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    of 641
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    What is Surround sound?
    Surround is a common name for various techniques for po-
    sitioning audio in reference to the listener. Whereas regular 
    stereo is limited to left/right positioning, within a relatively 
    narrow field, surround sound opens possibilities of posi-
    tioning an audio source anywhere around the listener.
    Surround sound comes in many flavors, from the ill-fated 
    Quadraphonic format for vinyl discs launched in the 70’s, 
    to today’s more successful incarnations.
    The differences between the formats are in two areas:
    The number and configuration of speakers.
    This varies from two speakers up to 6.
    The intended final coding format.
    This depends on the media the audio will be “stored” on: film, broadcast 
    video or DVD, for example.
    Surround sound is a large topic, there are entire books 
    and regular publications devoted to the subject. This 
    chapter will not provide an in-depth introduction to sur-
    round sound as such. Instead it will concentrate on the 
    specific implementation in Cubase.
    Surround sound in Cubase
    Cubase has integrated surround sound features with sup-
    port for several formats. This support goes all the way 
    through the audio path – all audio channels and busses 
    can handle multiple speaker channel configurations (up to 
    6 channels). A channel in the mixer can either carry com-
    plete surround mixes, or an individual speaker channel 
    which is part of a surround setup.
     Audio channels can be routed freely to surround channels.
     The SurroundPanner function in the mixer allows you to 
    graphically position channels in the surround field. This plug-
    ins is described in detail in the section “Using the Surround-
    Panner” on page 184.
     Cubase is ready for surround specific plug-ins, that is plug-ins 
    with multi-channel support specifically designed for surround 
    sound mixing tasks (the included “Mix6to2” plug-in is an exam-
    ple of this). Due to their multi-channel support, plug-ins con-
    forming to the VST 3 standard will work well in a surround 
    configuration, even if the are note specifically designed for sur-
    round. The plug-ins that are included with Cubase are de-
    scribed in the separate pdf document “Plug-in Reference”. You configure Cubase for surround by defining input and out-
    put busses in the desired surround format, and specifying 
    which audio inputs and outputs should be used for the differ-
    ent channels in the busses. This is done in the VST Connec-
    tions window.
    The result of a surround mix in Cubase is either the multi-
    channel audio sent from the surround output bus to your 
    surround speaker setup, or (if you use the Export audio 
    feature) audio file(s) on your hard disk. Exported surround 
    mixes can either be split (one mono file per speaker chan-
    nel) or interleaved (a single file containing all the surround 
    Getting from this step to the final product (surround sound 
    on DVD, etc.) requires special software and possibly 
    hardware. This equipment will encode the signal into the 
    desired format, possibly compress the audio and store it 
    on the final media.
    Exactly what type of software and/or hardware you need 
    depends on what kind of format you are mixing for and is 
    not dependent on Cubase in any way.
    The VST Connections window
    In this window you can add input and output busses. 
    There is a complete selection of common surround con-
    figurations available, as well as standard mono or stereo 
    The Bus Name column contains the currently configured 
    busses as they will appear in the Input and Output Rou-
    ting pop-ups in the mixer.
    VST Connections showing the Outputs page. The “5.1 Out” bus is un-
    folded, displaying the individual speaker channels, with their physical 
    output ports displayed in the Device Port column to the right.
    Click here to add a bus.
    The currently configured busses
    The outputs selected for the 
    channels of the bus 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    Surround in the mixer
    Surround sound is supported throughout every stage of 
    the signal path in the Cubase mixer, from input to output 
    bus. Each bus or audio channel can carry up to 6 surround 
    speaker channels.
    In the output channel section of the mixer you can control 
    the master levels for configured busses. The level meter 
    for a bus (or channel in the mixer) that carries multiple sur-
    round channels will show multiple level bars, one for each 
    speaker channel in the surround configuration.
    Setting up the surround configuration
    Output bus configuration
    Before you can start working with surround sound, you 
    have to configure a surround output bus, through which all 
    the speaker channels of the chosen surround format are 
    routed. How to add and set up busses is described in de-
    tail in the section “Setting up busses” on page 14. Here is 
    a brief run through:
    1.Open the VST Connections window from the Devices 
    2.Click on the “Outputs” tab.
    3.Click the “Add Bus” button and select one of the pre-
    set formats from the Configuration pop-up (see below).
    The new bus appears with the ports visible.
    4.By clicking in the Device Port column you can now 
    route the speaker channels to the desired outputs of your 
    audio hardware.
    5.If you like, rename the output bus by clicking its name 
    and typing in a new one.
    This name will appear in the mixer and on routing pop-ups.
    The following surround configurations are included:
    Here, the SurroundPanner 
    is used for positioning the 
    sound “dynamically” in the 
    surround field.
    Using the Output Routing pop-up menu, 
    audio channels can be routed directly to 
    surround channels.
    Format Description
    LRCS LRCS refers to Left Right Center Surround, where the sur-
    round speaker is center-rear positioned. This is the original 
    surround format that first appeared as Dolby Stereo in cin-
    ema and later as the home cinema format Dolby ProLogic.
    5.0 This is the same as 5.1 (see below) but without the LFE 
    channel. The LFE channel is optional in 5.1 and if you do 
    not plan to use it, you might find this option more conve-
    5.1 This format is one of the most popular in cinema and DVD. 
    In its various cinema and DVD encoding implementations 
    (established by different manufacturers) it is referred to as 
    Dolby Digital, AC-3, DTS and MPEG 2 Multi-channel. 5.1 
    has one center speaker (mainly used for speech) and four 
    surround speakers (for music and sound effects). Addition-
    ally a sub-channel (LFE – Low Frequency Effects) with 
    lower bandwidth is used for special low frequency effects.
    LRC Same as LRCS, but without the surround speaker channel.
    LRS Left-Right-Surround, with the surround speaker positioned 
    at center-rear.
    LRC+Lfe Same as LRC but with an Lfe sub-channel added.
    LRS+Lfe Same as LRS but with an Lfe sub-channel added. 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    Child busses
    Essentially a child bus is a bus within a (wider) bus. Typi-
    cally you may want stereo child busses within your sur-
    round bus – this allows you to route stereo tracks directly 
    to a stereo speaker pair within the surround bus. You may 
    also want to add child busses in other surround formats 
    (with fewer channels than the “parent bus”).
    Once you have created a surround bus, you can add one or 
    several child busses to it by right-clicking the bus and se-
    lecting “Add Child Bus”, see “Adding a child bus (Cubase 
    only)” on page 16.
    Input bus configuration
    To work with surround sound in Cubase, it is often not 
    necessary to configure a surround format input bus. You 
    can record audio files via standard inputs, and easily route 
    the resulting audio channels to surround outputs at any 
    stage. You can also directly import multi-channel files of 
    specific surround format onto audio tracks of the same 
    You should add a surround input bus in the following cir-
    You have existing audio material in a specific surround 
    format, and you wish to transfer this material into Cubase 
    as a single, multi-channel file.
    You wish to record a surround setup “live”.
    In both cases, you can add and configure an input bus of 
    the format you wish to use in the VST Connections dialog 
    so that each input on your audio hardware is routed to the 
    corresponding speaker channel.
    To add an input bus, use the same general method as de-
    scribed for output busses (see “Output bus configuration” 
    on page 182), but select the “Inputs” tab instead.
    Routing channels directly to surround channels
    If you want to place an audio source in one separate 
    speaker channel only, you can route it directly to that 
    speaker channel. This is useful for pre-mixed material or 
    multi-channel recordings that do not require panning.
    1.Open the mixer and locate the channel you wish to 
    2.From the Output Routing pop-up menu, select the 
    corresponding surround speaker channel.
    If a stereo audio channel is routed directly to a speaker 
    channel, the left/right channels will be mixed to mono.
    The pan control for the audio channel governs the balance between the 
    left and right channel in the resulting mono mix. Center pan will produce 
    a mix of equal proportion.
    Routing channels using child busses
    Child busses provide a way to route stereo (or multi-chan-
    nel) audio channels to specific speaker channels in a sur-
    round configuration. 
    The most obvious application of a child bus is when you 
    wish to add a stereo channel to two specific left/right sur-
    round speaker channels.
    If you have added a child bus within a surround bus (see 
    “Adding a child bus (Cubase only)” on page 16), it ap-
    pears as a submenu item within the surround bus on the 
    Output Routing pop-up menu. Select this to route a ste-
    reo audio channel directly to that stereo speaker pair in 
    the surround bus.
    Quadro The original Quadraphonic format for music, with one 
    speaker in each corner. This format was intended for vinyl 
    record players.
    LRCS+Lfe Same as LRCS but with an Lfe sub-channel added.
    Quadro+Lfe Same as Quadro but with an Lfe sub-channel added.
    6.0 Cine A Left-Right-Center front speaker arrangement with 3 
    (Left-Right-Center) surround channels.
    6.0 Music This uses 2 (Left/Right) front channels with Left and Right 
    surround channels and Left and Right Side channels. Format Description 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    Using the SurroundPanner
    Cubase has a special feature for graphically positioning a 
    sound source in a surround field. This is actually a special 
    plug-in which distributes the audio from the channel in 
    various proportions to the surround channels.
    1.Open the mixer and locate the channel you wish to 
    This could be a mono or stereo channel.
    2.From the Output Routing pop-up menu, select the 
    “whole surround bus” option (not a specific speaker 
    A miniature image of the surround plug-in interface appears above the 
    fader in the channel strip.
    The channel strip showing a miniature surround field. 
    3.You can click and drag directly in the miniature image 
    to move the sound in the surround field.
    The horizontal red strip to the right controls the subbass (LFE) level (if 
    available in the selected surround format).
    You can also view a slightly larger version of this control 
    by selecting “Panner” on the View options pop-up menu 
    for the extended mixer panel.
    This mode offers click and drag-panning as well as numerical values for 
    left/right balance, front/rear balance and LFE amount – enter the desired 
    number or use the mouse wheel to adjust them.
    The SurroundPanner can also be displayed in the In-
    spector for all audio channel track types. To display the 
    Surround Pan tab in the Inspector, make sure the corre-
    sponding option is enabled in the Inspector context menu.
    For total control over surround panning, double-click on 
    the miniature image to open the full SurroundPanner 
    interface in a separate window.
    The SurroundPanner controls
    The SurroundPanner plug-in allows you to position your 
    audio in the surround field. It consists of an image of the 
    speaker arrangement, as defined by the output bus se-
    lected on the Output Routing pop-up menu, with the 
    sound source indicated as a gray ball. 
    The SurroundPanner plug-in 
    interface in Standard, 
    Position and Angle mode 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    Mode – Standard/Position/Angle
    The Standard Mode/Position Mode/Angle Mode switch 
    allows you to work in three modes:
     In both Standard and Position mode, the speakers in the front 
    are aligned, as they would normally be in a cinema-type situa-
    tion. This means that the front speakers are at a varying dis-
    tance from the center. Standard mode (default) is the best 
    mode for moving sources between speakers without level at-
     Angle Mode is the traditional surround sound mixing definition. 
    Note that here the speakers are defined as being at equal dis-
    tance from the center. This is not really a true representation of 
    for example a cinema, but has still proven to work well in many 
    The speakers in the panel represent the chosen surround 
    You can turn speakers on and off by clicking them with 
    [Alt]/[Option] pressed. When a speaker is turned off, no 
    audio will be routed to that surround channel.
    Positioning and levels
    A sound source is positioned either by clicking or by drag-
    ging the gray “ball” around in the panel (or by using key 
    commands, see below). By dragging during playback you 
    can record automation, see “Enabling and disabling the 
    writing of automation data” on page 189.
    In Standard Mode, the signal levels from the individual 
    speakers are indicated by colored lines from the speakers 
    to the center of the display.
    Exactly how levels are handled may require some explana-
    When you move a source around, a number will indicate 
    the loudness in each speaker.
    This is a value in dB (decibel) and is relative to the nominal level of the 
    source. In other words, 0.0 (dB) represents full level.
    If you position the source far enough away from a spea-
    ker, its level will drop to zero (indicated by a negative infinity 
    symbol).In Standard Mode, the signal levels from the individual 
    speakers are indicated by colored lines from the speakers 
    to the center of the display.
    In Position Mode, the concentric circles will help you 
    determine the level of the signal at a certain position.
    The yellow circle represents -3 dB below nominal level, the red circle is at 
    -6 dB and the blue is located at -12 dB. These are affected by attenua-
    tion, see below.
    In Angle Mode, a white arc helps you determine the per-
    ceived “range” of a source (white and blue for stereo 
    tracks). The sound will be at its loudest in the middle of 
    the arc and will have dropped in level towards the ends.
    You can use modifier keys to restrict movement in vari-
    ous ways:
    In Standard and Position Mode:
    In Angle Mode:
    There is also a special set of key commands for working in 
    the SurroundPanner window.
    !The text below assumes that the Mono/Stereo pop-
    up is set to “Mono Mix”. For information on the other 
    modes, see below.
    Key Movement restriction
    [Ctrl]/[Command] Vertically only
    [Shift]Horizontally only
    [Alt]/[Option] Diagonally (up left, down right)
    [Alt]/[Option]Diagonally (up right, down left)
    [Shift] Mouse movements are scaled to allow very fine 
    Key Movement restriction
    [Shift] From center to perimeter only
    [Ctrl]/[Command] Along the perimeter only (at current distance from 
    !For a complete list of the available key commands, 
    click on the SurroundPanner logo and then click 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    The LFE encoder (all modes)
    If the selected surround setup includes an LFE channel, a 
    separate LFE level encoder is available in the Surround-
    Panner window. Use this to set the signal amount sent to 
    the LFE channel. You can also set this using the small red 
    strip to the right of the SurroundPanner in the mixer chan-
    nel strip, or by typing in a number in the LFE value field in 
    the larger SurroundPanner that can be shown in the ex-
    tended channel strip.
    The SurroundPanner in the channel strip (bottom) and in the extended 
    panel of the mixer channel strip (“Panner” selected on the View options 
    pop-up menu).
    Mono/Stereo pop-up (All Modes)
    If you have a mono channel, the Mono/Stereo pop-up is 
    set to Mono Mix by default. The panner will then behave as 
    described above.
    If you have a stereo channel, you have the option of using 
    one of the three Mirror modes. Two gray balls will then ap-
    pear, one for each channel (L/R). This will allow you to 
    move the two channels symmetrically, by dragging one of 
    them. The three modes allow you to select which axis 
    should be used for mirroring.
     The default mode for stereo channels is the Y-Mirror mode.
     If you run a stereo signal through the panner in Mono Mix 
    mode, the two channels will be mixed together before entering 
    the plug-in.
     If you run a mono signal through the plug-in in one of the ste-
    reo modes, the signal will be split before entering the plug-in.
    Additional parameters (Standard mode)
    Center Level.
    This determines how center source signals should be reproduced by the 
    front speakers. With a value of 100 %, the center speaker will provide the 
    center source. With a value of 0 %, the center source will be provided by 
    the ghost image created by the left and right speakers. Other values will 
    produce a mix between these two methods.
    Divergence Controls.
    The three divergence controls determine the attenuation curves used 
    when positioning sound sources, for X-axis front, X-axis back and Y-axis 
    (front/rear), respectively. If all three Divergence values are 0 % (default), 
    positioning a sound source on a speaker will set all other speakers to 
    zero level (-×) (except for the center speaker which depends on the cen-
    ter level). With higher values, the other speakers will receive a percent-
    age of the sound source.
    Additional parameters (Position and Angle mode)
    Attenuate can be used to amplify or weaken the source. Exactly what effect 
    this has on the level in each speaker can be determined by the level read-
    outs, the concentric circle (Position mode) and the arc (Angle mode).
    Normalize is a function for controlling the overall loudness from all speak-
    ers. When this is set to 1.0 (full normalization), the level from all speakers 
    together is always exactly 0 dB. The individual levels will then be boosted 
    or attenuated accordingly.
    All parameters in the SurroundPanner plug-in can be au-
    tomated, just as with any other plug-in. See “Enabling and 
    disabling the writing of automation data” on page 189.
    …or drag this control to set the LFE level.Click here and type in a LFE level value…
    !Please note that this is not a dynamic feature, like 
    compression or limiting. It is instead just a tool for 
    scaling the nominal output levels from the surround 
    Surround sound (Cubase only)
    Exporting a Surround mix
    When you have set up a surround mix, you can export it 
    with the Export Audio Mixdown function. This function ex-
    ports a single selected output bus – this means that all 
    channels that you want to be part of the mix must be routed 
    to the surround output bus.
    You have the following export options when doing sur-
    round work:
    Export to “split” format, resulting in one mono audio file 
    for each surround channel.
    Export to interleaved format, resulting in a single multi-
    channel audio file (e.g. a 5.1 file, containing all six sur-
    round channels).
    Under Windows you can also export a 5.1 surround mix 
    to a file in Windows Media Audio Pro format.
    This is an encoding format tailored for 5.1 surround – see “Windows 
    Media Audio Pro files (Windows only)” on page 425.
    For more about exporting to files, see the chapter “Export 
    Audio Mixdown” on page 419.
    Using effects in surround configurations
    Cubase introduces a special surround format for VST 
    plug-ins, that is plug-ins that can process more than two 
    channels. Mix6to2 is an example of such a plug-in.
    Applying a surround-aware plug-in
    This is not different from applying a regular plug-in. The 
    only difference is that the plug-in panel may have controls 
    for more than two channels.
    Using a stereo plug-in in a surround configuration
    Normally, when you apply a stereo insert effect to a sur-
    round configuration, the first two speaker channels (often 
    L and R) are routed through the plug-in and other chan-
    nels are left unprocessed. 
    However, you may want to use the plug-in on other speaker 
    channels. This is described in the chapter “Audio effects” 
    on page 150. 
    In essence, automation means finding and recording, for 
    each and every moment of your project, the right values for 
    a particular mixer parameter. When you create your final 
    mix, you will not have to worry about having to adjust this 
    particular parameter control yourself – Cubase will do it 
    for you.
    Cubase provides very powerful and yet intuitive automa-
    tion of virtually every mixer and effect parameter.
    The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the 
    Cubase automation features.
    Enabling and disabling the writing 
    of automation data
    Tracks and mixer channels in Cubase can be “automation 
    enabled” by activating their automation Write (W) buttons.
    The following track types feature Write (W) and Read (R) 
    buttons in the mixer, in the Track list and in the Channel 
    Settings window: Audio, MIDI, Instrument, FX Channel 
    and Group Channel tracks. Furthermore, the control pan-
    els for all plug-in effects and VST Instruments also feature 
    Write and Read buttons.
    If you activate Write for a channel, virtually all mixer pa-
    rameters you adjust during playback for that specific 
    channel will be recorded as automation events.
    If Read is activated for a channel, all your recorded 
    mixer actions for that channel will be performed during 
    playback, just like you performed them in Write mode.
    The W and R buttons for a track in the Track list are mir-
    rors of the W and R buttons in the corresponding channel 
    strip in the mixer.ÖNote that the Read button is automatically enabled 
    when you enable the Write button. This allows Cubase to 
    read existing automation data at any time.
    You can separately deactivate Write, if you want to only read existing 
    data. There is no status Write on/Read off.
    There are also global Read and Write indicator buttons 
    (“All Automation to Read/Write Status”) in the common 
    panel of the mixer and at the top of the Track list:
    These buttons light up as soon as there is a single en-
    abled Read or Write button on any channel/track within 
    your project.
    When “All Automation to Read/Write Status” is dis-
    abled and you click on one of these buttons, all Read/
    Write buttons on all tracks/channels are enabled.
    When “All Automation to Read/Write Status” is enabled, this means that 
    at least one of the Read/Write buttons on one of the channels of your 
    project is enabled.
    When “All Automation to Read/Write Status” is enabled 
    and you click on one of these buttons, any enabled Read/
    Write buttons on the tracks/channels of your project are 
    ÖYou will also find global Read/Write buttons on the 
    Automation panel. See the section “The Read/Write but-
    tons in the Mode section” on page 193.
    Creating automation data
    Within a Cubase project, the changes in a parameter 
    value over time are reflected as curves on so-called auto-
    mation tracks. The curves are drawn in realtime while you 
    write the automation data. Most of the tracks in your pro-
    ject have automation tracks, one for each automated pa-
    ÖAutomation tracks are hidden by default. For informa-
    tion on automation track handling, see the sections “Auto-
    mation track operations” on page 196 and “Working with 
    automation curves” on page 199.
    The Write and Read buttons for a channel in the mixer 
    and for an automation track in the Track list
    The “All Automation to Read/Write Status” buttons in the 
    mixer, and in the Track list 
    There are two approaches you can use to create automa-
    tion curves:
    “Offline”, by manually drawing the curves on automation 
    tracks in the Project window.
    See “Editing automation events” on page 200.
    “Online”, by enabling the Read button and adjusting 
    parameters in the mixer or channel settings window while 
    rolling through the project in realtime. The value settings are 
    recorded and displayed as a curve on the automation track.
    In the following sections, this online writing of automation data is also re-
    ferred to as an “automation pass”.
    The methods are not different in terms of how the auto-
    mation data is applied. They only differ in the way the au-
    tomation events are created – manually drawing them or 
    recording them during automation passes. Any applied 
    automation data will be reflected in both the mixer (a fader 
    will move for example) and in a corresponding automation 
    track curve. 
    There are no hard and fast rules regarding which method 
    you should use. For example, you can create your automa-
    tion data online without ever even opening an automation 
    track. Or you can stick to drawing automation curves off-
    line. Every method has its advantages, but of course it is 
    up to you to decide what to use and when.
    Editing curves on automation tracks offers a graphical 
    overview in relation to the track contents and the time 
    This makes it easy to quickly change parameter values at specific points, 
    without having to activate playback. For example, this method gives you a 
    good overview if you have a voice-over or a dialog on one track and a 
    music bed on another track, the level of which needs to be lowered by a 
    specific amount every time the dialog occurs.
    By using write automation in the mixer you do not have 
    to manually select parameters from the Add Parameter list.
    You can work much like you would using a “real” physical mixer. Every 
    action you perform is automatically recorded on automation tracks which 
    you can later open for viewing and editing.
    The automation tracks themselves indicate the writing of 
    automation data:
    While writing automation data, the color of the automa-
    tion track in the Track list changes to red.
    The delta indicator in the automation track shows the 
    relative amount by which the new parameter setting devi-
    ates from any previously automated value.
    This is an additional visual aid when writing new automation data.
    What can be automated?
    You can automate virtually every parameter in the Cubase 
    To find out which parameters can be automated for a 
    particular track, click in the Parameter display of the auto-
    mation track to open a pop-up menu. Select “More…” to 
    open the Add Parameter dialog.
    This dialog lists all automatable parameters for a particular track type. It is 
    described in detail in the section “Assigning a parameter to an automa-
    tion track” on page 197.
    The following actions CANNOT be automated, even 
    though they are features of the Cubase mixer:
     Changing the input phase (Cubase only)
     Changing of routing settings
     Inserting a plug-in
     Moving of plug-ins to different insert slots
     Copying insert settings
     Changing the stereo panner mode
     Changing Control Room settings (Cubase only)
    The delta indicator 
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