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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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    of 641
    Scoring for drums
    Initializing the display pitches
    If you select “Init Display Notes” from the Functions pop-
    up menu in the top left corner of the Drum Map Setup dia-
    log, all display pitch values are reset, so that actual pitch 
    and display pitch are the same for each sound/note.
    Using note head pairs
    Not only can you have different drum sounds displayed 
    with different note heads, you can also display different 
    note heads for different note values:
    1.Activate the “Use Head pairs” checkbox.
    The “Head Symbol” column now shows two head symbols for each drum 
    All head symbols are arranged in pairs – by default an “empty” head 
    and a “filled” head. Just as with regular notes, the “empty” note heads 
    are used with half notes and larger note values, and the “filled” heads 
    are used with quarter notes and smaller note values.
    2.To select a head pair for a drum sound/note, click in 
    the Head symbol column to open the pop-up menu and 
    choose the new head pair.
    Customizing note head pairs
    If you do not like the default pairs of note heads, you can 
    edit these:
    1.Select Edit Head pairs from the Functions pop-up 
    2.To change a symbol in a pair, click on it and select a 
    new symbol from the pop-up menu.
    3.When you’re done, click Exit to close the dialog.
    Editing the drum map in the score
    If you activate the checkbox “Edit in Scores” in the Drum 
    Map Setup dialog, you can change the settings for the 
    score drum map directly in the score:
    Transposing a note will change the display pitch of its 
    drum sound – the actual note will not be transposed.
    Double-clicking a note allows you to make note head 
    settings for that drum sound.
    Using the “Move to Voice” function will change the 
    voice assignment of the drum sound.
    ÖThis requires that you leave the Drum Map Setup dia-
    log open – closing the dialog will automatically deactivate 
    this option, allowing you to perform normal editing.
    Head Symbol Clicking in this column opens a window in which you can 
    select a note head symbol for the sound. If “Use Head 
    Pairs” is activated in the dialog, you can select a note 
    head pair instead.
    Voice This allows you to make all notes with this pitch belong to 
    a certain voice, so that they get e.g. a common rest han-
    dling and stem direction.
    !Please note that many different drum maps can be 
    created for a project. Which one you get depends on 
    which drum map is assigned to the edited track. 
    These drum maps are totally independent of one an-
    other, i.e. each pitch can have different settings in 
    different drum maps.
    Option Description 
    Scoring for drums
    Setting up a staff for drum scoring
    1.Open the Score Settings–Staff page and select the 
    Options tab.
    2.Make sure “Use Score Drum Map” is activated.
    3.If you want a single line drum staff, activate the corres-
    ponding option (see “Using “Single Line Drum Staff”” on 
    page 612).
    4.If you want flat beams, activate the corresponding op-
    tion (see “Handling beaming” on page 545).
    5.If you want all stems to end at the same position, acti-
    vate Fixed Stems and set a length for up/down stems.
    An example of drum staff settings
    You may also want to use polyphonic voices to handle 
    rest and stem separately. 
    However, you can still activate the “Fixed Stems” option if you like. See 
    the chapter “Polyphonic voicing” on page 531 for more information 
    about polyphonic voices.
    Entering and editing notes
    This is like entering notes on a normal note system. How-
    ever, please note:
    Notes are edited using their display pitch when the 
    drum map is used. This means that when you move a note 
    vertically, you move it to another display pitch. What actual 
    pitch it gets depends on which pitch uses the display 
    pitch you now “dropped it on”.
    ÖIf the drum map contains two notes with the same 
    pitch (for example Open and Closed HiHat), you can get 
    the second note by holding [Ctrl]/[Command].
    Using “Single Line Drum Staff”
    When this option is activated on the Options tab on the 
    Score Settings–Staff page, there is only one line in the 
    system. Furthermore, notes can only appear below the 
    line, on the line and above the line.
    To decide which notes go where, proceed as follows:
    1.Open the Score Settings–Staff page and select the 
    Options tab.
    2.Activate “Use Score Drum Map” and “Single Line 
    Drum Staff”.
    3.Set up the two pitch values to decide which pitches 
    go on the line.
    Notes below this range automatically wind up below the line and notes 
    above wind up above the line.
    !When you enter and edit the pitch of notes on a sin-
    gle line drum staff, the best way is to drag the note 
    up or down while watching the mouse position box 
    on the toolbar. 
    Creating tablature 
    Creating tablature
    About this chapter
    In this chapter you will learn:
     How to create tablature, automatically and manually.
     How to control the appearance of the tablature notes.
     How to edit tablature.
    Cubase is able to produce score in tablature format. This 
    can be done automatically, by “converting” recorded MIDI 
    information. You can also create a tablature staff from 
    scratch and enter the notes “by hand”.
    Creating tablature automatically
    This assumes you have a regular score on screen already. 
    We also suggest you perform basic editing like quantizing 
    to make the score as legible as possible as regular notes 
    before converting into tablature.
    1.Make sure the notes in the score are inside the range 
    of the instrument.
    Notes with a pitch lower than the open tuning of the lowest string cannot 
    be converted.
    2.Open the Score Settings–Staff page and select the 
    Tablature tab.
    3.Activate “Tablature Mode”.
    4.Select one of the predefined instruments from the 
    pop-up menu.If you are not using one of the predefined instruments, 
    set the open tuning of each string using the value fields.
    You can create tablature for up to 12 strings. To disable a string, set it to 
    Off, the lowest value.
    5.If you want to use a capodaster, e.g. on the forth fret, 
    enter the corresponding value in the Capo field.
    The tablature changes accordingly.
    6.Make the desired settings for “No Stems/Rests” and 
    “MIDI Channel 1–6”.
    No Stems/Rests will give you a score where the notes have no stems 
    and where all the rests are hidden. The “MIDI Channel 1–6” feature is 
    described below.
    7.Click Apply.
    The tablature appears. You will get as many note lines as you have acti-
    vated strings. All the notes will now have a fret number instead of their 
    regular note heads. 
    Before and after activating tablature mode.
    8.Edit the score, if needed.
    You can make Display Quantize settings, add symbols, etc. as usual. 
    However, editing the actual notes is a bit different from regular note edit-
    ing. See below.
    Using “MIDI Channel 1–6”
    This feature will make notes automatically appear on the 
    correct string according to their MIDI channel value.
    Normally, the program automatically decides on which 
    string to display a note, by looking at the pitch and then 
    putting the note at the lowest possible string. You can 
    then either manually move a note to the correct string, or 
    use the “MIDI Channel 1–6” option to let the program 
    move the notes automatically.
    1.Many guitar synthesizers are able to transmit each string 
    on a different MIDI channel. If you have such an instrument, 
    set it up so that the high E string transmits on MIDI channel 
    1, the B string transmits on MIDI channel 2, etc.
    This feature can be used for MIDI string instruments with up to six strings.
    2.Record the project. Quantize and edit it as desired.
    !Even though we use the term “converting” in this 
    chapter, please note that tablature is a mode. You 
    can switch between regular notation and tablature at 
    any time. 
    Creating tablature
    3.Make sure the option “MIDI Channel 1–6” is activated 
    and convert the notes into tablature, as described above.
    4.The notes will automatically be placed on the right 
    For example if you played a “B” on the low E-string, it will appear as a “7” 
    on that string, not as a “2” on the A-string.
    Creating tablature manually
    To set up an empty system for inputting tablature, proceed 
    as follows:
    1.Change the clef to the tablature symbol.
    The tablature clef
    2.Open the Score Settings–Staff page and select the 
    Options tab.
    3.Set the “System Lines” to as many strings as the in-
    strument you are scoring for has.
    4.Raise the Add Space value to 1 or 2.
    You will need a little extra space between note lines to make room for the 
    numbered note heads.
    Suggested system line settings for guitar tablature
    5.On the Tablature tab, activate “Tablature Mode”.
    Tablature Mode activated.
    6.Set up whatever other parameters you need in the 
    dialog, and click Apply.
    7.Select the Insert Note tool and move the pointer over 
    the score.8.Press the mouse button and drag up and down until 
    the note appears on the desired string with the correct fret 
    number (you can also verify the pitch on the toolbar, as 
    When you drag up and down, the program automatically selects the low-
    est possible string. If you want a fret number higher than 4 on a guitar ta-
    blature, for example, you have to use “Move To String”, see below.
    Setting the correct pitch. Use the mouse position box on the toolbar as 
    an additional guide.
    9.Release the mouse button.
    The note is displayed.
    Tablature number appearance
    On the Score Settings–Project page (Text Settings sub-
    page), you will find text settings for the tablature numbers. 
    Select “Tablature” in the “Font For” pop-up menu and se-
    lect the desired font, size and style for the number note 
    Tablature can be edited like any other score. You can 
    move notes, handle beaming, stem direction, etc.
    Moving notes to another string
    If you want for example a “C” to appear as a “8” on the low 
    E-string rather than a “3” on the A-string on a guitar, pro-
    ceed as follows:
    1.Select one note or a number of notes that you want to 
    move to a new string.
    2.Right-click on one of the selected notes and, from the 
    “Move to String” submenu, select the desired string.
    The Fret number is automatically adjusted according to the tuning of the 
    instrument (as set up on the Tablature tab on the Score Settings–Staff 
    Moving notes
    Moving notes in pitch in a tablature score is working the 
    same way as entering notes manually, see above. 
    Creating tablature
    Editing on the info line
    You can change the pitch of notes on the info line as 
    usual. The string and fret number will be updated automat-
    ically in the score.
    Note head shape
    If you only want to enter a fret number for your notes (Tab-
    lature mode off), you can use the Set Note Info dialog on 
    regular notes.
    1.Double-click on the head of a note.
    The Set Note Info dialog appears.
    2.Activate the Tablature option and set a fret number in 
    the value field to the right.
    The tablature settings in the Set Note Info dialog
    3.Click Apply. 
    The score and MIDI playback 
    The score and MIDI playback
    About this chapter
    In this chapter you will learn:
     How to use the Arranger mode to have the playback follow the 
    structure of the score.
     How to use the MIDI Meaning function.
     How to use crescendo/diminuendo symbols with integrated 
    ÖYou can also play back articulations in the Score using 
    the VST Expression functionality. This is described in de-
    tail in the chapter “VST Expression” on page 372.
    Scores and the Arranger mode
    Repeats (bar lines) will appear in all layouts, as will Project 
    symbols like Segnos, Codas, Da Capo, endings, etc. To 
    have the playback in Cubase follow these directions, pro-
    ceed as follows:
    1.Add the desired repeats and Project symbols to the 
    2.Right-click the toolbar in the Score Editor and make 
    sure “Arranger” is ticked.
    This adds the Arranger buttons to the toolbar.
    3.Click the “Activate Arranger Mode” button on the tool-
    bar and start playback.
    Playback will follow the repeats and Project symbols in the score – sec-
    tions within repeat symbols will be repeated, the playback position will 
    jump to the beginning when encountering a Da Capo symbol, and so on.
    The MIDI Meaning function
    The MIDI Meaning function interprets some dynamic sym-
    bols, affecting the velocity of notes during playback.
    ÖThis is done in realtime during playback – the actual 
    notes are not affected!
    Proceed as follows:
    1.On the Score Settings–Project page, open the MIDI 
    Meaning subpage.
    As you can see, the dialog lists the dynamic symbols to 
    the left. To the right is a column, allowing you to specify in 
    which way each symbol should affect the velocity of the 
    notes as they are played back.
    2.Set up the dynamic symbols.
    If you set the fortissimo symbol (ff) to mean Velocity=150 % and insert a 
    fortissimo symbol in the score, all notes will be played back with 1.5 
    times their actual velocity, from that point in the score until the next dy-
    namic symbol.
    3.To activate MIDI Meaning, click the Active checkbox.
    4.Click Apply and close the dialog.
    Now, note symbols and dynamics will affect the notes on playback.
    ÖFor dynamic changes to take effect, the MIDI sound 
    source must respond to velocity.
    Also, note that the maximum note velocity is always 127. If all notes were 
    recorded or entered with maximum velocity, Velocity settings over 100 % 
    will not have any effect. 
    The score and MIDI playback
    Dynamic crescendo symbols
    In the Symbols Inspector – Dynamics tab, you will find a 
    special crescendo symbol:
    This allows you to enter a crescendo or diminuendo in the 
    score and have the note velocity adjusted accordingly dur-
    ing playback. The same rules apply as for MIDI Meaning:
     The actual notes are not affected – the settings affect play-
    back only.
     For the crescendo/diminuendo to be heard, the MIDI sound 
    source must respond to velocity.
     The maximum note velocity is always 127. If the notes are re-
    corded or entered with high velocity values, you may not hear 
    any difference between e.g. forte and fortissimo.
    Proceed as follows:
    1.Select the dynamic crescendo symbol and make sure 
    the Pencil tool is selected (see “Adding symbols to the 
    score” on page 559).
    2.Click where you want the crescendo or diminuendo to 
    start, drag to its end position and release the mouse button.
    By default this inserts a crescendo from piano (p) to forte (f).
    3.To adjust the dynamics at either end of the crescendo, 
    right-click to bring up a palette from which to select the 
    desired dynamic symbol.
    If you select a dynamic symbol at the start that is “louder” than the one at 
    the end, the crescendo symbol is automatically changed to a diminuendo 
    In the palette for the start symbol you will find three ad-
    ditional options: “cresc”, “dim” and “None” (no symbol is 
    If any of these is selected, the crescendo or diminuendo will start from 
    the “current dynamic”, i.e. with the level according to the previous dy-
    namics symbol in the staff.
    4.On the Score Settings–Project page, select the MIDI 
    Meaning subpage and make sure the Active checkbox is 
    The dynamic crescendo/diminuendo makes use of the MIDI Meaning 
    function and uses the velocity scaling you have set up for the dynamics 
    symbols in this dialog.
    5.Start playback.
    You should now hear the crescendo or diminuendo affect the note veloc-
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