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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    /.2;:.2> prwrb> REMOVE AND OVERHAUL CRANKSHAFT *!,..,., .::.2 
    1. Remove  the main  bearing  caps  and  lower bearing 
    shells  and retain  in sequence. 
    It is important  to 
    keep  them  in pairs  and mark  them  with 
    thc number 
    of the respective journal until it is decided if thc 
    bearing shells  are to be rcfitted. 
    2. Lift  out the  crankshaft and rear oil seal. 
    - ;,:::,., , .., ., . , . ... , .. .  . ... . .. a!: 
    Inspect  and overhaul crankshaft 
    3. Rest  the  crankshaft on vee-blocks at numbers  one 
    and  five main  bearing journals. 
    4. Using a dial  test  indicator,  check the run-out  at 
    numbers  two, 
    thrce and  four  main bearing 
    journals.  The total  indicator  readings at each 
    journal should  not exceed 
    0,08 mm (0.003 in). 
    5. While  checking the run-out  at  each  journal, note 
    the  relation 
    of maximum  eccentricity  on  each 
    journal  to the  others.  The maximum  on 
    all journals 
    should  come at  very  near the  same  angular 
    6. If the crankshaft  fails to meet  the foregoing checks 
    it is bent  and is unsatisfactory  for service. 
    7. Check  each  crankshaft  journal for ovality.  If 
    ovality  exceeds 
    0,040 mm (0.0015 in), a reground 
    or  new  crankshaft should  be fitted. ,
    							112 I V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    8. Bearings for the crankshaft  main journals  and the 
    -rod  journals  are available in the 
    following  undersizes: 
    03 mm (0.010 in) 
    0,50 mm (0.020 in) 
    9. The centre  main bearing  shell, which  controls 
    crankshaft  thrust, has the thrust  faces increased 
    thickness  when more than 0,25 mm (0.010 in) 
    undersize, as  shown 
    on thc following chart. 
    10 14 
    RR1793E 13 
    Crankshaft  dimensions - millimetres 
    Diameter Width Diameter Grade 
    12 13 14 
    Standard s8,4oo-s8,413 26,97s-27,020 wwo-sn.812 0,254 u/s 58,146-58,158 26,97527,026 50,546-50,559 0,508 U/S 57,892-57,904 27,22927,280 50,292-.50,305 
    Crankshaft dimensions - inches 
    Crankshaft  Diameter 
    Width Diamctcr 
    Grade 12 13 14 
    10. When a crankshaft  is to  be  reground,  the thrust Standard 2.2992-2.2997 I .062-1 .Oh4 2.0000-2.0005 faces  on either side of the centre  main journal  must 0.010 u/s 2.2892-2.2897 1.062- I .Oh4 1.9900- 1.9905 be machined in accordance  with the dimensions  on 0.020 u/s 2.2792-2.2797 I .072- I .074 1.9800- 1 .I805 
    the following  charts. 
    Main bearing  journal  size  Thrust face width 
    Standard  Standard 
    0.25 mm 0.010 in) undersize  Standard 0,50 mm t0.020 in) undersize 0,25 mm (0.010 in) ovcrsize Check main bearing clearance 
    11. For example: If a 0,50 mm (0.020 in) Undersize 
    bcaring  is to  be  fitted,  then 0,12 mm (0.005 in) 
    must  be machined 
    off each  thrust face of thc centre 
    journal,  maintaining  the correct  radius. 
    16. Remove the oil seals from the cylinder block and 
    the rear  main bearing  cap. 
    17. Locate the upper main bearing shells into the 
    cylinder  block. These must be the  shells  with the oil 
    drilling  and oil grooves. 
    18. Locate the flanged  upper main bcaring shell in the 
    centre  position. 
    19. Place the crankshaft in position  on the  bearings. 
    Crankshaft  dimensions 
    12. The radius for  all journals  except the  rear  main 
    bearing  is 
    1,90 to 2,28 mm (0.075 to 0.090 in). 
    13. The radius  for  the  rear main bearing  journal  is 
    14. Main bearing  journal  diameter, sec the following 
    15.  Thrust  face width,  and connecting
    -rod journal 
    2 (\/I -- (0 130 ; >,-I 11,111 (W. I&W %a&). 
    diameter,  see 
    the following charts. 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 112 
    20. Place  a piece  of Plastigauge  across the centre of the 
    crankshaft  main bearing  journals. 
    21.  Locate  the bearing  lower shell into 
    the main 
    bearing  cap. 
    Fit numbers  one to four main  bearing  caps and 
    shells.  Torque: 
    7,O to 7,6  kgf m (50 to 55 Ibf ft). 
    23.  Fit the  rear  main  bearing  cap and  shell.  Torque: 
    9,0 to 9,6 kgf  m (65  to 70  Ibf  ft). Do not  allow  the 
    to be  rotated  while the Plastigauge is in 
    24.  Remove  the main  bearing  caps and shells. 
    25.  Using  the scale  printed  on 
    the Plastigauge  packet, 
    measure  the flattened  Plastigauge  at its  widest 
    26.  The  graduation  that most  closely  corresponds  to 
    the width of the  Plastigauge  indicates the bearing 
    27. The  correct  bearing  clearance  with new or 
    overhauled  components  is 0,023  to 0,065 mm 
    (0.0009 to 0.0025  in). 
    28.  If the  correct  clearance  is not  obtained  initially, use 
    selective  bearing assembly. 
    29. Wipe off the Plastigauge  with an oily rag. Do NOT 
    scrape it off. 
    30.  Maintain  the bearing  shells and caps 
    in sets  and in 
    the correct  sequence. 
    Renew spigot bearing 
    31. Carefully  remove the old  bearing. 
    32.  Fit the  spigot  bearing  flush with, 
    or to a maximum 
    of 1,6 mm (0.063  in) below  the end  face of the 
    33.  Ream  the spigot  bearing 
    to 19,177 + 0,025 mm 
    (0.7504 + 0.001 in) inside  diameter.  Ensure all 
    swarf  is removed. 
    1. Locate  the upper  main bearing  shells into thc 
    cylinder  block; these must be the  shells  with the oil 
    drilling  and oil grooves. 
    2. Locate  the flanged  upper main bearing  shell in the 
    centre  position. 
    3.  Lubricate  the crankshaft  main bearing  journals  and 
    bearing  shells with clean  engine  oil and  lower  the 
    crankshaft  into position. 
    							El V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    4. Lubricate  the lower  main bearing  shells and fit 
    numbers  one to four main  bearing  caps and shells 
    only,  leaving  the fixing  bolts finger  tight at this 
    5. Fit  the  cruciform  side seals  to the  grooves  each side 
    of the rear  main  bearing  cap. Do not cut the  side 
    seals  to length,  they must  protrude 
    1,5 mm 
    (0.062  in) approximately  above the bearing  cap 
    parting  face. 
    6. Apply Hylomar PL32M jointing  compound to thc 
    rearmost  half of the rear  main  bearing cap parting 
    face  or, 
    if preferred,  to the  equivalent arca on the 
    cylinder  block as illustrated. 
    7. Lubricate  the bearing  half and bearing  cap side 
    seals  with clean  engine  oil. 
    8. Fit the bearing  cap assembly to the engine. Do not 
    the fixings  at this  stage  but ensure  that the 
    cap  is fully  home  and squarely  seated 
    on the 
    cylinder  block. 
    9. -Tension  the cap  bolts  equally  by one-quarter  turn 
    then back  off one  complete  turn on 
    each fixing  bolt. 
    NOTE:  The lubricant  coating must cover  the seal 
    guide  outer surface  completely  to ensure  that the 
    seal lip is not turned  back during  assembly. 
    Position  the oil seal,  lipped  side towards  the engine, 
    onto  the seal  guide.  The seal outside  diameter  must 
    be  clean  and dry. 
    12. Push  home  the oil seal fully  and squarely  by hand 
    into  the recess  formed 
    in the cap  and  block  until it 
    abuts against the machined  step in the recess. 
    Withdraw  the seal  guide. 
    13.  Tighten  the main  bearing  cap bolts  to the  corrcct 
    torque  noting that the bolts  for numbers 
    one to 
    four  bearings  have 
    a different  torque to number 
    five  bearing  cap bolts. 
    14.  Using 
    a feeler  gauge  or a dial  indicator  check the 
    crankshaft  end
    -float, 0,lO to 0,20 mm (0.004 to 
    0.008 in). 
    CAUTION: Do not handle  the seal lip, visually  check 
    that  it 
    is not damaged  and ensure  that the outside 
    diameter  remains clean and dry. 
    10. Position  the seal  guide RO 1014  on the  crankshaft 
    11.  Ensure  that the oil seal  guide  and the crankshaft 
    journal  are scrupulously  clean, then coat the seal 
    guide  and 
    oil seal journal  with clean  engine  oil. 
    CAUTION:  DO not exceed 1,000 engine rev/min when c-* 
    first  starting  the engine,  otherwise  the crankshaft  rear . ,/ 
    oil seal will be damaged. 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 112 
    ,.” -- a- .. ... . FIT CONNECTING-RODS AND PISTONS 7. Using a piston  ring compressor,  locate the piston 
    into  the cylinder  bore, until 
    the piston  crown is just 
    the cylinder  block top face. 
    ., c 
    1. Locate the applicable crankshaft journal  at B.D.C. 
    2. Place the bearing  upper shell in the connecting- - rod. 
    3. Retain  the  upper shell by screwing  the guide  bolts 
    605351 onto the connecting-rods. 
    4. insert  the connecting-rod  and  piston  assembly  into 
    its  respective  bore, noting  that 
    the domed  shape 
    boss  on  the connecting
    -rod  must  face  towards the 
    front of the  engine  on the right-hand  bank  of 
    cylinders  and  towards 
    the rear on the  left-hand 
    bank.  When  both connecting
    -rods are fitted,  the 
    bosses  will face  inwards towards  each other. 
    5. Position  the oil control  piston  rings so that the ring 
    gaps  are all at one  side,  between 
    the gudgeon  pin 
    and  piston  thrust  face. 
    Spacc thc gaps in the  ring 
    rails  approximately 
    25 mm (1 in)  each  side of thc 
    expander  ring joint. 
    6. Position  the compression  rings so that their  gaps 
    are  on  opposite  sides 
    of the  piston  between  the 
    gudgeon  pin and  piston thrust  face. 
    8. Pull the connecting  rods on to the crankpins  using 
    the guide 
    - - - .. . . 9. Place  the bearing  lower  shell in thc connecting-rod 
    10. Locate  the cap  and  shell onto the connecting-rod, 
    noting  that  the  rib on the  edge 
    of the  cap  must be 
    towards  the front  of 
    the engine on the right-hand 
    bank  of cylinders  and towards  the  rear on the 
    -hand  bank. 
    11. Check  that the connecting-rods  move  freely 
    sideways  on 
    the crankshaft.  Tightness indicates 
    insufficient  bearing clearance 
    or a misaligned 
    6 5 
    .. . . ., $. ’.. . ST835M 
    							1121 V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    3. Temporarily  fit the  camshaft  chain wheel  with the 
    marking  ‘FRONT’ or ‘F’ outwards. 
    4.  Turn  the camshaft  until the mark 
    on the camshaft 
    chain  wheel 
    is at the  six o’clock  position,  then 
    remove  the chain  wheel  without  disturbing 
    5. Encircle  the chain  wheels  with the chain  keeping 
    the  timing  marks aligned. 
    -. ‘5 12. Check  the end-float  between  the connecting-rods 
    on  each  crankshaft  journal. Clearance  limits: 
    to 0,37 mm (0.006 to 0.014 in). 
    13. Tighten thc connecting-rod nuts  to the  correct 
    torque.  Fit the 
    oil straincr and joint washer. 
    1. Lubricate  the camshaft  journals and carefully 
    insert  the camshaft  into the cylinder  block. 
    2. Turn the crankshaft  to bring  number  one piston  to 
    6. Engage  the chain  wheel  asscmbly  on the  camshaft 
    and  crankshaft  key locations  and check  that the 
    key is parallel  to the  shaft  axis to ensure 
    adequate  lubrication 
    of the distributor  drive gear. 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE El 
    m ,‘. 4 &$;.A 45k4 ._ _. CAUTION: The space  between the  key and keyway acts 
    as an oilway for lubrication of the  drive  gear.  Ensure 
    that the  key 
    is seated to the full  depth of the keyway.  The 
    overall  dimension 
    of shaft  and  key  must  not  exceed 
    30,15 mm (1.187 in). Dimension A below.  FIT 
    1. Locate  the flywheel in position  on  the crankshaft 
    spigot,  with the ring  gear  towards the engine. 
    2. Align  the flywheel  fixing bolt holes which arc 
    off-set to prevent incorrect  assembly. 
    3. Fit the flywheel  fixing  bolts  and  before finally 
    tightening,  take  up  any  clearance by rotating 
    flywheel  against the direction of engine  rotation. 
    Tighten  the bolts evenly 
    to the correct  torque. 
    - ST841 M -. -I. . 
    7. Check  that  the timing  marks  line-up and fit the 
    spacer  with the flange  to the  front. 
    8. Fit the  distributor  drive gear ensuring  that the 
    annular  grooved side is fitted  to the rear, that  is 
    towards  the spacer. 
    9. Secure the drive gear and camshaft  chain  wheel 
    with the bolt and  washer  and  tighten  to 
    the  correct  torque. 
    1. Fit new cylinder  head gaskets with the word ‘TOP’ 
    uppermost. Do NOT use sealant. 
    RR 1799E I I 
    							El V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    2. Locate the cylinder  heads on the block dowel  pins. 
    3. Clean  the threads of the cylinder  head bolts then 
    coat them with Thrcad Lubricant-Sealant  Loctite 
    4. Locate the cylinder  head bolts in position  as 
    illustrated  and 
    fit dipstick tube. 
    Long  bolts 
    - 1,3 and 5. 
    Medium bolts-2,4,6, 7,8, 9 and 10 
    Short  bolts 
    - 11,12, 13 and 14. 
    5. Tighten the cylinder  head bolts a little  at a time in 
    the scqucnce shown to the following  figures: 
    Fit tappets  and push  rods 
    1. Fit the tappets  and push  rods to their  original 
    locations.  Ensure that the tappets  move freely 
    their respective  bores. Before  fitting the tappets 
    immerse  them 
    in clean engine oil to reduce  tappet 
    noise  when  the engine  is first  started  after the 
    1 to  10  65  to 70  Ibf ft (88 to 95  Nm). 
    11 to  1440  to 45 Ibf ft (54  to61  Nm). Fit the rocker assemblies 
    2. The  rocker  shafts are handed  and must  be fitted 
    to align  the oilways. 
    3. Each  rocker  shaft is notched at one  end  and on one 
    side  only. 
    The notch  must be uppermost  and 
    towards  the front 
    of the engine on the right-hand 
    side,  and towards  the rear 
    on the left-hand  side. 
    6. When  all bolts  have been  tightened,  re-check the 
    torque  settings. 
    p. 5 .- > 
    Note: Left-hand cylinder head illustrated. 
    Arrow points 
    to front  of vehicle. 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE )121 
    .. .. .,:.+ ~ ..” 4. Fit the 
    rocker  shaft assemblies.  Ensure that the 
    -rods  engage  the rocker  cups and that  the 
    baffle  plates  are fitted 
    to the front on the left-hand 
    side,  and to the  rear 
    on the right-hand  side. 
    Tighten  the bolts. 
    .. .- ’ I, , ._ 3. Apply  ‘Hylomar’  sealing compound SQ32M on the 
    of the cylinder  head, manifold  gasket and 
    manifold,  around the water  passage  joints. 
    4. Fit the manifold  gasket with the word ‘FRONT’ to 
    the front  and the open bolt hole  at the  front R.H. 
    5. Fit the  gasket  clamps  but do not  fully  tighten  the 
    bolts  at this  stage. 
    It  should  be noted  that tappet  noise can be expected 
    initial  starting-up after an overhaul  due to oil  drainage 
    from  the tappet  assemblies 
    or indeed if the vehicle  has 
    been  standing  over 
    a very long period.  If excessive 
    noise  should  be apparent  after 
    an overhaul,  the engine 
    should  be run  at approximately  2,500 
    rev/min for a few 
    minutes  (subject 
    to the following  caution), when the 
    noise  should  be eliminated. 
    CAUTION: Do not  exceed 1,000 engine rev/min when 
    first  starting  the  engine, otherwise  the  crankshaft  rear 
    oil  seal  will be damaged. 
    1. Coat  both sides  of new  manifold  gasket seals with 
    silicon  grease. 
    2.  Locate  the seals  in position  with their  ends engaged 
    in the notches  formed between  the cylinder  head 
    and  block. 
    ST848 \% 
    6. Locate  the manifold  onto the cylinder  head. 
    7. Clean the threads  of the manifold  securing bolts 
    and  apply 
    Loctitc 572 to the  threads. 
    8. Fit all the  manifold  bolts and tighten  them a little at 
    a time, evenly,  alternate  sides working  from the 
    to each  end and finally  tighten  to the  correct 
    9. Tighten  the gasket  clamp bolts to the  correct 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    1.  Place  a new  timing  cover  joint  washer in position 
    fit the  timing  cover locating it on the  two 
    2. Clean the threads  of the  timing  cover  securing 
    bolts,  then coat them 
    with Thread Lubricant- 
    Sealant  Loctite 572. 
    3. Fit and evenly  tighten  the timing cover bolts to the 
    correct torque  figure. 
    4. Fit the  crankshaft  pulley and tighten the retaining 
    bolt  to the  correct  torque. 
    5. Fit timing  pointer. 
    I W ST850M 
    1. Clean the sump  mating  faces  and at the  joint 
    between  the timing  cover and crankcase  apply  a 
    coating  of 
    a universal  jointing compound  about 13 
    to 19 mm (Y2 to Y4 in) wide in the  area  illustrated. 
    2. Place  the sump  gaskct in position, fit the sump  and ST849M 
    1. Lightly grease a new  joint  washer  and place it in 
    2. Clean thc threads  of the four long bolts  and smear 
    on the the 
    timing cover. 
    them  with Loctite 
    572 thread  lubricant-sealant. 
    Locate the water pump in posiiion. 
    3. Locate the alternator  adjusting link on the water 
    Pump. 4. Leave  the alternator  adjusting link loose  and 
    the remaining  water pump housing  bolts 
    evenly and  to 
    the correct torque.  evenly 
    tighten  the retaining  bolts  to the  correct 
    Hylosil is  used on later  engines instead of a 
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