  out  of mesh  position. 
    ST 908M 
    20. Release  the circlip  retaining  the fifth  gear 
    synchromesh  assembly to the  mainshaft. 
    21.  Using 
    tools 18G1400-1 and 18G1400 withdraw  the 
    selective  washer, fifth gear  synchromesh  hub and 
    fifth gear  (driven)  and spacer  from the 
    22.  Remove  the split  roller  bearing  assembly  from the 
    main  sh 
    a ft. 
    23. Using  tools 186705  and 18G705-1A remove the 
    layshaft  spacer (if fitted)  and layshaft  fifth gcar. 
    24. Remove  the selector  shaft circlip. 
    25. Fit suitable  guide studs (measuring 8 x 60 mm) to 
    26. Locate the gearbox to a suitable  stand. 
    27.  Remove  the six bolts  and spring  washers  from the 
    front  cover.  withdraw  the cover  and discard  the 
    28.  Remove  the input  shaft and layshaft  selective 
    washers  from the gearcase. 
    29. Remove  the two  bolts  and washers  securing  the 
    locating  boss for the  selector  shaft front  spool, 
    withdraw  the locating  boss. 
    30. Withdraw  the selector  plug, spring  and ball  from 
    the  centre  plate. 
    main  gearbox  case. 
    c-) .  
    31. Remove the dummy  bolts and carefully lift the 
    gearcase,  leaving the ccntre  plate and gear 
    assemblies  in position.  Discard gasket. 
    32.  Insert  two slave  bolts and nuts  to retain 
    the centre 
    to the  stand;  and remove the circlip,  pivot 
    pin,  reverse  lever and slipper  pad. 
    33. Slide the reverse  shaft rearwards  and lift off the 
    thrust  washer,  reverse gear and reverse  gear 
    34.  Lift 
    off the layshaft  cluster. 
    35. Remove  the input  shaft and fourth  gear . synchromesh  cone. 
    36. Rotate the fifth gear selector  shaft clockwise 
    (viewed  from above)  to align  the 
    fifth gear 
    selector  pin with  the 
    slot in the centre  plate. 
    37.  Remove  the mainshaft  and selector  fork 
    assemblies  from the centre  plate. 
    38.  Detach 
    the selector  fork assembly  from the 
    mainshaft  gear cluster. 
    39. Remove  the slave  bolts from thc centre  plate and 
    lift the centre  plate clear of the  stand. 
    Front cover 
    40. Remove  and discard  the oil seal from  the front 
    Do not fit a new oil  seal  at this stage. 
    41. Using prcss 18G705 and  tool 186705-5 remove 
    the  layshaft  bearings. 
    37 - 
    42. Remove the centre  bearing  circlip. 
    43.  Using  press 
    MS47 and  any suitable  metal  bar, 
    remove  the  centre  bearing, first gear  bush,  first 
    gear  and needle  bearings  and  first gear 
    synchromesh  cone. 
    Input shaft ST 
    44. If a difficulty  is experienced in removing  the first 
    and  second  gear synchromesh  hub, locate 
    the sccond  gcar with a suitablc  tool; 
    and  extract  the  complete  synchromcsh hub and 
    second  gear assemblies  using 
    a suitable press. 
    45. Using  press  MS47 and extension,  with a  support 
    underneath  the third 
    speed gear,  press  the 
    mainshaft  through the pilot  bcaring  spacer, third 
    and  fourth  synchromesh  hub, third  gear 
    synchromesh  cone,  third gear  and  third  gcar 
    needle  roller bearing. 
    55. Using  tools  MS47  and 18G47BA, reniovc the 
    56. With  the aid of tools 18G284AAH and  186284, 
    input shaft 
    cxtract the pilot  bearing  track. 
    First and second  gear synchromesh  assemblies 
    46. Mark  the hub  and  sleeve  to aid  reassembly  and 
    remove the  slipper rings from the front  and rear 
    the first  and second  gear synchromesh assemblies. 
    47. Withdraw the  slippers and hub from thc sleeve. 
    Third  and fourth  gear synchromesh  assemblies 
    48. Mark  the hub  and slecve to aid  reassembly  and 
    remove the  slipper rings from 
    the front and  rear of 
    the assembly. 
    49.  Withdraw 
    the slippers  and hub from the sleeve. 
    Extension  case 
    SO. Remove the three  oil pump  housing  bolts,  spring 
    51. Do not withdraw the oil pick-up pipe. 
    52.  Remove  the plug,  washer  and filter. 
    53. Invert  casing  and extract  the oil seal. 
    54.  Press  out the ferrobestos  bush from the  casing. 
    washers and 
    oil pump gears. 
    4 ST 873M 
    Reverse  idler gear 
    57. Remove  the circlip  from the reverse idler  gear. 
    58. Having noted their positions, remove both ncedle 
    roller  bearings  and remaining  circlip from  the 
    Fifth  gear synchromesh  assembly 
    59. Lever the backing  plate off the fifth  gear 
    60. Remove  the slipper  rings from  the  front and  rear 
    61.  Release  the  slippers  and slide  the hub  from  the 
    synchromesh assembly. 
    of  the  assembly. 
    							~~77 FIVE SPEED GEARBOX 137 I 
    Gear selector  housing - Early models (Not illustrated) 3- - ;c ::: Centre  plate .&&L\.S v,, 62. Remove  the layshaft  and mainshaft  bearing tracks 
    from  the centre  platc and reverse  pivot post. 
    Main  gearbox  casing 
    63. Remove  the mainshaft  and layshaft  bearing tracks 
    64.  Remove  the plastic  oil trough  from 
    thz front of 
    from the main  casing. 
    the casing. 
    Selector  rail 
    65. The  selector  rail is supplied  complete with first 
    and  second  selector  fork, pin and  fifth  speed 
    selector  pin. If 
    it is required  to replace  the first 
    and  second  selector  fork on its own,  press  out the 
    fifth  speed  gear selector  pin and  remove 
    the first 
    and  sccond  selector  fork from  the selector  rail. 
    * . .. 
    Gear selector  housing - Latest models 
    66. Remove the roll pin and  release  the bias  spring. 
    67.  Remove 
    the two  adjusting  screws and locknuts. 
    68.  Remove  the gear  lcvcr 
    cxtension, secured  by a 
    nut  (with 
    phi n wash  er) . 
    69. Remove  the bolt  and special  lock washer  to 
    the gear  lever  shaft from  the trunnion 
    70.  Remove  the 
    four bolts and spring  washers 
    retaining  the gear  lever  housing  to the  selector 
    housing.  Lift 
    off the housing  and discard  the 
    (a) Rcmove  the gear  lever  gaiter  and three  bolts 
    the gear  lever  retaining  plate and 
    -vibration  pad. 
    (b)  Remove  gear lever  from the gear  lcvcr 
    (c)  Removc  the four  bolts  and spring  washers 
    the gcar levcr housing  to the 
    selector  housing.  Lift off the  housing  and 
    discard  the gasket. 
    (d)  Remove  the bolts  and washers  retaining  the 
    fifth  gcar  plunger  assembly.  Care must be 
    taken  not to lose  the shims  located 
    on the 
    plunger  assembly  casting. 
    (e)  Withdraw  the asscmbly  from the selector 
    housing  and label  components  for 
    on reassembly. 
    71.  Rcmove 
    thc bolts  and washcrs  retaining  the 
    reverse  gear plunger  assembly.  Care must be 
    taken  not to lose 
    the shims  located on the 
    assembly  casting. Detach from the selcctor 
    housing  and label  components  for identification. 
    72.  Remove 
    the locating  bolt from the housing  for 
    nylon  bush.  Pull the selector  shaft rearwards  and 
    the trunnion  housing. 
    73.  Release  the circlip  and detach  the nylon  insert 
    from  the trunnion  housing. 
    74.  Invert  the gear  selector  housing and 
    removc the 
    fifth  gear 
    spool retainer  bolts and spring  washers. 
    Lift  off the 
    fifth gear  spool  retainer. 
    75.  Remove  the large  blanking  plug at the  rear  of 
    housing . 
    76. Remove  the reverse  switch blanking  plug. 
    77.  Place  the gear  selector  housing into protected  vice 
    jaws,  using 
    a suitable  pin punch,  drift out the 
    selector  yoke 
    roll pin. Push the selector  shaft 
    forwards  and remove  the selector  yoke. Remove 
    housing  from vice. 
    .# ./ 
    ST548M 77 
    78. Remove  the selector yoke roller  circlip  and 
    79.  Withdraw  the gear  selector  housing shaft out 
    80. Remove  and discard  the gear  selector  shaft ‘0’ 
    withdraw  the pin  and  rollers. 
    through  the large  blanking  plug orifice. 
    Fifth gear plunger  assembly - Early models  only 
    81. Remove  the  plug,  long  spring  and detent  ball 
    from  the 
    fifth gear plunger. 
    82.  Remove  the circlip  which  retains the 
    fifth gear 
    plunger,  pull out  plunger  and  short spring.  Keep 
    all  parts  labelled  and separated  from the reverse 
    86. Inspect all gear teeth for chipped or broken teeth, 
    or  showing  signs of excessive  wear. Inspect 
    spline  teeth  on  the  synchromesh  assemblies. If 
    there  is evidence  of chipping 
    or excessive  wear, 
    install  new parts on reassembly. Check  all slippers 
    and  slipper  rings for wear 
    or breakage.  Replace 
    with new 
    parts if necessary. 
    87. Inspect  all circlip  grooves  for burred  edges. If 
    rough or burred,  remove condition  carefully using 
    a fine file. 
    58. Ensure all oil outlets  are clear  of sludge or 
    contamination  especially the mainshaft  oil  ways. 
    Clean  with compressed  air observing  the 
    necessary safety  requirements. 
    89. During the rebuild operation, it is recommended 
    that new roller and needle bearings  are fitted. 
    Reverse  gear plunger  assembly 
    83. Remove  the plug,  long  spring  and  detent ball 
    from the reverse  gear plunger  assembly. 
    84. Detach  the circlip  which  retains the reverse  gear 
    plunger,  pull 
    out the plunger  followed  by the 
    short  spring. 
    Labcl all parts  and keep separate 
    from  the 
    fifth gear plunger  assembly. 
    Cleaning  and inspection 
    85. Clean  gearcase  thoroughly  using a  suitablc 
    solvent.  Inspect  case  for cracks,  stripped  threads 
    in the  various bolt holes,  and machined  mating 
    surfaces  for  burrs,  nicks or any  condition  that 
    would  render  the  gearcase 
    unfit for  further 
    service. If threads are stripped,  install Helicoil, or 
    equivalent inserts. 
    90. Using  tools MS47 and a suitable  tube, fit new 
    bearing cones to the layshaft. 
    Synchromesh  assemblies 
    91. With the outer sleeve  held, a push-through load 
    applied to the outer face of the synchromesh  hub 
    should  register  8,2 to 
    10 kgf m (18  to 22 Ibf ft) to 
    overcome the  spring detent in either direction. 
    92. Assemble  the  first and second  synchromesh 
    asscmbly  by locating  the shorter 
    splincd face 
    towards  the second  gear. 
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