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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    t ., .I....:? .._. _._.. If the  above  figures  are exceeded the cylinders 
    must  be rebored  or sleeved  depending  upon 
    general condition of the bores  and amount  of wear. 
    Alternatively,  if the  overall  wear, taper and ovality 
    are  well  within  the acceptable  limits and the 
    original  pistons are serviceable  new piston  rings 
    may  be fitted.  It 
    is important  however, that the 
    bores  are deglazed,  with 
    a hone, to give a cross- 
    hatched finish to provide  a seating  for the  new 
    rings.  It is vital  to thoroughly  wash the bores 
    afterwards  to remove  all traces 
    of abrasive 
    .. .. ;, .>I._ :_. .. ... . .. 
    Inspect  camshaft  bearings 
    9. Measure the internal  diameter  of each  camshaft 
    bearing  at several  points using an internal 
    micrometer.  A comparison 
    of the  bearing 
    diameters  with those  of the  respective  camshaft 
    bearings  should be renewed 
    if the clearance 
    exceeds  0,0508 
    mm (0.002 in). Or, in any event, if 
    they  are scored or pitted. 
    T  ~ journals will give 
    the amount  of clearance.  The 
    Fit cylinder  sleeves 
    Cylinder  bores that cannot be rebored  can be restored 
    by  fitting  sleeves 
    to enable  standard  size pistons to be 
    fitted.  Sleeving  one cylinder  only will distort  the 
    adjacent  bore 
    so sleeving must be carried  out in pairs, 
    i.e.  cylinders 
    1 and  2 or 3 and  4. 
    6.  Machine  the cylinder  bores to accept  the sleeves 
    94,425 + 0,012 mm (3.7175 + 0.0005  in). This  will 
    give  the sleeve 
    a 0,076  to 0,114 mm (0.003  to 
    0.0045  in) interference  fit. 
    7. Press the sleeves  squarely  into the bore  using  a 
    of two to  three  tons. Exccssive pressure 
    could  damage  the sleeve  and cylinder  block. The 
    sleeves  must 
    not be proud  of the  cylinder  block top 
    or more  than 2,5 mm (0.10 in) below  the 
    Borc and  hone  the sleeves to accommodate  the 
    pistons  with the required  clearances,  see piston  and 
    -rod  examination. 
    The  following  special tools for this  operation  are 
    longer available  from the suppliers.  However, the 
    operation  is nevertheless  described for workshops  that 
    have  these  tools in stock.  If tools  are not obtainable  the 
    should be  entrusted  to line-boring  specialists. 
    605975  Bearing  drift and adaptor  assembly  comprising: 
    274388  Bearing  drift and 
    531760  Adaptor. 
    274389  Reamer  for bearings  which includes: 
    274394  Guide plug. 
    1. Remove the rear bucket  type plug  and using  special 
    tool  274388  drift 
    out the front  and rear  bearings 
    and withdraw  them through  the side  cover 
    2. With  the same  tool, drift the two  centre  bearings 
    into  the distributor  drive chamber  and collapse 
    them  to assist  withdrawal. 
    NOTE: The two centre  and rear  bearings  are of the 
    same  width,  whereas  the front  bearing  is wider  and 
    has  an additional  oil feed  hole. 
    Also ensure  that 
    before  fitting the bearings  the oil passages  leading to 
    the  bearings 
    are free of sludge  and dirt. 
    3. Position  the cylinder  block vertically,  rear face 
    4.  Place  a new  bearing  into the front  camshaft 
    chamber  and position  it 
    so that it is above  the 
    second  bearing  housing,  counting  from the front 
    the block. 
    5. The  chamfer  on the  bearing  edge must  be  towards 
    the  housing  bore. 
    6. Align the oil hole  in the  bearing  with the innermost 
    oil  feed  drilling  in the  housing  bore. Accuracy  is 
    essential  otherwise  misalignment  of the 
    oil holes 
    may  result  and once  the bearing  is 
    in place it cannot 
    be  rotated  to correct  any error. 
    7. Add  pencil  marks  to the  bearing  outer diameter 
    and  the cylinder  block adjacent  to the  housing 
    assist  in checking  alignment. 
    8. Having visually  aligned the bearing,  place inside  it 
    the  special  adaptor 
    9. Maintain  the bearing  in a level  position.  Pass the 
    drift  through  the front  bearing  housing  into the 
    camshaft  chamber 
    so that it rests  on top  of the 
    adaptor.  Commence  drifting 
    the bearing into the 
    block.  Ensure  that the bearing  is not  drifted 
    in too 
    far,  and  that  the 
    oil feedholes are correctly 
    10. Repeat  the above  instructions  for the  front 
    bearing.  Note that the front  bearing 
    is wider  and 
    has  a small  hole in addition 
    to the  large oil feed 
    hole.  This small  hole aligns  with a vertical  drilling 
    in the block,  which in turn  feeds  a horizontal 
    drilling  for 
    the tappet mechanism.  Drift this 
    bearing  in 
    so that the outer  edge is just  below  the 
    machined  surface of the  front  face. This is to 
    ensure  that when  the camshaft  thrust plate is fitted 
    it will  not stand  proud  on the  bearing  edge. 
    lillllllilll - 111 \\\, 
    11. Turn the cylindcr  block over so that the rear  face  is 
    uppermost  and repeat  the foregoing  procedures 
    the two  remaining  camshaft bearings. 
    The  bearings  must now be reamed  to size  as 
    follows: No lubricant  is necessary  for this  operation 
    the best  results  are obtained  when the 
    bearings  are cut dry. 
    12. Locate  the guide  plug 274394,  into the front 
    camshaft  bearing and retain  using the thrust  plate 
    screws,  but do not  tighten  the screws  at this  stage. 
    13. Insert  the reamer  274389 from the rear  of the 
    cylinder  block, locating  it through  the guide  plug at 
    the front. 
    14.  Locate  the guide  collar  immediately 
    in front of the 
    rcamer cutter into the  rearmost  bearing, then 
    secure  the screws  retaining  the guide  plug at the 
    15. Position  the cylinder  block vertically,  rear face 
    uppermost  and ream  the rear  and two centre 
    bearings.  As each  bearing  is cut the  reamer  should 
    be  held  steady  by the  operator  whilst an assistant, 
    using  a high  pressure  airline, blows away the white 
    cuttings, before  allowing  the reamer  to enter 
    the  next  bearing. 
    16. Remove  the guide  plug 274394  and ream  the front 
    17. Remove  the reamer  handle and bolt  and withdraw 
    the  reamer,  turning 
    it in the  same  direction  as tor 
    18. Remove  the plugs  from the ends  of oil  gallery 
    passage  and clean 
    the gallery  and oil feed  passages 
    to  camshaft  and crankshaft  bearings, using 
    compressed  air. Refit  the plugs  and lock in k-v 
    ?$: .? .+ 
    19. The hexagon-headed  plugs at the  rear of the block 
    should  have new washers  fitted, and their  threads 
    coated  with a suitable  jointing compound. 
    20. Thoroughly  clean the cylinder  block preferably 
    using an airline to remove all traces of metal 
    cut t ings . 
    Check  crankcase  main bearings 
    21. Discard scorcd, pitted,  cracked  and worn bearing 
    22. To determine  the maximum  wear, assemble  the 
    main  bearing  shells and caps  to the  crankcase  and 
    tighten  the bolts  to 
    the correct  torque figure. 
    23. Using an inside  micrometer,  measure each bearing 
    at  several  points and note  the greatest  figure. The 
    maximum  wear is the  difference  between this 
    figure  and the smallest 
    diamcter of the 
    corresponding  crankshaft journal. The main 
    bearing  running  clearance  is in  the  data  section. 
    24. The bearing  clearances  may also be determined  by 
    using  ‘Plastigauge’.  Since this method  requires  the 
    crankshaft  to be  fitted  to 
    the crankcase,  the 
    procedure  is described  under engine  assembly. 
    The following  checks relating to pistons  and rings  must 
    also  be carried  out prior  to fitting 
    new pistons  to 
    rebored  and sleeved  cylinder  blocks. 
    it is  decided if new  components  are required all 
    parts  must be kept  in their  related  sets and the position 
    of  each  piston  to its  connecting
    -rod should  be noted. 
    1. Remove  the piston  rings and gudgeon  pin from 
    each  piston  and 
    dctach the connecting-rod. 
    2. Original  pistons - Decarbonise  and dcgrease all 
    the pistons  and rings  and discard any which  are 
    unserviceable.  Pistons which appear  serviceable 
    should  be subjected  to 
    a more detailed 
    examination  described under ‘New Pistons’. 
    coi?;poiiefi:s aiid cairj ou: a vimal examinatim cf 
    continued ST708M 
    							lcl 2.25 LITRE PETROL  AND DIESEL  ENGINE 
    3. New Pistons - Original  pistons fitted to new 
    engines  at the  factory  are specially  graded to 
    facilitate  assembly.  The grade  letter 
    on the piston 
    crown  should  be ignored 
    when ordering  new 
    pistons.  Genuine  Land Rover  service  standard  size 
    pistons  are supplied  0,025 
    mm (0.001 in) oversize 
    to  allow  for production  tolerances 
    on new engines. 
    When  fitting new pistons  to a standard  size cylinder 
    block  the bores  must be honed  to accommodate 
    pistons with the  correct  clearances.  In  addition 
    Land  Rover  pistons  are available 
    0,50 and 1,Ol mm 
    (0.020  and 0.040  in) oversize  for fitting to rebored 
    cylinder  blocks. 
    Clearance  limits for new  standard  size pistons 
    in a 
    standard  cylinder bore measured  at right  angles  to 
    the  gudgeon  pin are 
    in the  “General  specification 
    data”  section. 
    When  taking  the following  measurements 
    cylinder block and pistons  must be at the  same 
    temperature  to ensure  accuracy. 
    NOTE: The illustration  shows a petrol engine  piston 
    but  the method 
    is the  same for the Diesel  engine. 
    4. Using a suitable  micrometer measurc the pistons  at 
    thc bottom  of the  skirt  at right  angles  to the 
    gudgeon  pin. 
    5. With an inside  micrometer  or cylinder  gauge 
    measure  the diameter 
    of the  bore  at approximatcly 
    -way  down  and note the reading. 
    6. The clearance  is determined  by subtracting  the 
    piston  diameter  from the bore  diameter. 
    7. If gauge  equipment  is not  available  the clearance 
    can  be assessed  by placing  a 
    long, suitably  sized, 
    feeler  gauge  down 
    the thrust  side of the bore  and 
    inserting  the appropriate  piston, ‘upside  down’, 
    the bore  and position  it with  the gudgeon  pin 
    parallel  to the  crankshaft  axis. Push 
    the piston 
    down  the bore  and stop  at the  tightest  point and 
    whilst  holding  the piston  still, slowly  withdraw  the 
    feeler  gauge.  If a steady  resistance  of 
    2,5 kg (6 Ibs)  is felt,  the clearance  is 
    Inspect  piston rings 
    Normally  when an engine  is being  overhauled  the 
    piston  rings are discarded  unless the pistons  have been 
    removed  for a different  purpose and the engine  has 
    only  completed  a small  mileage.  Before refitting  the 
    piston  the rings  should  be examined  for wear  and 
    In addition  the rings  must be checked for side 
    clearance  in the  pistons  and gap  in the  bores. 
    The latter 
    two checks  must be made  when fitting  new rings  to new 
    8. Check gap When  checking thc ring gap in worn 
    bores,  but are nevertheless  within the acceptable 
    taper  and ovality  limits, 
    the ring must  be inserted 
    squarely  into the bottom 
    of the  bore at the lowest 
    point  of the  piston  travel. 
    To ensure  squareness  of 
    the  ring  push  the ring  down 
    the bore  to the  correct 
    position  with a piston.  With newly  machined  bores, 
    the  ring  may  be inserted  squarely  into any position 
    in  the  bore. 
    9. Using an appropriate  feeler gauge  check the gaps 
    of  all  the  rings, 
    in turn,  including  the oil control 
    4“‘. and  used  pistons. .e-, 
    ring assembly. 
    The  correct  gaps are listed  in the  Data  Section. 
    any gap IS less than  that specified, remove  the ring, 
    file the  ends  square,  whilst holding  the ring in a 
    filing  jig or vice.  Should  any gap be excessively 
    wide  and not likely  to close
    -up  to within the 
    specified  limits when hot, an oversize  ring should 
    be  fitted. 
    NOTE: Eariy 2.25 Diesel  pistons  have a piston ring 
    groove  below the gudgeon  pin. This  has been  deleted  on 
    later  engines. 
    &--.. y;;; 
    - Check piston ring side clearance 
    Petrol  engine  pistons  have two compression  rings and 
    one  oil control  ring assembly.  The diesel  engine  has 
    three  compression  rings and one 
    oil control  ring 
    The method of checking  clearances  are the 
    same for both  engines  but the clearances  are different. 
    It is important  that clearances  are correct.  Rings that 
    too tight  will bind  when  hot, imparing  the radial 
    pressure  causing possible 
    loss of compression. 
    Excessive  clearance will allow  the rings  to rock  in the 
    grooves  and the resulting  pumping  action could cause 
    excessive  oil consumption  and eventually  broken rings. 
    Diesel engine  pistons - Fit the oil control  ring to 
    the  bottom  groove (not groove 
    in skirt). Fit the two 
    rings with  the word  ‘TOP’  uppermost  to 
    the  middle  two grooves.  Insert to polished  chrome 
    ring  with  the internal  chamfer  to the  top  groove 
    with  the word 
    ‘TOP’ uppermost. 
    A  ring  groove  is provided  at the  bottom 
    of the 
    diesel  engine  piston skirt for the  fitment 
    of an oil 
    control  ring in cases 
    of excessive  oil consumption 
    on high  mileage  engines (early engines  only). 
    Petrol engine  pistons - Fit the oil control  ring to 
    the  bottom  groove. 
    Fit the unpolished  compression 
    ring  with  the word  ‘TOP’  uppermost 
    to the second 
    groove.  Insert the 
    polishcd chrome  ring with  an 
    internal  chamfer  and the word  ‘TOP’  uppermost  to 
    the  top  groove. 
    After  fitting  each ring, 
    roll it around thc piston 
    to ensure  that it is free  and does  not bind. 
    Using  an appropriate  feeler gauge  check the 
    clearance  between the rings  and piston  grooves. 
    Clearances  in excess  of 0,106  to 0,152 
    mm (0.004 to 
    0.006  in) are  unacceptable  and the ring  and or the 
    shouid be  renewed. 
    Side  clearance  data - petrol engine 
    Compression  rings - 0,046 to 0,097 mm (0.0018 to 
    0.0038  in). 
    Oil control  ring - 0,038 to 0,089 mm (0.0015 to 
    0.0035  in). 
    Side clearance -died engine 
    Compression  rings - 0,06 to 0,11 mm (0.0025 to 
    0.0045  in). 
    Oil  control  ring 
    - 0,038 to 0,064 mm (0.0015 to 
    0.0025  in). 
    Inspect  gudgeon  pins 
    15. Check  the gudgeon  pin for wear,  cracks,  scores and 
    The gudgeon  fit in the  piston  must be a tight  push 
    fit at a temperature  of 68°F (20°C). Check the 
    gudgeon  pin for ovality  and taper  using  a 
    Connecting-rod  inspection 
    Check  the connecting-rods  and caps  for distortion 
    as  follows; 
    fit the  correct  cap, less the bearing 
    to each  connecting  rod as denoted  by the 
    number  stamped  near the joint  faces.  This number 
    indicatcs the  crankshaft  journal to which it 
    must  be fitted. 
    Tighten  the nuts  to the  correct  torque and release 
    the  nut 
    on one  side  only.  Check,  with a feeler 
    gauge,  that 
    no clearance  exists between  the joint 
    if there is a gap the connecting-rod  is 
    distorted  and should  be renewed. 
    NOTE: Whilst  the illustration  shows a Diesel  piston 
    the  method  for the  petrol 
    is the same. continued 
    18. . 
    Use an accurate connecting-rod  alignment  gauge to 
    theck the rods  for  bend  and  twist. The maximum 
    allowable  for  both  conditions  must 
    not exceed 
    mm (0.005  ins). 
    Examine  and check 
    the small-end bush  for wear.  If 
    necessary  renew the bush.  The correct clearance 
    the gudgeon  pin in the small-end  bush  is given in 
    “General  specification  data”. 
    When  renewing  a bush  ensure  that the oil hole 
    the  bush  lines  up with  the hole in the connecting- 
    rod.  Finish  the bush  to the correct  size  and 
    clearance.  Connecting
    -rod  bearings  that are  worn,  pitted, 
    scored  and show  signs 
    of overheating  must  be 
    discarded.  If more  than  one 
    of the bearings  show 
    these  signs they  must all be 
    replaccd. When  fitting 
    or used  bearings  to reground (petrol  engines 
    only)  or serviceable  crankpins the clearances  must 
    be checked. 
    As an  alternative,  the  bearing  clearances can be 
    determined  by using  ‘Plastigauge’  which consists 
    a thin  piece of plastic  material  a  few hundreds of a 
    millimeter or thousands of an  inch in diameter. 
    When  the  material is flattened  by being  squeezed 
    between  the bearing  and crankpin  the  width of the 
    plastic  is measured  by a scale  gauge which  indicates 
    the  clearance. 
    23.  Wipe  any oil from  the crankpins  and place  a piece 
    of  ‘Plastigauge’ across  the centre  of the  bearing 
    the  connecting-rod  cap.  Assemble  the  rod  to the 
    appropriate crankpin and tighten to the correct 
    Do not rotate  the connecting-rod  or 
    crankshaft during  this operation. 
    24. Remove  the  connecting-rod cap  and  bearing  shell 
    and  using  the scale  supplied  measure the flattened 
    ‘Plastigauge’  at its  widest  point. The graduation 
    that  most  closely  corresponds to  the  width 
    of the 
    The  correct  clearance  with new 
    or overhauled 
    is 0,019 to 0,063 mm (0.0007  to 
    0.0025 in). 
    25. Wipe off the  ‘Plastigauge’  with an  oily  rag. DO not 
    scrape off otherwise it may  damage  the crankpins. 
    :.;:;:$I c 
    ‘Plastigauge’ indicates  the bearing  clearance. ,$. -=>A. 
    Connecting-rod bearing  nip and  clearance 
    New bearing  halves  are supplied  with a protective 
    coating and  must be degreased  before fitting. 
    22. Fit the bearing  halves  to the  connecting-rod  and 
    cap  and  secure  the assembly  with 
    thc correct 
    torque.  Slacken  the nut  on 
    one side only and  check 
    the  clearance  between the joint  faces  with a feeler 
    The clearance  should  be  between 0,lO and 
    0,20 mm (0.004 and 0.008 in).  The bearing  nip  can 
    be  adjusted  by the  selective  assembly 
    of the 
    bearing  shells  which  are available  in  slightly 
    varying  thicknesses. 
    Do not file or machine  the 
    or rods  to vary  the bearing  nip, Make a final 
    check  to prove  the clearance  by inserting  a 0,063 
    (0.0025 in)  shim  paper  between  the  crankpin  and 
    one  half 
    of the bearing  and tightening  to the  correct 
    The connecting-rod  should  resist rotation 
    and  move  freely  with the shim  paper removed. 
    26. Fit the connecting-rods  complete  with bearings to 
    their  respective  crankpins.  Move the connecting- 
    rod to one  side  and check  the clearance,  with a 
    feeler,  on the  opposite  side. The correct  clearance 
    is between 0,20 and 0,30 mm (0.007 and 0.012 in). 
    							I ..._ .. ./. ,, ... . . , . i . :,,,;, .. ... ~ ., . . . . . . ....,.. ..I. 
    . . .- 
    .I’. .. , .:.. ... .... .. 
    Assemble  pistons to connecting-rods 
    27. Petrol engine  pistons  can be fitted  either  way 
    round,  except  those that  are being  refitted  to their 
    original  bores 
    in which  case  they must  be fitted  to 
    the  connecting
    -rod  in the  same  position  in 
    accordance  with the mark made  during removal. 
    28. Inscrt a circlip in one side  of the  gudgeon  pin boss 
    and  assemble  the piston  to 
    the connecting-rod  with 
    the gudgeon  pin. Secure  the assembly  with a circlip 
    on  the  opposite side  of the  piston. 
    29. Diesel  engine  pistons  must  only  be  fitted one way 
    in  relation  to the  connecting
    -rod.  The  piston  must 
    be  assembled  with 
    the point of the ‘V’, on the 
    piston  crown,  on the  same  side 
    as the lubrication 
    hole  in the  connecting
    -rod.  Assemble  the piston  to 
    the  connecting
    -rod in the same manner as for the 
    petrol engine. 
    the piston  and connecting-rod assemblics to 
    one  side  ready 
    for fitting to  the cylinder  block. It is 
    good  practice  to renew 
    thc connecting-rod  bolts 
    Main  bearing  nip and  clearance 
    New  main  bearing  halves are supplied  with a protective 
    coating and  must be degreased 
    beforc fitting. 
    1. Fit the  bearing  halves in the crankcase saddlcs and 
    caps  and secure  the  caps  to 
    the crankcase and 
    to the correct  torque.  Slacken  the bolts on 
    one  side of the caps only  and, with a feeler gauge, 
    the gap  between  the  joint faces. ‘The 
    clearance or nip must  be within 0,lO to 0,15 mm 
    (0.004 to 0.006 in).  The  bearing  nip can  be 
    adjusted  by selective  assembly  of 
    the bearing 
    halves  available  in varying thicknesses. 
    Do not file 
    or machine thc caps or saddles to achicvc  the 
    corrcct clearance. Note  that the rear  main  bearings 
    are  wider than 
    thc rcmaining four. 
    2. To make  a final  check that the clearance  is correct, 
    leave  the bearing  halves 
    in the crankcase  saddles 
    and  carefully  lower  the  crankshaft into position. 
    Check  each bearing 
    in turn by inserting a 0,063 mm 
    (0.0025 in)  shim  paper  between  the  bearing cap 
    and  crankshaft journal  and tighten  the bolts  to 
    correct  torque. If the  clearance  is correct,  there 
    should  be 
    a slight increase in thc rcsistancc to 
    of the crankshaft. 
    As  an alternative  ‘Plastigauge’  may 
    bc used to 
    check  the clearance 
    in the same manner as with  the 
    -rod  bearings.  This material  may also be 
    used  to  determine 
    the amount of wear in used 
    and jot”. 
    							2.25 LITRE PETROL AND DIESEL ENGINE ~~  ~~ 
    3. Locate 
    the crankshaft  in position  on the  upper 5. Place  the crankshaft in position  in the  crankcase eL? 
    bearing  halves in the  crankcase  and wipe  any oil 
    from  the journals  since ‘Plastigauge’  is soluble  in 
    oil.  Place  a piece  of ‘Plastigauge’  across the lower 
    half  of each  crankshaft  journal or lower  bearing 
    cap  shell. 
    Fit the cap  and  tighten to the correct 
    torque.  Remove  the cap  and  bearing  and using  the 
    scale  supplied  with the ‘Plastigauge’  measure the 
    flattened  ‘Plastigauge’  at its  widest  point. The 
    graduation  that most  closely  corresponds  with the 
    of the  ‘Plastigauge’  indicates the bearing 
    The  correct  clearance  with new or overhauled 
    components  is included  in “General  specification 
    data”  section.  If new  bearings  are being  fitted use 
    selective  assembly 
    to obtain the correct  clearance. 
    Wipe  off, not scrape  the ‘Plastigauge’  with an oily 
    rag  from  the journals  or bearings.  and 
    mount  a dial  test indicator  to read
    -off  the end w3 
    of the  crankshaft.  A feeler  gauge  may be used 
    of an  indicator. 
    6. Determine  the end-float  by moving the crankshaft 
    away  from the indicator  and zero  the dial.  Move 
    the  crankshaft  in the  opposite  direction  and notc 
    the  indicator  reading. Alternatively  measure the 
    clearance  with a feeler  gauge.  The end
    -float  should 
    0,05 to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in). 
    7. If  adjustment  is required  substitute  with oversize 
    thrust  washers.  Variation 
    of thrust washer 
    thickness  at each  side 
    of crankshaft  journal must 
    not  exceed 
    0,08 mm (0.003 in) to ensure  that the 
    crankshaft  remains centralised. 
    Adjust crankshaft end-float 
    4. Lift out the crankshaft  and insert  a standard  size 
    thrust  washer  both sides 
    of fhe centre  main bearing 
    saddle  with the grooves  towards the crankshaft. 8. Lubricate the crankshaft main journals with clean 
    engine oii and fit the  appropriate  bearing caps and 
    lower  shells to the  crankcase  with the exception 
    number  five main  bearing.  Ensure that the caps 
    locate  properly  over the dowels.  Using 
    new bolts 
    and washers  evenly tighten  to the  correct  torque 
    10. To prevent  any cork  seal  material  becoming 
    trapped  between 
    the bearing  cap  and  crankcase, 
    chamfer  the  inner 
    edge of the  corks 0,40 to 
    0,80 mm (id to &in) wide  as  illustrated. 
    Immerse  the cork  seals 
    in engine  oil and  fit them  to 
    the  bearing  cap. 
    c - .. .. . I- .  . .. 
    1 I. Fit the bearing  cap and  lower  shell to the  crankcase 
    and  secure  with  new  bolts and washers  and  tighten 
    to the appropriate  torque. 
    12. To allow  for shrinkage  after fitting  leave the cork 
    standlng proud of the  crankcase-sump  face. If 
    possible  delay the fitting  of the  sump 
    approximately  twelve hours and  leave  the seal 
    2,40 mm (& in) and then  place  a 
    mm (% in)  washer  over the seal  and cut off 
    the  surplus. 
    If it is necessary  to fit the sump 
    Fit rear  main oil seal 
    13. Check  that  the  crankshaft  oil seal journal is 
    undamaged  and clean. Make sure the  seal housing 
    is  clean  and dry and 
    free from burrs. Do not touch 
    the seal  lip and  ensure that  the outside  diameter  is 
    clean  and dry. 
    The P.T.F.E. Seal  Part No ETC 
    5369  which  should  be used, is supplied with a 
    former to maintain the correct  shape  and must not 
    be removed  until the seal  is to be fitted. 
    14.  Using special seal  replacer 
    18G 134-1 1 and with the 
    lip  side  leading  drive
    -in the  scal  as  far  as  the  tool 
    allows.  If 
    the tool is not availablc fit the seal  to the 
    bottom  of the  housing 
    to ensure  squareness. 
    15. Fit the 0 ring seal  to the  flywheel  housing. 
    16. Examine the seal guide  number 18G 1344 and 
    repair  any damage  that could destroy  the seal  lip. 
    17. Lubricate  the outside  diameter  of the  seal  guide 
    and the  seal journal 
    with concentrated  Oildag in a 
    25% solution with clean engine oil. 
    18. Place thc seal guide  on the  crankshaft  flange and, 
    using  the two  dowels  protruding  from the cylinder 
    block  rear face  as 
    a guide to ensure  initial 
    fit the  flywheel  housing  and remove 
    the  seal  guide.  Secure  the flywheel  housing evenly 
    the retaining bolts. 
    5. Lubricate  the  cylinder walls,  piston  rings  and 
    suitable  compressor  tool and carefully  lower the 
    -rod  into  the  bore  ensuring that the oil 
    spray  hole  faces  the camshaft  side of the  engine. 
    With  diesel  engines  the  point of the  arrow  headed 
    valve  clearance  indentation 
    in the piston  crown, 
    and  the oil spray 
    hole must  face  the camshafi side 
    of  the  engine. 
    6. Using  a soft  mallet,  sharply  tap thc piston into the 
    so that the whole of the  piston is just bclow 
    the surface  of the cylinder  block. 
    crankpins.  Compress  the 
    piston rings 
    with a 
    1. Turn the crankshaft to position  numbers  one and 
    four  crankpins  at  bottom 
    dcad centre to facilitate 
    fitting  the connecting
    2. When fitting the connecting-rods  and  pistons 
    that the  bolts  do not foul and  damage  the 
    As a  precaution it is  recommended  that 
    or soft  plastic  sleeves  are placed  over  the 
    3. The  connecting-rod bolts have  eccentric  heads 
    which  locate 
    in a recess in the  connecting-rod. It is 
    essentia! that the head of each new bo!t is proper!y 
    located before  tightening. 
    4. Stagger the  compression  rings so that the gaps  are 
    equidistantly  spaced round  the  piston but, 
    arranged, that no gap is positioned  on  the thrust 
    side of the  piston  i.e. opposite  the  camshaft.  Turn 
    oil control  ring so that the gap is in line  with  the 
    gudgeon  pin. 
    ST731 M 2 
    7. Check  that  the  bearing  shell is properly  located in 
    the connecting-rod  and  pull  the rod  onto  the 
    crankpin.  Locate 
    the bearing shell correctly  and fit 
    the  cap so that  the  identification  numbers  are 
    on the  camshaft side of thc engine. Fit and 
    tighten  new nuts  to the  correct  torque  figure. 
    Repeat  the  foregoing  instructions 
    for fitting the r-. remaining  piston and connecting-rod assemblies. rf: ,~. I:. .I e  
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