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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    I ... 
    Removing sump and oil pump 
    1. If necessary  drain  the engine oil. When 
    working  with the engine  on a work  stand, 
    invert  the cylinder  block 
    so that the sump is 
    uppermost.  Remove the screws  and ease  the 
    sump  from the ladder  frame to reveal  the 
    1 ST2553M 
    Note: After removing  the oil sump when the 
    is in  the  vehicle,  refit and tighten 
    two of the retaining  bolts to the  left side  of 
    the  cylinder 
    block to maintain  pressure on 
    the  ladder  frame cylinder  block joint seal. 
    See fitting  sump 
    oil pump 
    2. Two bolts  secure  the oil pump to the 
    Access to the  right  hand  bolt may 
    require  the use 
    of a socket  with a universal 
    joint.  Removal 
    of the two bolts will enable the 
    pump  to be  withdrawn. 
    See  fitting  oil pump 
    Removing  ladder frame 
    Note:  The ladder  frame and flywheel 
    housing  are secured  by 
    five bolts which  are 
    inaccessable  with the gearbox 
    bell housing 
    fitted.  Therefore 
    it is not possible  to remove 
    the  ladder  frame when the engine 
    is in the 
    vehicle  without  first removing  the gearbox 
    or engine  unit, flywheel  flywheel  housing, 
    engine  sump and 
    oil pump 
    3. With the engine  removed, release the 
    remaining  ten  bolts and separate  the ladder 
    frame  from  the crankcase  by gently  tapping 
    break the seal. 
    See fitting  ladder  frame 
    							1121 ENGINE DEFENDER 
    Removing pistons and connecting  rods 
    Note:  On this  version 
    of the Tdi  engine, it is not 
    possible  to remove  the connecting  rods 
    pistons with the engine  in the  vehicle  because of 
    the method  by which  the ladder  frame is secure. 
    See note  under  Ladder  frame removal. 
    1. Turn the crankshaft  to bring  all the  connecting 
    rod  cap  nuts  to an  accessable  position and 
    slacken  the nuts  using  a 
    15mm socket. 
    2. Remove  the connecting  rod nuts  and remove 
    the  caps complete  with lower  bearing  halves. 
    3. Before  removing  the piston  assemblies, 
    number  each piston  from 
    one to four so that  it 
    can  be identified  with the bore  from  which  it 
    was  removed. 
    4. Taking  care not to damage the  bores, push 
    each  connecting  rod and  piston,  in turn,  up 
    the  bore  until 
    it can be withdrawn  from  the 
    block combustion  face. As each piston 
    is removed  fit the  corresponding  cap 
    and  bearing  shell 
    to the connecting  rod noting 
    that  the shell  locating  tags are together  on the 
    side as the  connecting  rod number. 
    See  piston  and connecting  rods  Removing 
    1. Slacken the ten mainbearing  bolts with a 
    14 socket. 
    2. If difficulty is experienced  removing the cap  a 
    suggested method  is to 
    lever the  cap  from 
    sides, as illustrated. 
    3. Insert  a suitable  bar in the  hole  in the  inside 
    of the  cap  and  lever  against  the crankshaft 
    journal  on the outside 
    face. Ensure that  blocks 
    of timber are used  under  the levers  particularly 
    to  protect  the  crankshaft. 
    mainbearing  caps complete  with the lower 
    bearing  shells. 
    4. Release  the remaining  bolts and remove  the 
    							DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    5. Lift-out the crankshaft  either by hand or hoist. 
    If a hoist  is used  be sure to insert  adequate 
    protection  between the sling  and joumals 
    avoid  damage. 
    6. Remove  the mainbearing  upper shells from the 
    cylinder  block. 
    7. Remove  the two thrust washers  from each  side 
    of the centre  bearing  location. 
    8. Remove  the four  cylinder  lubrication,  jet tubes. 
    1. Degrease the cylinder  block and carry  out a 
    thorough  visual examination  checking 
    cracks and damage.  To check  each main 
    bearing  cap and  its location 
    on the  cylinder 
    block,  fit the  bearing  caps without  the bearing 
    2. Fit  the  bolts  and tighten  to the  correct  torque, 
    then  remove  one bolt from  each bearing  cap 
    and  check  with a feeler  gauge  that no 
    clearance  exists at the  joint  face 
    as illustrated. 
    3. A clearance  indicates either a bent  bolt, 
    damaged  dowl, distortion 
    of the caps or block, 
    or that  the cap  has been  filed or machined  in 
    an  attempt  to reduce  any clearance  due to 
    wear  in the  bearings.  Main bearing  caps are 
    not  available  separately  from the cylinder  block 
    therefore  any clearance  should be investigated 
    and  rectified 
    or the block  renewed. 
    Cylinder  bores 
    4. Measure the cylinder  bores for ovality, taper 
    and  general  wear, using any suitable 
    equipment.  However, an inside  micrometer 
    best for checking  ovality and a cylinder  gauge 
    for taper. Check  the ovality of each  bore  by 
    taking  measurement  at the  top 
    of the  cylinder 
    just  below  the ridge  at 
    two points  diametrically 
    5. The  difference  between the two figures is the 
    ovality  at the  top 
    of the  bore.  Similar 
    measurements  should be made  approximately 
    50 mm (2.0 ins) up from  the bottom of the 
    so that  the overall  ovality may be 
    determined.  The taper of each  cylinder is 
    determined  by taking  measurements  at the  top 
    and  bottom 
    of each  bore at right  angles to the 
    gudgeon  pin line,  the difference  between the 
    two measurements is the taper. 
    To establish  maximum  overall bore wear, take 
    measurements  at 
    as many points  as possible 
    down  the bores  at right  angles  to the  gudgeon 
    pin  line.  The largest  recorded  figure 
    is the 
    maximum  wear and should  be compared  with 
    the  original  diameter 
    of the cylinder bore. 
    Maximum  permissible  ovality 
    mm (0.005 in). 
    Maximum  permissible  taper 
    0,254 mm (0.010 in). 
    Maximum  permissible  overall wear 
    0,177 mm (0.007 in). 
    If the above  figures  are exceeded the  cylinders must 
    of the  bores  and the amount of wear. 
    Altematively, if the overall  wear, taper and ovality 
    are  well  within  the acceptable  limits and the original 
    pistons are  serviceable new piston  rings  may  be 
    fitted.  It 
    is important  however, that ,the bores are 
    deglazed,  with a hone,  to give  a cross
    finish  to provide  a seating  for the  new  ring. 
     be rebored or sleeved  depending  upon the 
    Fitting  cylinder  sleeves 
    Cylinder  bores that cannot  be rebored  can be 
    restored  by  fitting 
    sleeves to enable  standard  size 
    pistons  to 
    be fitted.  Sleeving  one cylinder  only will 
    distort  the adjacent  bore 
    so sleeving must  be 
    carried  out in pairs,  i.e.  cylinders 
    1 and 2 or 3 and 4. 
    6.  Machine  the cylinder  bores to accept  the 
    sleeves  to 94,425 
    + 0,012 mm (3.7175 + 
    0.0005 in).  This  will give  the sleeve  a 0,076  to 
    mm (0.003 to  0.0045  in) interference  fit. 
    Press the sleeves squarely  into  the bore using 
    a  pressure 
    of two or  three  tons. Excessive 
    pressure  could damage  the sleeve  and cylinder 
    The  sleeves  must not be proud of the  cylinder 
    block  top face 
    or more  than 2,54 mm (0.10 in) 
    below  the surface. 
    7, Bore  and hone  the sleeves  to accomodate  the 
    pistons  with the required  clearances, 
    piston  and connecting  rod examination. 
    Camshaft  bearings 
    8. Measure the intemal  diameter of each 
    camshaft bearing  at several  points using  an 
    internal  micrometer. 
    A comparison of the bearing  diameters  with those 
    of the respective  camshaft joumals will give  the 
    of clearance.  The  bearings should be 
    if the  clearance  exceeds 0,0508 mm (0.002 
    in). Or, in any  event, if they are scored or pitted. 
    This  work  should  only be entrusted  to 
    line boring 
    It  is  vital  to thoroughly  wash the cylinder  block after 
    machining  to remove  all traces 
    of abrasive  material, 
    ensuring that  all 
    oil galleries are clean. 
    Check  crankcase  main bearings 
    Discard scored, pitted,  cracked  and wom  bearing 
    shells.  To determine  the maximum  wear, assemble 
    the  main  bearing shells  and caps  to the  crankcase 
    and  tighten  the bolts  to the  correct  torque figure. 
    Using  an inside  micrometer,  measure each bearing 
    at  several  points and note  the greatest  figure. The 
    maximum  wear 
    is the difference  between this figure 
    and  the smallest  diameter 
    of the corresponding 
    crankshaft  journal. 
    The  main  bearing  running  clearance 
    is given in the 
    data  section. 
    1. Degrease  the crankshaft  and clear  out the oil 
    ways which  can become  clogged  after long 
    bearing  joumals for  obvious wear,  scores, 
    grooves and  overheating. 
    A decision at this 
    stage  should 
    be made as to whether  the 
    of the  shaft is worth  continuing  with 
    a  more  detailed  examination. 
    ovality  and taper 
    of each  main  bearing  journal 
    and  crankpin  as 
    2. Examine  visually,  the crankpins  and main 
    3. With  a  micrometer,  measure and  note the 
    4. Ovality - Take two readings  at right  angles  to 
    each  other  at various  intervals.  The maximum 
    ovality  must not 
    exceed 0,040 mm (0.0015 in). 
    other  at both  ends 
    of the main  bearing  journal 
    and  crankpin.  The maximum  permissible  taper 
    must  not  exceed 0,025 
    mm (0.001 in). 
    6. To check  for straightness,  support the front 
    and  rear  main  bearing  joumals  in 
    V blocks 
    postion a  dial  indicator to check  the 
    -out  at the  centre  main bearing  journal. 
    -out  must  not exceed 0,076 mm (0.003  in) 
    taking  into account  any ovality 
    ir. the centre 
    journal.  The overall  wear limit should  not 
    exceed  0,114 
    mm (0.0045  in) for main bearing 
    joumals  and 
    0,088 mm (0.0035 in) for 
    7. A crankshaft  wom beyond  the limints of 
    maximum  taper, ovality  and overall  wear,  can 
    be  ground 
    to0,25 mm (0.010  in). 
    5. Taper - Take two readings  parallel to each 
    When  grinding  the crankshaft  main  bearing  and 
    crankpin  joumals,  rotation 
    of the grinding  wheel and 
    crankshaft  must be in the same  direction, 
    -clockwise,  viewed from the flywheel  end of the 
    							DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    Finai finishing of the joumals  should be achieved  by 
    using  a static  lapping  stone with the crankshaft 
    rotating  in a clockwise  direction viewed from the 
    flywheel  end 
    of the crankshaft. 
    .*  .. 11 
    It is important  to ensure  that, when  grinding,  the 
    stone  travels  beyond  the edge 
    of the joumal A to 
    avoid  formation 
    of a step B as illustrated. Also care 
    must  be taken  not to machine  or damage  the fillet 
    It is vital  to thoroughly  wash the crankshaft  after 
    machining  to remove  all traces 
    of abrasive  material, 
    ensuring  that all 
    oil galleries  are clean. 
    Pistons and connecting rods 
    The  following  checks relating  to pistons  and rings 
    must  also be carried  out prior  to fitting  new pistons 
    to  rebored  and sleeved  cylinder  blocks. Until it is 
    if new  components  are required  all parts 
    be kept  in their  related  sets and the position 
    of each  piston to its connecting rod should  be 
    1. Remove  the piston  rings and gudgeon  pin 
    from  each piston  and detach  the connecting 
    2.  Original  pistons 
    - Decarbonise  and degrease  all 
    components  and carry  out a visual  examination 
    of the piston  and rings  and discard  any which 
    are  unserviceable.  Pistons which appear 
    serviceable  should be subjected  to a more 
    detailed  examination  described under New 
    3. New  pistons - Original  pistons fitted to new 
    engines at the factor? arespecially graded to 
    facilitate  assembly.  The grade  letter on the 
    piston  crown  should  be ignored  when 
    ordering  new pistons.  Genuine 
    Land Rover  service  standard  size pistons 
    are  supplied  0,025 
    mm (0.001 in) oversize to allow 
    for  production 
    tolorance on new  engines.  When 
    fitting  new pistons  to a standard  size cylinder,  the 
    bores  must be honed  to accomodate  the pistons 
    with  the correct  clearances.  In addition  Land Rover 
    pistons  are available 
    0,50 and 1,Ol mm (0.020  and 
    0.040 in) oversize for fitting  to rebored  cylinders. 
    Clearance  limits 
    for new standard  size pistons  in a 
    standard  cylinder bore measured  at right  angles 
    the gudgeon  pin are in the  data  section.  When 
    taking  the following  measurements  the cylinder 
    block  and pistons  must be the  same  temperature 
    ensure  accuracy. 
    4. Using a suitable  micrometer or vernier measure 
    the  pistons  at the  bottom 
    of the skirt  at right 
    angles  to the  gudgeon  pin. 
    							1121 ENGINE e DEFENDER 
    5. With an inside  micrometer or cylinder  gauge 
    measure  the diameter 
    of the  bore at 
    approximately  half
    -way down  and note  the 
    6. The  clearance  is determined  by subtracting  the 
    7. If gauge equipment is not available  the 
    diameter from  the bore  diameter. 
    clearance  can be assessed  by placing  a  long, 
    suitably  sized, 
    feeler gauge down  the thrust 
    of the  bore and  inserting the appropriate 
    piston,  upside  down, in the  bore  and position 
    it with  the gudgeon  pin parallel  to the 
    crankshaft  axis. Push  the piston  down the  bore 
    and  stop  at the  tightest  point and whilst 
    holding  the piston  still,  slowly  withdraw the 
    feeler  gauge. 
    If a steady  resistance of 
    approximately 2,5 kg (6 Ibs) is felt,  the 
    is satisfactory. 
    Piston  ring gaps 
    9. With the appropriate feeler  gauge check all the 
    ring  gaps  in turn,  including  the 
    oil control 
    The  correct gaps  are  listed in the  data  section. 
    If any 
    is less than that specified, remove  the ring,  and 
    file the ends  square,  whilst holding  the ring  in a 
    jig or vice.  Should  any gap  be excessively  wide 
    and  not likely 
    to close up to within  the specified 
    limits when  hot, an oversize  ring should  be fitted. 
    Once  the rings  have been 
    selected for a  particular 
    cylinder  and piston  ensure  that they  are not  again 
    mixed  up. 
    Piston  ring groove  clearance 
    10. It is important  that the groove  clearances are 
    correct.  Rings that are too  tight  may  bind  or 
    fracture  when hot and  cause 
    loss of 
    compression.  Excessive clearance  allows the 
    to rock in  the  groove and  may result  in a 
    pumping  action and excessive 
    oil p : consumption. z4 
    8. When  checking  the piston  ring gap  in worn 
    bores  which  are within  the acceptable taper 
    and  ovality  limits,  the ring  must  be inserted 
    squarely  into the bottom 
    of the cylinder  at the 
    lowest point 
    of the  piston  travel. To ensure 
    squareness  push the ring  to the  correct 
    position  using  a piston. 
    1 -,.:.
    							(121 ENGINE DEFENDER 
    20. Connecting rod bearings that are worn,  pitted, 
    scored  and show  signs 
    of overheating  must be 
    If more  than one of the bearings 
    show  these  signs they must  all be  renewe. 
    When  fitting new 
    or used bearings  to 
    serviceable  crankpins the clearances  must be 
    Big  end  bearing  nip and  clearance 
    Clean  the protective  coating from new 
    bearings  before fitting. 
    Fit  the  bearing  shells 
    to each connecting rod 
    and cap ensuring  that the location  tags are 
    correctly  seated and aligned.  Fit and  tighten 
    both  bolts  to the  correct  torque,  next 
    one nut on each  cap then  check for a nip 
    of between 0,lO to 0,20mm (0.004 
    to 0.008). 
    -. ST2977M 
    23.  Check  the joint  face of faces of both  cap rod 
    and bearing  shells if the nip clearance is 
    excessive. Too little  nip clearance will allow  the 
    shell  bearings  to move  (possibly  rotate) inside 
    the  connecting  rod when  the engine 
    running.  After satisfactory  fittting of the 
    bearings  temporary  retain the shells  and caps 
    to  the  appropriate  connecting rod. 
    Assembling  pistons to connecting rods 
    24. Insert a circlip  in one side of the  gudgeon  pin 
    boss  and assemble  the piston  to the 
    connecting  rod with  the gudgeon  pin. Secure 
    the  assembly  with a circlip  on the  opposite 
    side of the  piston. 
    The  piston  must be assembled  to the  connecting 
    so that  the arrow  on the  piston  crown  points to 
    the  front 
    of the engine  and the off-set  combustion 
    chamber,  bearing shell tags and connecting  rod 
    number  are 
    all on the  same,  right hand  side of the 
    cylinder  block viewed  from the rear 
    of the engine 
    							.. e DEFENDER ENGINE 
    -? ASSEMBLE ENGINE 2, 9 .I 
    Ensure that the cylinder  block and all oilways  are 
    thoroughly  clean using  an air line, 
    if available,  prior 
    to  assembly. 
    Refitting  cylinder lubrication  jet tubes 
    Oil jet  tubes  are fitted  to lubricate  the pistons  and 
    bores  directly  from the main 
    oil gallery. 
    ,.,-.  ~ .I. ., . . , ... 
    1. Assemble 
    and fit the  jet tube  as illustrated 
    ensuring  that the dowls  locate  in the  holes  in 
    the  cylinder  block, and that  the larger  diameter 
    washer  fits under  the bolt  head.  Tap the jet 
    blocks  down to ensure  that the locating  dowel 
    is fully home.  Fit and  tighten  the retaining 
    bolts  to the  correct  torque. 
    Crankshaft  bearings. 
    Main  bearing  nip 
    Clean the protective  coating from new bearings 
    3 L. 
    Fit  the  bearing  halves to the  cylinder  block 
    ensuring  full engagement 
    of the  location  tags. 
    Instal! the othei half shells into the main 
    bearing caps, again  ensuring  that the tags 
    locate  correctly. 
    Fit  all the  main  bearing  caps to their  original 
    locations  tightening  the bolts 
    to the  correct 
    torque,  then 
    release one bolt  on each  cap. 
    Check  the clearance  between the cap  and  the 
    block  as illustrated.  The 
    nip clearance  which ensures  that the bearings 
    are  correctly  clamped,  must be within 
    0,IO to 0,15 
    mm (0.004 to 0.006 in).  Investigate  and correct  any 
    nip  clearance  errors before  removing  the main 
    bearing  caps prior  to fitting  the crankshaft. 
    Fitting  crankshaft 
    1. Insert two standard  thickness  thrust washers 
    side of the  centre  main bearing  location 
    with  the 
    oil grooves  towards the crank  thrust 
    carefully  install the crankshaft. 
    2. Lubricate  the cylinder  block bearing  shells and 
    Crankshaft end float 
    3. To determine  the crankshaft  end-float mount  a 
    dial  test  indicator  to read-off  the end 
    of the 
    crankshaft.  Move the crankshaft  away from the 
    indicator  and 
    zero the dial,  then  Move  the 
    crankshaft  in the  opposite  direction and note 
    the  indicator  reading. The end-float  should be 
    0,05 to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in). 
    Alternatively  measure the clearance  with a 
    gauge. If adjustment is required  substitute  with 
    oversize  thrust washers.  Variation 
    of thrust washer 
    thicknesses  at each  side 
    of the crankshaft  joumal 
    must  not exceed 
    0,08 mm (0.003 in) to ensure  that 
    the  crankshaft  remains centralised. 
    Main bearing  caps 
    6. Ensure that number  five main  bearing  cap is 
    clean  and 
    free from old seal  material.  Attach 
    the  seal  guides  number 
    270304 to the 
    as illustrated,  and ensure  that they 
    are  parallel  to the  crankcase  edge. 
    Lubricate and fit the  centre  main bearing  cap, 
    tighten  both bolts 
    to the correct  torque and 
    ensure  that the shaft 
    is free to rotate before 
    fitting  the next  bearing  cap. 
    Lubricate  and 
    fit 1-2 and 4 main bearing  caps 
    tightening  the bolts 
    for each. 
    7. To prevent  any seal  material  becoming  trapped 
    between  the bearing  cap and  crankcase, 
    chamfer  the inner  edge 
    of the seal 0,40 to 
    0,80 mm wide as illustrated.  Smear the seals 
    with  engine 
    oil and fit them  to the  bearing 
    8. Fit the  bearing  cap complete  with shell  bearing 
    to  the  crankcase  and secure  with new 
    and tighten  to the  appropriate  torque. Remove 
    seal  guides  and check  that the shaft 
    is free  to 
    that the shaft 
    is free te rdate after 
    rorate. e2 
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