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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    Fitting connecting rods and pistons 
    1. Ensure  that the essentric  headed big end  bolts 
    and  shell  bearings  are correctly  located in the 
    rods and as a  precaution  against 
    possible  damage to the  crankshaft  journals 
    during  installation 
    of the pistons,  cover the 
    bolt  threads  with a layer 
    of adheasive  tape. 
    Check  that the number  on the  connecting  rod 
    is the same as the piston  and cylinder  and that 
    they  are correctly  orientated. 
    2. With the cylinder  block vertical,  and 2 and 3 
    crankshaft  journals at BDC  lubricate  and install 
    2 and 3 piston  connecting rod assemblies so 
    that the piston  rings are resting  on the  block 
    illustrated,  then using  a suitable  tool compress 
    the  piston  rings and gently  push each piston 
    4. Pull both  connecting  rod big ends  on to the 
    journals  and 
    fit the caps  ensuring  the the 
    numbers  match and orientation 
    is correct. 
    Retain  the caps  with  new nuts  but 
    do not 
    tighten  at this  stage. 
    at  BDC  and install  the pistons  and connecting 
    as previously  discribed. 
    the  correct  torque and check  that the 
    is free  to rotate  before  securing  the 
    next  connecting  rod cap  nuts. 
    which  when tightened  restricts the freedom 
    the  crank  shaft. 
    sideways  on its journal  and 
    if necessary  check 
    the  actual 
    side clearance  using a feeler gauge. 
    The  correct  clearance 
    is given in the  data 
    9. To  allow for shrinkage  after fitting  leave the 3. Stagger  the piston  rings on both  pistons as seals standing  proud of the crankcase  face 
    then  using  a  sharp blade,  trim the seals 
    off to 
    .. approximately 0,80 mm above  the crankcase 
    into the cylinder  bore. 
    5. Tum the crankshaft so that I and 4 journals  are 
    7. Tighten  both nuts on one connecting rod to 
    8. Investigate  and rectify  any big end  bearing 
    9. Check  that each  big end is free to move 
    Fitting rear main oil seal to flywheel  housing 
    The oil seal is manufactured  from P.T.F.E.  and is 
    supplied  with a former  to maintain  the correct  shape 
    which  must not be removed  until the seal  is to  be 
    18G 134-11 
    1. Make  sure the  seal housing is clean  and dry 
    and  free  from  burrs. 
    Do not touch  the seal  lip 
    and  ensure  that the outside  diameter 
    is clean 
    and  dry. 
    2. Using  special  seal replacer 18C134-I 1 and with 
    the  lip side  leading  drive-in  the seal  as far 
    the  tool  allows. If the tool is not  available  fit 
    the  seal  to the  bottom 
    of the  housing  to 
    ensure  squareness. 
    Fitting flywheel  housing 
    3. Clean  the rear  face of the cylinder  block and 
    flywheel  housing,  then apply  a bead 
    of Hylosil 
    102  sealant  to the  dimensions  and 
    configuration,  illustrated. 
    The  illustration  has been  produced  full size 
    so that  a 
    template  may be made  to facilitate  the application 
    of the  sealant.  The bead  should be 2,O mm diameter 
    and  must  extend  around  the periphery 
    of the 
    bearing  cap 
    so that the joint  between  cap and  block 
    is sealed. 
    							a DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    4. Examine the seal  guide,  number 18G1344 
    ensuring  that it is perfectly  smooth and not 
    damage  or scratched. 
    Also check that  the 
    oil seal  journal is smooth and clea. 
    5. Locate  the seal  guide  on to the  crankshaft  and 
    lubricate  the seal,  guide  and journal  with 
    concentrated  Oildag in a 
    25% solution  with 
    clean  engine 
    6. Carefully  locate the flywheel  housing over the 
    seal and  on to the dowels. 
    7. Remove  the seal  guide and secure  the flywheel 
    housing,  evenly tightening  the retaining  bolts 
    to  the  correct  torque. 
    Normal  wear and  scores on the  flywheel  clutch face 
    can  be repaired  by machining  provided  that the 
    overall  width 
    of the flywheel is not reduced  below 
    36,96 mm (1.453 in) therefore  check that  the 
    flywheel  has not  been  previously  machined  before 
    proceding  further. The ring  gear  may 
    be renewed if 
    the teeth  are chipped or damage. 
    Reface  the flywheel 
    1. Remove  the clutch  cover locating  dowels. 
    Machine  the flywheel 
    over the entire  clutch 
    face  removing  only the minimum 
    of material 
    necessary  to achieve  a smooth  surface parallel 
    with  the crankshaft  mating face within  the 
    dimensions  given above. 
    Renew  Ring gear 
    WARNING:  Wear industrial 
    goggles to 
    protect  the eyes 
    from flying  fragments. 
    2. To renew  the ring  gear,  drill a 8 mm hole 
    between  the root 
    of any two teeth  and the 
    inner  diameter 
    of the ring  gear  deep  enough 
    to  weaken  the gear.  Take care not 
    to allow  the 
    drill to enter  the flywheel. 
    ST2973M 7 
    							El ENGINE DEFENDER 
    3. Secure the flywheel  in a soft jawed  vice and 
    cover it with  a  cloth to avoid  personal  injury. 
    Place  a 
    cold chisel  above  the drilled  hole and 
    strike  it sharply 
    to split  the ring  gear. 
    4. Heat  the new  ring uniformally  to between 
    225°C and  250°C but 
    do not exceed  the 
    higher  figure. 
    5.  Place  the flywheel,  clutch face  down, on a flat 
    surface  and  press  the starter  ring firmly  against 
    the  flange  until the ring  contracts  sufficiently  to 
    grip  the flywheel.  Allow the ring 
    to cool 
    naturally. Do not  hasten  cooling  in anyway 
    otherwise  distortion may occur. 
    Fitting  flywheel 
    6. Locate  the flywheel  on the  crankshaft  and 
    secure  with the reinforcing  plate and retaining 
    bolts.  Temporarily  fit the  damper  to front 
    crankshaft  and  use special service  tool FRIOI 
    or LST127 to restrain  the crankshaft  whilst the 
    eight  retaining  bolts are being  tightened 
    to the 
    correct  torque. 
    mount  a dial  test  indicator 
    so that  the stylus 
    rests,  in 
    a loaded  condition,  on the  clutch 
    pressure  face at a radius 
    of 114 mm (4.5  in) 
    from  the centre 
    of the flywheel. 
    8. Tum  the flywheel,  and check  that  run-out does 
    not  exceed 
    0,05 to 0,07 mm (0.002  to 0.003 
    in). Should  any run-out be excessive,  remove 
    the  flywheel,  and check  again 
    for irregularities 
    on  flywheel  and crankshaft  mating  faces  and 
    7. To check  the flywheel for possible run-out, 
    Fitting  clutch 
    If the original  clutch cover is being refitted,  ensure 
    any  marks  made during  dismantling  are aligned  to 
    maintain  original balance. 
    1. Clean the flywheel  and  place  the friction  plate 
    with  the raised  centre  section  outwards  away 
    from  the flywheel. 
    three dowels and  loosely secure with the six 
    3. Centralise  the centre  plate using  special tool 
    R0605022 or a spare  primary  shaft and tighten 
    six bolts  evenly  to the  correct torque. 
    4.  Remove  the tool  and  smear the splines 
    of the 
    centre  plate with Molybdenum  disulphide 
    grease,  such 
    as Rocol MTS1000. 
    2. Fit the  clutch  assembly locating  it over the 
    ST2611 M  
    							e DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    T . .. 
    Fitting  camshaft 
    Inspection  1.  Mount  the camshaft  on 
    v blocks on a 
    surface  plate for convenience  and examine  the 
    for wear,  scores,  pitting and  chipped 
    2. Examine  the journals for obvious wear  and 
    scores and  signs 
    of overheating,  in particular, 
    check  the thrust  plate. 
    If the journals are visibly 
    sewiceable, check  with a dial  gauge  or 
    micrometer for  overall wear, ovality,  taper and 
    CAUTION: If the skew  gear is worn  and 
    requires  renewal,  the camshaft  must also be 
    renewed  even though  the camshaft  gear 
    may  appear  satisfactory.  Once the 
    two gears 
    have  run together  they become  a matched 
    3. Lubricate  the camshaft  bearings  and journals 
    with  clean  engine 
    oil and carefully  insert the 
    camshaft  into the cylinder  block. Fit the  thrust 
    plate  and secure  with the 
    two bolts and 
    tighten  to the  correct  torque.  Fitting 
    1. Examine  all the  components for wear  and 
    damage  particularly  the 
    rollers and  pushrod 
    seating  in the  slides  and ensure  that the tappet 
    slides  move freely in the  guides. 
    If the same 
    parts  are being  refitted,  ensure that  they  are 
    returned  to their  original  positions. 
    Note:  The tappet  retaining  screws have a micro 
    encapsulated  locking compound  applied to the 
    threads  to ensure  that they 
    do not become  loose. 
    Once  the screw  has been  used the locking  ability 
    is lost. 
    \ - / ST2968M  
    4. To check the camshaft  end-float,  temporarily  fit 
    the  camshaft  gear and  mount  a dial  test 
    so that  the stylus  rests in a loaded 
    condition  upon the machined  face 
    of the gear. 
    5. Zero  the dial  and  move the camshaft  back and 
    forward  and note the  reading. The end
    should  be within 
    0,06 to 0,13 mm (0.0025) to 
    0.0055 in) If necessary  fit another  thrust  plate 
    to  achieve  the correct  end float. 
    . , 1. 
    							112) ENGINE e DEFENDER 
    2. Insert the tappet  guides  into the cylinder 
    block,  retaining  each with a new  screw  which 
    be screwed  in sufficiently to allow  the 
    rollers  and slides  to be  installed.  Ensure  the 
    rollers  are fitted  in accordance  with any marks 
    made  during  removal.  New rollers,  however, 
    be fitted  either  way around. 
    3. Before  fitting the tappet  slides make sure the 
    oilways  are clear  to the  running  surface 
    of the 
    roller  and the pushrod  seating. insert the the 
    slides with  the word FRONT or F to 
    the  front 
    of the engine. 
    4. Finally  tighten  the screws  to the  correct  torque 
    to  secure  the guides. 
    Fitting  skew gear bush. 
    Inspect  the skew gear bush for wear  and renew if 
    1. Insert  the bush  into the cylinder  block and 
    secure  with a new  screw 
    to the correct  torque. 
    Do not over  tighten  as this  may  damage the 
    Overhaul  and fitting  skew gear 
    1. Remove  the circlips  retaining  the skew  gear 
    shaft  to the  bearing  and the bearing  in the 
    2. Press  the bearing  and  shaft assembly  from the 
    housing  and the shaft  from  the bearing. 
    Discard  both  rubber 
    0 rings, examine  all 
    components  especially the bearing  and 
    skew gear 
    for wear and damage  and renew if necessary. 
    CAUTION: If the original  skew gear and 
    camshaft  are 
    to be re-used,  they must  be 
    so that  the teeth  on each,  mesh  in the 
    original  position. 
    If either the skew  gear or 
    the camshaft  are renewed,  the mating 
    component  must 
    also be renewed. 
    1 . h 
    3. Press  the bearing  into the housing  and secure 
    with  the circlip.  Support  the housing  and press 
    the  shaft  into position  and secure  with the 
    4. Fit a new  rubber 0 ring to the  outside of the 
    housing  and  to the  intemal  annular  groove in 
    the  shaft  ready 
    for installation. 
    							e DEFENDER ENGINE 1121 
    Fitting skew gear 
    If the original skew gear and camshaft  are being 
    -used it is important  that the gear teeth mesh in 
    the original  position  as follows. 
    1 . $:. d _. 
    5. Turn  the camshaft so that  the key  aligns  with 
    oil groove as illustrated. 
    * I. . .. .. . ,! .. 
    6. Fit the  skew  gear assembly so that the 
    ventilation  slot in the gear  housing is towards 
    front of the  engine  as illustrated  and 
    ensuring  that any alignment  marks made during 
    dismantling  are realigned. 
    If both  components  are new  it is only necessary to 
    correctly  align the ventilation  slot as described 
    							1121 ENGINE DEFENDER 
    Oil  temperature  thermostat 
    1. Remove the two bolts and carefully  withdraw 
    the  thermostat extension  housing complete 
    with,  the 
    ’0’ ring (21,thermostat (3),washer (41, 
    and  spring (5). 2. Clean  the adaptor  housing 
    (6) with lint-free cloth. 
    inspect  all the  parts  and renew 
    as necessary. 
    3.  Fit the  spring,  washer  and  thermostat  with the 
    pin  uppermost. 
    4. Fit the  extension  housing using a new ’0’ ring. 
    Ensure  that the pin protruding  from the 
    thermostat  locates  in the  hole  in the  extension 
    housing and  secure with the 
    two bolts  and 
    .+ washers. 
    1- ????  
    - ST2596M 
    5. Using  a new  joint  washer  fit the oil filter 
    adapto.  Ensure that the retaining  bolts  pass 
    through  the 
    two small holes  in the  joint 
    washer.  Tighten the 
    two retaining  bolts evenly 
    to  the  correct  torque. 
    Oil filter 
    6. Smear  the filter  sealing  ring with oil and screw 
    the  filter  clockwise  until  the seal  touches  the 
    machined  face, then  tighten  the filter  a  further 
    half  turn  only. 
    Do not over  tighten. see 
    Maintenance  operations, section 10. 
    Fitting vacuum  pump 
    7. Using  a new gasket  fit the  vacuum  pump so 
    that the brake servo connection is towards  the 
    of the  engine,  ensuring  that the cross-pin 
    in  the  skew gear locates  in the  pump  drive 
    shaft  then secure  with three  screws  tightened 
    to  the  correct torque. 
    Fitting  front and rear  side  covers  and fuel  lift 
    8. Check  that the front  side cover  baffle plate is 
    secure  and fit the cover  using a new  gasket 
    securing  with only four 
    of the six fixing  bolts at 
    this  stage,  leaving  out the 
    two which  secure 
    the  injection  pump support  bracket 
    							e DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    Fitting rear cover 
    9. Fit the  rear  cover  also using  a new  gasket and 
    secure  with six bolts tightened  to the  correct 
    Fitting fuel lift pump 
    10.  Check  that the lift pump is serviceable  and refit 
    using  a  new gasket,  ensuring  that  the pump 
    actuating  lever  locates correctly  onto the 
    , I,, ST3003M 
    1. Clean the front  cover and remove  the 
    crankshaft  and camshaft 
    oil seals  taking  care 
    not  to damage the  seal housing.  Examine the 
    for damage,  cracks and distortion.  Check 
    the  mating 
    face of the cylinder  block and  the 
    cover  plate for burrs. 
    2. Clean  the front  face of the cylinder block and 
    use  a little  grease  to hold  in position  a new 
    joint washer. 
    3. Also fit  a new  joint  washer  to the  coolant 
    aperture and 
    to the  tapped  hole for the jockey 
    pulley  clamp  bolt. 
    Fit the  front  cover  locating  it over  the single 
    stud  and secure  with the three  retaining  bolts 
    tightening  evenly 
    to the correct torque.  The 
    correct  bolt length 
    for each  hole is given  in 
    the  following  chart. 
    - ST3005M 
    Front cover seals 
    5. Lubricate  a new  crankshaft oil seal.  With  the lip 
    side  leading,  drive
    -in the  seal,  squarely,  using 
    special  service  tool 
    6.  Similarly,  lubricate and drive-in  a  new  camshaft 
    oil seal, lip side leading,  using  special service 
    							112) ENGINE e DEFENDER 
    Fitting injection  pump 
    1. Insert the timing  pin in the  pump  hub and 
    body.  Fit the  injection  pump and secure  with 
    the  three  nuts and tighten  evenly to the 
    correct  torque. 
    2. Fit the  pump  rear support  bracket to the front 
    side  cover  and secure  to the  pump  with 
    bolts and nuts. 
    3. Inspect  the pump  drive gear for wear and 
    damage,  ensure it 
    is thoroughly  clean and dry 
    before  fitting 
    to the pump.  Retain the gear 
    with  three  bolts and renforceing  plate. 
    Do not 
    overtighten  the bolts  at this  stage. 
    Injection pump,  valve timing  and drive  belt. 
    Drive  belt. 
    During  use, a belt  develops  a wear pattern relative 
    to its  running  direction,  therefore, if the original  belt 
    is to be re-used  it must  be fitted so that  it continues 
    to rotate  in the  original  direction,  otherwise the belt 
    must  be renewed.  Cleanliness 
    and accuracy  are vital  when  carrying  out 
    the  timing  operations  and fitting  the drive  belt. 
    1. Check  the gear  wheels  are not  damaged or 
    scratched  and that  they  are thoroughly  clean 
    and  dry. 
    2. Ensure  that the belt  adjustment  idler bearing is 
    sound  and not leaking  lubricant. 
    3. Fit the  crankshaft  and camshaft  gears ensuring 
    that  the camshaft  gear 
    is retained with the 
    special  bolt, washer  and new 
    0 ring  but do 
    not  tighten  at this  stage. 
    4. Rotate  the camshaft so that  the centre  dot on 
    the  camshaft  gear is aligned  with the arrow  in 
    the  front  cover. 
    5. Temporarily  refit the crankshaft  pulley and turn 
    th  crankshaft 
    so that  one  and four  pistons  are 
    at  TDC  and the crankshaft  key 
    is aligned with 
    the  arrow  in the  front  cover. 
    Drive  belts must  be stored  on edge on  a clean  flat 
    surface  and in such  a manner  that bends  are not 
    less than 50 mm (2 in) radius. Do not  bend  the belt 
    at  an  acute  angle or radius 
    less than 50 mm (2 in) 
    otherwise  premature  failure 
    of the fibre 
    could result. 
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