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    of 1584
    							Call Detail Recording (CDR)
    Issue  3   March 1996
    When more than one condition a pplies to a call, the overriding code is 
    shown in Table 3-44.
    When two condition c o des ap p ly on the same call, one will override the other. 
    The matrix below, Table 3-44, defines the overrides. To illustrate how to use this 
    matrix, assume that condition codes 7 and A apply to the same call. The matrix 
    contains 12 horizontal rows (0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, E, and F) and 12 vertical 
    columns (0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, E, and F). To find the condition code that 
    overrides, look at the  point of intersection between row 7 and column A. In this 
    case, condition c o de 7 overrides. This can also b e found by looking at the point 
    where row A and column 7 intersect. E An ineffective call attempt due to facilities not being available, 
    such as all trunks are busy and either no queuing exists or the 
    q ueue is full on an outgoing call, or the called voice terminal is 
    b usy or unassigned for an incoming call attempt. This also means 
    an ISDN Call By Call Service Sele ction call was unsuccessful 
    b ecause of an administered trunk usage allocation p lan. 
    Incoming trunk calls to a busy terminal do 
    not g enerate a CDR 
    re cord .
    F Identifies an ineffective call attempt because of either insufficient 
    calling privileges of the originator (assigned per FRL), ISDN calls 
    rejected by the switch due to an NSF mismatch, or an 
    authorization mismatch which prevents the completion of a data 
    c all.
    G Indicates a call terminating to a ringing trunk.
    H Indicates that a ringing call has been abandoned.
    I Indicates a call terminated to a busy trunk.
    Table 3-43. Condition Codes — Continued  
     Condition Codes Description 
    							Feature Descriptions
    3-368Issue  3   March 1996 
    nDialed Number (up to 15 digits)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘dialed-num.’’
    This field contains the number dialed. If it is an outgoing call, the field 
    contains the numb er dialed by a system user. If it is an incoming call, the 
    field contains the extension that was dialed (or implied as in DNIS.) If more 
    than 15 digits are dialed, the least significant digits are truncated. 
    Intra-switch CDR will output this number.
    The # sign (‘‘E’’ with standard 18-word formats) may b e p rinted in this field 
    in the following cases for both ARS and TAC calls. To eliminate the # from 
    the CDR record, refer to “Remove # from CDR Record” on page 3-378.
    nWhen the user dials a feature access code that starts with a #
    nWhen the user dials # at the end of digit dialing (for example, for 
    WATS and IDDD calls)
    nIf an outgoing call experiences an interdigit timeout interaction on 
    the ARS Analysis ta ble
    Table 3-44. Condition Code Override Matrix
    0 NA 0 4 6 0 NA NA NA B C NA NA
    8 NA NA 4 6 7 NA NA 8 B C E NA
    9 NA 9 4 6 9 NA NA NA NA C E F
    							Call Detail Recording (CDR)
    Issue  3   March 1996
    nIf CDR Privacy is enabled for the calling number (this feature is 
    available on a per station basis and is administered on the ‘Station’ 
    form) and this is an outgoing call (not an incoming or intraswitch 
    call). In this case, the trailing digits of the dialed numb er is b lanked 
    in the CDR for the call. If more than 15 d igits are dialed, the dialed 
    number will first be truncated to 15 digits, then the a ppropriate 
    number of digits is blanked. The number of b lanked d igits is 
    administered system-wide on the ‘System Parameters CDR’ form.
    When a Trunk Ac cess Code (TAC) is su ccessfully dialed for a Look 
    Ahead Interflow (LAI), the CDR record at the sending end has in the 
    “Dialed Number”  field of the outg oing CDR a # or E character 
    depending on the output format.  The Unformatted and LSU formats 
    output an E and all other formats output a #. For  example:  A 
    successful LAI to < TAC>  1001 where 1001 is the remote VDN 
    extension will yield 1001E or 1001# in the “ Dialed Number”  field of 
    the CDR record.
    The ‘‘#’’ or ‘‘E’’ are used b y the vector processing software for end of 
    dialing digit.
    For an outgoing (or originating) NCA-TSC or tandem NCA-TSC, this field 
    contains the dialed digits used to establish a route to a far-end PBX. It 
    contains the extension of the local extension used as the NCA-TSC 
    endpoint when it is for a terminating NCA-TSC. For an unsuccessful 
    NCA-TSC, this field is blank.
    nDuration (four digits)
    Calls are rounded down in 6-second increments. Therefore, a call of 
    5-second duration will b e indicated as 0 duration. A call indicated as 
    9999-second duration is a special sequence that indicates calls in 
    progress during a time change made in the switch.
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘duration.’’
    All calls are timed. The timing is recorded in hours (0 through 9), minutes 
    (00 through 59), and to the nearest tenth of a minute (0 through 9).
    A ‘G3V4 Customized CDR’ form option allows the call duration to be 
    reported in hours/minutes/seconds with no truncation to tenths of minutes.
    nFRL (one digit)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘fr|.’’ 
    							Feature Descriptions
    3-370Issue  3   March 1996 
    FRLs, numbered zero through seven, are associated with the AAR and 
    ARS features and define calling privileges. The information contained in 
    this field is as follows:
    — If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is not used 
    to make the call, this field contains the originating voice terminal 
    user’s FRL.
    — If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is used to 
    make the call, this field c ontains the FRL associated with the dialed 
    authorization code.
    — If the call is an incoming or tandem call, this field contains the FRL 
    assigned to the incoming trunk group.
    — If the call is an incoming tandem tie trunk call, this field contains 
    either the FRL assigned to the tandem tie trunk or the Traveling 
    Class Mark (TCM) sent with the tandem tie trunk c all, depending on 
    which was used to comp lete the call. On ISDN calls, this field 
    always contains the TCM, if it was received.
    — The  CDR System Parameters can be administered to have 
    ‘‘Disconnect Information in Place of FRL.’’ For trunk CDR, the 
    following call disc onnect data is printed in this field in place of the 
    FRL data:
    For intraswitch CDR, if ‘‘Disconnect Information in Place of FRL’’ 
    has b een administered, the following call d isconnect data is printed 
    in this field in place of the FRL data (which is not output for 
    intraswitch CDR):
    Indeterminate refers to all conference and transfer calls or any 
    other call where it could not be determined who dropped first. Data Meaning (for calls)
    0 Don’t know who dropped first
    1 We drop ped first
    2 The CO dropped first
    3 Maintenance got the trunk
    Data Meaning (for calls)
    0 In determinate
    1 c alling number dropped first
    2 d ialed number dropped first 
    							Call Detail Recording (CDR)
    Issue  3   March 1996
    nFeature Flag (one digit)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘feat-flag’’.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    The d i git in this field indicates whether or not the switch has received 
    answer supervision from the network and whether the call was a voice or 
    data call (Data Call CDR):
    — A 4 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer 
    — A 0 in this field indicates a voice call without network answer 
    — A 5 in this field indicates a data call with network answer 
    — A 1 in this field indicates a data call without network answer 
    Answer Supervision is indicated for non interworked ISDN calls, E&M 
    trunks (digital or analog), Ground Start trunks with b attery reversal,  calls 
    placed by adjuncts over any of these trunks (for examp le, OCM), and c alls 
    that received data modem answer tone.
    The answer supervision flag is interpreted as follows:
    — For ISDN trunks, if the “Answer Supervision” field contains a 0, the 
    call interworked with non-ISDN trunks and the duration was 
    calculated but does not have the de gree of accuracy of a strictly 
    ISDN  call.  Thus, this field shows whether the call was interworked 
    or went through a strictly ISDN network.
    — If the “Answer Sup ervision”  field contains a 4 or 5, the call went 
    over a strictly ISDN network and the duration marked is accurate.
    — For non-ISDN CO, FX, and WATS trunks that have the “ Answer 
    Supervision”  field marked with a 4 or 5, and are receiving answer 
    supervision from the network, the d uration is accurate.
    — For Tie, Tandem and Access trunks that have the “ Answer 
    Supervision”  field marked with a 4 or 5, the duration can only be 
    assumed to be a c curate if the PBX in question is the ‘‘network 
    egress’’ PBX in a private network or a stand alone PBX. The 
    duration is also accurate if all of the trunks the call goes over 
    provide answer supervision.
    When the call duration is not accurate (a 0 ap p ears in the “ Answer 
    Supervision”  field), the calls have often been timed via an administered 
    timeout on a switch or from an earlier point in the call than when they 
    actually got answered, because the switch could not determine when the 
    call was answered. 
    							Feature Descriptions
    3-372Issue  3   March 1996 
    Calls are flagg e d as data calls if they use a conversion resource (such as 
    a mo dem pool) and/or originate or terminate on a data mo dule.
    With G3V4 a n d later releases, the feat-flag bit on the CDR record can be 
    administered to reflect whether an outgoing ISDN call was reported as 
    interworked by the network. Prior to G3V4 interworked calls were treated 
    as if no network answer was received. With the G3V4 option active, the 
    feat-flag indicates that the call received network answer, but that the call 
    was interworked in the network. In addition, the call duration starts at the 
    point of receiving the network answer, not when the Answer Supervision 
    Timer exp ired.
    nFormat Code (two digits)
    This field contains two values: 00 is no PPM; 03 denotes a PPM count in 
    the digits record.
    nIncoming TAC (four digits) (24-Word Records Only)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘in-trk-code.’’
    This field contains the access code of the incoming trunk group.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nINS (three digits)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘ins.’’ 
    							Call Detail Recording (CDR)
    Issue  3   March 1996
    This field specifies the INS requested for a call. This field a p plies only to 
    ISDN calls. Each Network Specific Facility is translated into an INS 
    according to Table 3-45.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nIXC Code (one d i git hexadecimal representation) (three or four digits with 
    an ISDN format)
    — Non-ISDN Formats
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, 
    G3V2, and later releases is ‘‘ixc-code.’’
    Table 3-45. Network Specific Facility to INS Mapping
    Network Specific Facility INS Value
    Network Operator 324
    Presubsc rib e d Common Carrier Operator 325
    Software Defined Network (SDN) 352
    MEGACOM 800 353
    MEGACOM 354
    INW ATS 355
    Maximum Banded WATS 356
    AT&T Long Distance Service 358
    ACCUNET Digital Service 357
    OUTW A TS  B a n d  0 33
    OUTW A TS  B a n d  1 34
          . .
          . .
          . .
    OUTW A TS  B a n d  2 55 288
    International 800 359
    Multiquest 367 
    							Feature Descriptions
    3-374Issue  3   March 1996 
    IXC codes, numbered one through 15 (1 through F hexadecimal), 
    are associated with the AAR and ARS features and depict the 
    carrier used on the call.  This information is sent to the CDR output 
    device in ASCII code as a hexadecimal representation (for 
    example, ASCII ‘‘F’’ equals ‘‘15’’).
    An IXC access number is used to access a specific common 
    carrier for a call.  In the US, this number is of the form 10XXX, 950 
    — 1XXX, or NXX — XXXX, where N is any digit 2 through 9 and X is 
    any digit 0 through 9.  The IXC access numbers applicable at a 
    given location are associated with an IXC c o de on the ‘IXC’ form.  
    When ARS is used, and a routing pattern inserts one of the 
    administered IXC codes, the associated IXC code is recorded.  If 
    no IXC access number is used, a 0 is recorded.  In this c ase, either 
    an IXC carrier is not used on the call or the c arrier is selected at the 
    CO. A one-character index (1-15 and through F hexadecimal) 
    corresponding to the administered IXC code’s index in the first 
    p a ge of the ‘IXC’ form is generated when that matching IXC code is 
    used on an ARS call. If none of the administered IXC c o des is used, 
    a zero is recorded.
    IXC codes on the first p a ge of the ‘IXC’ form can be:
    nAny numb er matching the second page of the ‘IXC’ form
    nA 7-digit number of the form 950-XX XX,  where ‘‘X’’ is any 
    d i git 0-9 or...
    nAny 8 to 11-digit number
    — ISDN Formats 
    With an ISDN record format, this field is a three or four-digit  (for 
    Enhanced) field that identifies the actual IXC used on an ISDN call.  
    This information is determined from the routing pattern 
    administration.  On AAR and ARS calls, the three-digit IXC value is 
    administered in the routing pattern for all ISDN calls.  If a user dials 
    an IXC code with a 10XXX format as administered on the ‘IXC 
    Codes’ form, the CDR device will put only the last three d i gits (four 
    for Enhanced) in the CDR record.  If a user dials a seven-digit IXC 
    code, this field will contain a zero.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nIncoming Circuit Identification (three digits)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘in-crt-id.’’
    This field contains the member number of a trunk within a trunk group 
    used for an incoming call. For outgoing calls, this field is blank. Tandem 
    calls contain both incoming and outg oing circuit id-numbers. 
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field. 
    							Call Detail Recording (CDR)
    Issue  3   March 1996
    nIncoming Ring Interval Duration (G3V4 and later releases)
    With G3V4 and later releases each trunk group can be administered so 
    that CDR will record  the ring time to answer or abandon for incoming calls 
    originated by the trunk group. In addition, CDR will record  if the incoming 
    destination is busy. This record is separate from the normal call duration 
    record printed for an answered call.
    When an incoming call originated by a trunk group with this option set is 
    terminated to an internal destination, the call is tracked from the time 
    ringing feedback is given to the originator. If the call is answered, a CDR 
    record is printed with the condition c o de “G” and the duration reflects the 
    time b etween the start of ringing and the answer of the call. If the call is 
    abandoned before being answered, a CDR record is printed with the 
    condition code “H” and the duration reflects the time between the start of 
    ringing and the time the call was abandoned. If the d estination is b usy, a 
    CDR record  is printed with the condition code “I” and a duration of 0.
    nLine Feed (one character)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘line-feed.’’
    The ASCII line feed character followed by a carriage return is used to 
    terminate CDR records.
    nMA-UUI (one digit) 
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, later 
    releases is ‘‘ma-uui.’’
    MA-UUI is shown in the field which keeps track of the number of ISDN 
    messages c ontaining user  data sent on an outg oing call.  Data in this field 
    can range from 0 to nine and is found only on 24-word  records.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nNode Number (two-digits) (24-Word Records Only)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘node-num.’’
    This field identifies the DCS node number of a switch within a DCS 
    arrangement.   The number output is the same as the node numb er on the 
    ‘Dial Plan’ form  (the  local PBX id).
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nNull (one character)  
    							Feature Descriptions
    3-376Issue  3   March 1996 
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘null.’’
    The NULL is used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in 
    triplets) when needed by the receiving adjunct.
    nOutgoing Circuit Identification (three digits)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘out-crt-id.’’
    For outgoing calls, this field contains the member number of the trunk 
    within a trunk group used.  This field is blank for incoming calls. Tandem 
    calls include  both incoming and outgoing  circuit id numbers. For outg oing 
    and tandem NCA-TSCs, this field contains the signaling group used to 
    carry the NCA-TSC.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nPacket Count (four d i gits)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
    later releases is ‘‘tsc_ct.’’
    For ISDN TSCs, this field contains the numb er of ISDN-PRI USER 
    INFOrmation messages sent, received, or (for tandem TSCs) passing 
    through the switch.
    Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
    nPeriodic Pulse Metering
    These enhancements are available with G3i-Global, G3V2, and later 
    The CDR out put interface has been modified to include three new CDR 
    record formats: Int-Direct, Int-Process, and Int-ISDN. A new International 
    24-word ISDN Expanded Record has been a d ded. The formats are 
    identical to the TELESEER CDR Unit and printer formats used in 
    International System 75 (IR1V2) and provide Periodic Pulse Metering 
    (PPM) pulse counts in  the output record . (PPM is available with 
    G3i-Global, G3V2, and later releases.)
    The field name for Customized CDR Record s is ‘‘ppm.’’ 
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