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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							AIR CONDITIONING- L.H. & R.H. STEERING 1821 
    COMPRESSOR Petrol model 
    Removal , .I /:. . ./. m 
    1. Place  the vehiclc  in a  ventilated  area away  from 
    open  flames  and heat sources. 
    2.  Stop  the engine  and  secure the bonnet  in an  open 
    3.  Remove  the  caps from  the  compressor  service 
    valves  and connect  the gauge  set for  evacuating. 
    4. Evacuate  the system  as previously  described. 
    5. Open fully (turn  anti-clockwise)  the compressor 
    service  valves and disconnect  the gauge  set. Cap  all 
    pipe  and valve  connections 
    to prevent  dirt or 
    moisture  entering the system. 
    6. Remove  the  electrical connections to the 
    -. V8 models  only 
    -cylinder  Petrol only 9. Release the jockey  wheel  adjuster to enable  the 
    10. Release  the tensioner on the  compressor  drive belt. 
    11. Remove the  fixing bolt and swivel  the compressor 
    and  bracket  assembly  to expose 
    the bolt  which  is 
    securing  the bracket. 
    12. Remove  the bolt  and lift the  compressor  and 
    bracket  clear and place 
    on a bench. 
    13.  Whilst  supporting  the compressor,  remove the five 
    bolts  holding  the compressor  to the brackets. 
    drive  (fan) belt to be  removed. 
    7. Shckcn all the ComPressor adjustment fixin@ and 
    8. Remove the adjusting  and  pivot  fixings and the 
    the drive  belt from the compressor. 
    compressor from retaining bracket. 
    Diesel  model 
    All engines 
    14. No servicing  is recommended  to the compressor, 
    therefore  a new  unit  must 
    be fitted. 
    15.  Reverse procedure  as appropriate  13 to 
    9 and 6 to 3 
    V8 models  or 8 to 3 for 4-cylinder  models 
    noting  the procedure  for adjusting the  compressor 
    drive belts. 
    Drive  belt adjustment 
    Diesel  only 
    16. Ensure  all adjustment  bolts  associated  with the 
    compressor  are slack. 
    17. Alter  the position of the  compressor  to provide  a 
    belt  tension  of 4
    -6 mm (0.19-0.25  in). Secure all 
    compressor  adjustment bolts  and recheck the 
    4-cylinder  Petrol only 
    18. Ensure  all adjustment  bolts associated  with the 
    (1) and  the lower  pulley  pivot fixing  (2) 
    are  slack. 
    19. Adjust  the position  of the  lower  pulley  to give  a 
    belt tension 
    of 4-6 mm (0.19-0.25  in). 
    20.  Tighten 
    the pivot  bolt  and recheck the tension. 
    21.  Alter  the position 
    of the  compressor to provide  a 
    22. Secure all compressor  adjustment bolts  and 
    of 4-6 mm (0.19-0.25  in). 
    recheck  the tension. 
    24.  Alter  the  position of the compressor to provide a 
    belt  tension  of 4-6 mm (0.19-0.25  in). Secure  all 
    compressor  adjustment bolts  and recheck  the 
    25.  Ensure  the jockey  pulley  adjustment bolts are 
    26.  Alter  the position 
    of the  jockey  pulley to give a belt 
    of 4-6 mm (0.19-0.25  in).  Secure  the 
    adjustment  bolts and recheck tension. 
    ST1391 M 
    ST 1401M 
    1. Open  and secure the bonnet. 
    2. Release  the  six self  tapping  screws securing  the 
    front  nose and grille  assembly, 
    lift clear. 
    3.  Disconnect  the electrical  leads to 
    the fans. 
    4. Remove  the blanking  caps from  the fan  centres. 
    5.  Remove  the 
    8 mm securing  nuts,  star  and  spring 
    washers  from the fan blade  centres,  pull blade  from 
    its respective  fan motor  shaft. 
    6. Release the two  fan  motor retaining  bolts and 
    the motor whilst  feeding  the fan motor 
    through  the appropriate  aperture. 
    V8 Petrol only 2. 7. Reverse  procedures 6 to 1 ensuring the fan supply 
    wiring  is routed  and  securely clipped 
    so that the 
    23. Ensure all adjustment  bolts associated  with the 
    are slack.  wiring 
    does not foul the fan blades. 
    							AIR CONDITIONING- L.H. & R.H. STEERING 1821 
    1. Place the vehicle in a well  ventilated  arca. 
    2. Stop the engine,  open and secure the  bonnet. 
    3. Remove the caps  from  the compressor  service 
    valves.  Connect  the  gauge  set 
    for evacuation,  and 
    evacuate  as detailed  earlier. 
    4. Having  evacuated  the air conditioning  system, 
    open  fully (turn  anti
    -clockwise)  the  compressor 
    service  valves and disconnect  the gauge  set. 
    all caps  to valve connections. 
    5. Release the four  top and  two side  fixings  securing 
    the  grille  and nose  assembly and remove. 
    6. Disconnect  the wires  at the  rear of the  horn, the  air 
    conditioning  fan leads located  across 
    the top of the 
    fan  cowling 
    frame and the electrical  connector to 
    the receivddrier. 
    7. Release the four  bolts  and large  packing  washers  ~ 
    8. Remove 
    the four  nuts securing  the fan cowling  to 
    NOTE: L.H. steering vehicle illustrated on R.H. 
    steering  vehicles the high  pressure  hose is on the side of 
    the evaporator unit facing the engine, 
    securing  the cowling to the  wing  sides. 
    the  bottom bracket  and 
    lift clear. 
    9. Remove the two  bolts securing thc bonnet striker 
    support  plate. 
    13. Release  the  high pressure  pipe from  the receiver/ 
    drier,  cap the pipc end connections. 
    Condenser  removal only 
    10. Release the  top air conditioning  hose and  cap  the 
    to prevent  moisture  and dirt entering  the 
    7 610 9 6 7 
    14. Release  both air conditioning  pipes  from the 
    condenser  extension  plate. Lift the condenser 
    Receiveddrier removal 
    11. Lift  the condenser  from the bottom  mounting lugs 
    and carefully  ease the condenser  forwards as far as 
    12. Release  the high  pressure  air conditioning  hose 
    complete  with the sight 
    glass, at the  evaporator 17. 
    connection.  Cap the ends to prevent  dirt  or 
    moisture  entering the system. 
    .-‘.;t:, .I... -> : .p. 
    Whilst supporting with suitable  spanners,  unscrew 
    pipe  ends  to prevent  dirt 
    or moisture  entering  the 
    Release  the 
    receiver/drier clamp  bolts and allow 
    the  assembly 
    to drop  clear of the condenser. 
    Lift  the 
    receiveddrier from the condenser  and 
    11 is NOT recommended  to refit  the old 
    the b~tt~m tifii~fi to the ieceii;eii’diiei. “Lap the  
    							1821 AIR CONDITIONING - L.H. & R.H. STEERING 
    EVAPORATOR - LH steering models 
    NOTE: It is only  necessary  to evacuate  the air 
    conditioning  system  when  removing  the  evaporator 
    matrix  or 
    to change the  expansion valve. 
    5 1. Place  the vehicle in a  ventilated  area away  from 
    2.  Stop  the  engine  and  secure  the  bonnet  in an  open 
    flames  and heat  sources. 
    18. Reverse  procedures  17 to 15 using a new  receiver/ 
    drier  unit. 
    19. Connect  the high  prcssurc  pipe to the received 
    drier.  Using two spanners  on each  union,  tighten 
    the  union  noting  that 
    the sight glass remains in the 
    vertical  position. 
    20.  Carefully  locate the  condenser  into position,  refit 
    the fixings securing  the condenser to  the extension 
    Connect  and tighten  the  air conditioning  hose 
    the top  of the condenser.  Use two spanners on each 
    21.  Refit 
    the condenser to the bottom  bracket. 
    22.  Place  the bonnet  striker support  plate  into 
    position,  do 
    not secure at this stage. 
    Fit the  fan  cowling  support brackets.  It will  be 
    to lift thc bonnet  striker support  plate  to 
    permit  the positioning  of the  fan cowling  assembly 
    to  the  condenser mounting 
    24. Secure  the steady  rods  and the lower condenser 
    mounting bracket. 
    Do not  tighten  the  bolts  at this 
    stagc. Reconnect the  top horn electrical  leads. 
    25.  Loosely 
    fit the  four  bolts and distance  washers 
    which  support 
    the bonnet striker support plate  and 
    fan  cowling  to the  wing  sides. 
    26.  Tighten the  lower condenser  bracket bolts. 
    27.  Adjust  the condenser  position 
    with the bonnet 
    striker support  bracket assembly to  obtain an equal 
    distance  from 
    the radiator.  Tighten the  four  side 
    mounting  bolts. 
    28. Tighten the four nuis and washers  which sccure the 
    fan cowling mounting. 
    29. Reconnect  the  electrical wiring for the  fan 
    horn and receiveddrier. 
    30. Recheck the  security of all fixings. 
    31.  Refit  the front  nose and grille  assembly  and secure. 
    32.  Evacuate,  sweep and charge  the  air conditioning 
    system  as previously  described. 
    Heater matrix and blower  motor only 
    3. Remove  the caps  from  the compressor  service 
    4. Disconnect  the  low pressure  valve from thc 
    compressor  and  cap both  ends to  prevent  dirt or 
    moisture  entering the system. 
    5. Using  two  suitable  spanners remove the high 
    pressure  pipe  from  the  evaporator  side. Cap both 
    ends  to  prevent dirt 
    or moisture  entering  the 
    system.  valves 
    and close  (turn  clockwise) fully. 
    Evaporator matrix  and expansion valve only 
    6.  Remove the caps  from  the Compressor  service 
    valves  and connect  the gauge  set for evacuating. 
    8. Open the  compressor  service valves and disconnect 
    the  gauge  set. Cap  all pipes  and gauge connections 
    9. Release  the fixings  and remove  the expansion  tank 
    to  provide  access to the  air conditioning  high and 
    low  pressure  pipes. 
    7 r- .^^..^ +... &L,. -:.. -,.-,4:+:--:-* r.,r+om op *v,=.,,;n,,ci,, /. CVdLU41G LIIG U11 LUllUlllul~1~l~ 3ya~c.111 LLJ yncvnvuo~~ 
    d- :- to prevent  dirt or moisture entering  the system. f, -::: k;d  
    :.- 10. Whilst supporting  both  unions with suitable 
    spanners  unscrew the high  and low pressure  air 
    conditioning pipes 
    to the evaporator.  Cap the pipe 
    ends  and evaporator  inlets to prevent  dirt  or 
    moisture  entering the  system. 
    18. Remove the  screw,  releasing the relay connector 
    19. All wiring on the  top  of the  evaporator  is now 
    disconnected with the exception of the earth lead, 
    is disconnected when  the evaporator mounting 
    block  is removed. 
    20. Using  suitable  pipe clamps,  clamp  the inlet  and 
    outlet  coolant  pipes at the  base 
    of the  evaporator 
    and  release  the  two  jubilee  clips and  detach,  or 
    drain  the radiator. 
    .. , 
    Evaporator unit 
    11. Disconnect  the electrical  leads fcedine  the 
    21. From inside  the vehiclc  remove the  front passenger 
    carpet  and self tapping  screws which retain 
    toe-board. Remove the toe-board. 
    clutch cycling  switch. 
    and  withdraw  it. 
    12. Detach the vacuum  pipes from  the  water valve 
    13. Remove  the fixings  securing the water  valve  switch 22. Release two bolts, 
    14. Remove  the  clip and  cable  connection  from  the 
    evaporator  heater flap rod.  Use a new  clip 
    15. Release  the nylon  cable retainer. 
    16. Detach  the  heater  electric  supply  lead  at the 
    17. Remove  the  relay from its connecting  block 
    one self  tapping  screw. 
    23. From inside  the  engine  compartment  remove the 
    two  upper  evaporator  mounting  block bolts  fitted 
    to  the  engine  bulkhead.  This also releases  the 
    earthing  leads. 
    24. Remove  the bolt securing  the angled bracket  at the 
    of the  evaporator  casing. 
    							.::.::!,,, .. 25. Lift the evaporator  clear of the  vehicle  and place ,,).... ;.*. on a bench with a suitable support  underneath the 
    case  to ensure  the heater  pipes are 
    not damaged. 
    26.  Release  the  nuts  and remove  the  bracket  from 
    underneath the evaporator  casing. 
    27. Remove  the wire  clip and detach the dump  valve 
    located  underneath. 
    28. Release  the  seven self tapping  screws securing  the 
    outlet  duct and carefully  break  the sealing 
    compound  around  the edge 
    of the duct  and pull 
    ducting plate  away from evaporator  body. 
    29. Remove the  fifteen  screws located  around the 
    cover seam,  Remove  the old  sealing  compound 
    from  the body  and 
    top cover. 
    30.  Remove  the four  screws  and four nuts  from the top 
    of the cover. 
    31. From  the front of the unit  remove  the two  screws 
    adjacent to 
    the low pressure  pipe moulding. 
    32.  At the  side 
    of the unit remove  the two  screws . adjacent to the air intake  aperture. 
    33.  Lift  the top  cover 
    off whilst  feeding  the  blower 
    motor  wiring  and air control  flap rod through their 
    respective  apertures,  thus exposing  the blower 
    motor,  heater matrix and  air  conditioning 
    evaporator  matrix. 
    .,I. . ..., . .. 
    - ,. ... .. , .. .. 
    Blower motor unit removal  only  Expansion 
    valve removal 
    43. Support  the  suction  pipe union with suitable 
    spanners  and release. 
    44.  Remove  the bleed  pipe  retaining  nut  from the 
    suction  pipe. 
    45.  Remove 
    the spring  clip retaining  the expansion 
    valve  sensor  pipe 
    to the main  suction  pipe  which 
    rcleases the expansion  valve and high  pressure 
    pipe.  Place  valve 
    on bench  and  unscrew the high 
    pressure pipe  from the expansion valve. 
    46. Seal  and  cap all apertures;  discard all ‘0’ rings 
    which  are renewed 
    on assembly. 
    47.  Reverse  procedures  46 to 11 noting that all threads, 
    ‘0’ rings  are coated  with rcfrigerant oil 
    prior  to fitting. 
    NOTE: Depending  upon which  unit has been 
    refitted  reverse the appropriate  procedures: 
    Heater  Matrix  or Blower  Motor 
    5 to 3 
    Evaporator  Matrix or Expansion Valve 10 to 6 and 
    then  charge  the air conditioning  system as 
    previously  described with Refrigerant 
    Removal 34. Remove  the screws rctaining the  motor  unit to thc 
    35. Release  the three  bracket  retaining  screws  and 
    withdraw  motor and impeller. 
    36.  Detach 
    the star  washer,  spring clip and  impeller. 
    37. Remove  the  two nuts from  the  motor  shroud  and 
    lift  clear. 
    1. Stop  the engine  and secure  the bonnet in an open 
    2.  Detach  the blower  motor wiring connector. 
    3.  Remove  the self  tapping  screw and 
    lift the resistor 
    out. . ,. 
    HeatedEvaporator matrices  removal only 
    38. Lift  the support  ptate and insulation  pad from  the 
    39. From  the  bottom of the casing,  remove  the  three 
    screws  adjacent  to the  dump  valve outlet, 
    addition  to the  screws  next to the heater  pipes. 
    40. Lift the evaporator  and heater  matrices  together 
    with  the supporting  frame  containing the air 
    direction flap clear  of the  casing. 
    41.  Detach  the evaporator  matrix by releasing  the four 
    screws,  two at both  ends 
    of the support bracket. 
    42. Detach  the heater  matrix  by removing the self- 
    tapping  screw. 
    4. Reverse  procedures 3 to 1. 
    o v  a 1 
    1. Open  and secure  the bonnet. 
    2. Release  the  plastic tie  retaining  the  carburetter 
    breather  pipe 
    to the right hand  air intake elbow. 
    3. Remove  the  pulsair pipe connected  to the  air 
    intake  elbow. 
    4. Remove  the right  hand air intake  elbow. 
    5. Disconnect the clip  and  blower  motor wiring. 
    6. Release  the blower  motor cover fixings  and 
    separate  the casing  slightly  to allow  the  earth  and 
    Lucar  connectors  to be  released. 
    7. Remove  the cover  ensuring that  a mark is made  on 
    the  casing  to indicate  the correct  positioning 
    of the 
    blower  motor when refitting. 
    8. Release  the  five self-tapping  screws and  withdraw 
    the  blower  motor and impeller.  It may  be necessary 
    to  move  the low  pressure  air  conditioning  pipe 
    aside  to provide sufficient  clearance. 
    9. Remove the  centre  nut on the  impeller  and 
    carefully  ease the impeller  from the blower  motor 
    Refitting  Evaporator 
    remove and refit 
    - R.H. steering  models 
    For removal of the blower  motor only,  see  section 
    “Evaporator  Blower Motor”. 
    NOTE:  It is only required  to evacuate  the air 
    conditioning  system when removing  the evaporator 
    matrix  or changing  the expansion  valve. 
    o v a I 
    1. Place  the  vehicle in a ventilated  area  away  from 
    2. Stop the  engine  and  secure  the  bonnet in an open 
    3. Disconnect  the battery. 
    4. Unscrew  the radiator drain-plug  and partially  drain 
    5. Remove the air-cleaner. 
    6. Remove  the  caps  from  the compressor  service 
    flames  and heat sources. 
    the radiator. 
    Heater  matrix only 
    7. Fully  close  (turn clockwise)  the high  pressure 
    8. Fully  open  (turn anti-clockwise) the lalw pressure 
    9. Slowly  disconnect  the low  prcssurc  pipe from  the 
    compressor  rotor lock adaptor  plate. 
    10. Remove  the plastic ‘0’ ring  from  the  rotor lock 
    seal.  Cap and seal  both  unions  to prevent  dirt  or 
    moisture  entering the system. 
    pipe  to the upper engine  bracket. 
    12. Remove the two  plastic  ties, securing  the insulation 
    on the  high  pressure  pipe  and  remove the 
    13. Whilst  supporting  both unions  with suitable 6., 
    .. 11 11. Release the p:zstic :is ~~~~ifig the !CW P~~SSE~P 
    10. Reverse  procedures 9 to 1 ensuring  that all seals  spanners, unscrew the high  pressure  air 
    are replaced.  conditioning 
    pipe from  the evaporator.  
    r- L%+ Evaporator matrix and expansion valve  only 
    14. Evacuate  the air conditioning  system as previously 
    15. Open  (turn anti-clockwise) the compressor  service 
    valves  and  disconnect  the gauge  set. Cap 
    all pipes 
    and  gauge connections  to prevent  dirt  or moisture 
    entering  the system. 
    16.  Remove  the  insulating  cover 
    on the low  pressure 
    17. Whilst  supporting  both unions  with suitable 
    spanners,  unscrew the low  pressure  air 
    conditioning  pipe from  the evaporator. 
    18. Cap both  ends  to prevent  dirt or moisture  entering 
    the  system. 
    19. Remove  the two plastic  ties, securing  the insulation 
    cover  on the  high  pressure  pipe  and  remove  the 
    20.  Whilst  supporting  both unions  with suitable  ~ 
    unscrew the high  pressure  air 
    :.,c*-..:‘ 0 *It ,A.. 
    1 It I‘ 
    conditioning pipe  from the evaporator. 
    Evaporator unit 
    21.  Remove  the self  tapping  screw securing  the air 
    22.  Disconnect  the two ‘Ronco’ thermostat  wires. 
    23.  Disconnect  the two  heater  hoses from 
    the side of 
    the  evaporator  unit. 
    24.  Remove  the  vacuum  pipe from  the water  valve 
    25.  Remove  the clip  and  cable  connection  from the 
    evaporator  air  flap  rod.  Use a new  clip 
    reassem bly. 
    flap solenoid. 
    26.  Disconnect  the blower motor wiring  connections.  27. 
    the screw  retaining  the blower  motor 
    wiring  tot 
    he blower  motor housing. 
    28.  Remove 
    the two  bolts  securing the blower  motor 
    resistor  block to the  engine compartment. 
    29.  Remove  the bolt  securing  the front  support 
    to the blower motor housing. 
    30.  From 
    inside the vehicle  rcmove the  front passenger 
    carpet  and five  self tapping  screws which retain the 
    -box cover. 
    31.  Release  the  four  bottom mounting  bracket  bolts, 
    ensuring  that 
    the spacing washers  from the two 
    innermost  bolts are retrieved  from the engine 
    bulkhead  side. 
    32.  From  inside  the engine  compartment  remove the 
    two  13 
    mm upper  evaporator  mounting bracket 
    bolts  fitted 
    to the engine bulkhead. 
    33.  Lift 
    the evaporator  clear  of the  vehicle  and place 
    on a bench  with  the blower  motor cover facing  up. 
    34.  Turn  the  evaporator  unit around  and  remove 
    fixings retaining the blower motor  housing duct. 
    35.  Remove 
    the “Ranco”  thermostat  from the top of 
    the unit. 
    36.  Remove  the seven  self
    -tapping  screws securing thc 
    top and bottom halvcs of the  unit togethcr. 
    37.  Remove the eight screws from  the  right hand  side 
    of  the  unit. 
    38.  Peel  back 
    the sponge  pad  on the  outlet  duct to 
    expose  the last  retaining screw. Remove  the 
    39. Remove  the two  screws on the top  of the unit. 
    40.  Remove  the  joint  sealant  around 
    the seam  and 
    separate  the two  halves 
    of the evaporator  cover 
    41.  Remove  the heater  matrix  from thc evaporator 
    Evaporator matrix and Expansion  valve only 
    42. Release  the screws  attached  to the  blower  motor 
    retaining plate  and remove  the plate. 
    43.  Remove  the blower  motor inner housing. 
    44.  Remove the  bleed
    -pipe retaining nut from the low 
    pressure  pipe. 
    45.  Remove  the  spring clip retaining  the expansion 
    valve  sensor  pipe  to  the  low pressure  pipe  and 
    remove  the expansion  valve and high  pressure 
    46.  Unscrew  the high  pressure pipe from  the expansion 
    47.  Seal  and cap all pipes  and connections  to prevent 
    dirt  or moisture  entering  the  system. Discard  all 
    ‘0’ rings,  which  are renewed on refitting. 
    48. Release the  two nuts adjacent to the dump  valve. 
    49. Remove  the two  evaporator  mounting screws from 
    each side 
    of the  casing. 
    50. Release  the two uppcr evaporator  mounting 
    bracket  screws and 
    pull the bracket  away from the 
    51.  Lift  the evaporator  matrix from the casing  with 
    two side plates and place  on a bench. 
    52.  Reverse  procedures 51 to 21, ensuring  that all 
    threads,  unions  and 
    ‘0’ rings are  coated  with 
    oil prior  to  fitting. Discard  all  old ‘0’ 
    rings and  renew on refitting.  When reversing 
    31, ensurc that  the spacing  washers  are 
    to the  two innermost  bolts. 
    NOTE: Depending  upon which component has been 
    removed,  reverse  the appropriate  procedure  as 
    Evaporator  matrix  and  expansion  valve 
    20 to 2 
    Heater matrix 13 to 2. 
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